Exercise for girls
Lift for my nation and western values
Is there another step I'll take?
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for yourself
Oh shit
For your mannerbund
Truth, once you get tired of the low standards of other people and their absolute degenerate decadence you'll ignore all that civic nationalism bullshit and focus only on your own family and close friends.
>western values
Actually the expression of the European racial soul. ...and even in this canon there is a lot of jewed up shit... like democracy fetishism and lots of liberalism... and I don't mean the classical kind. Let it burn, what arises from the ashes is always greater.
>not lifting for incoming economic crisis due world debt that lead into civil wars and ww3
Total plebian my friend
So I should simply ride the tiger?
Lift for Buddha
Lift for the universe that has gifted you the wondrous machine that is your body.
Yeah go back to rebdit
critical introspection and harsh treatment of your own culture is fine if your NATION isn't on the brink of cultural collapse, Shopenwhore
I lift for myslef only
>caring about /r9k/ the philosopher
>not reading the superior Veeky Forums philosopher
Thats what you're doing unless you anhero
>Confusing love with pride
We are a social species, thus the group will always be more important than the individual.
There is nothing wrong with loving the organization and management of a group of such a large scale, which is what a nation is in essence.
Cringe reddit tier philosophy. Working with the eternal of your people in mind is important. Wanting to protect your culture and nation is important. Nationalism gives way to both conserving what other great men have built and progressing it yourself.
Lift for men
>lifting for ethnostates
>not lifting for the good of your local commune
lifting to make people respect me more as a person
> he says this while posting on Veeky Forums
cringe desu senpai
God, what a fag
That's a step below where he is now
lifting to stop being an autistic /pol/tard and lose your virginity?
yeah I've went though that before I got here. Lasted for 2-3 years.
that will only happen if you start respecting yourself more. Granted, lifting helps a lot with this but there's more to it. You have to live a dignified life to respect yourself, be productive somewhat and SPEAK THE TRUTH
I always thought lifting was gay until my swing to the right. There's a spirituality to it I didn't know existed. Goddammit I wish I started lifting earlier.
>Fedorarich Nietszche
nice meme
A man only lifts for his own ego, for everything is already his property
>Wanting to become a normie
Wow, people have low and shitty ambitions.
>not wanting to have your wife fucks another man while you watch is a spook
>That she did what she wished, and that Stirner let her do what she wished-that of course may have let her appear in the eyes of the marriage-slaves as detestable as it later did to her, but it can only make the two of them more likable to us. Every act of making up the mind for the other, for that matter, would not have fit at all into the nature of those involved, for whom "marriage" meant only a loose band that was thrown around them purely externally. And not on the "unfaithfulness" of the wife-how ridiculous!-did "this marriage perish," but simply and only under the pressure of the circumstances in which he and she unfortunately all too soon found themselves.
From "Max Stirner - His Life and His Works" By Mackay
Look man, I seriously liked the ego and its own when I was 16 year old, but as you grow up, you should put childish/adolescent things away
>some cuck wrote about Stirner's life
>not Stirner's own word
>haha egoism btfo
When will you tankies give it a rest
El que no ama su pátria no ama su madre, puto
You liberal nihilists disgust me. If you have contempt for the nation that brought you up and shaped who you are, then what does that say about you?
Your ideology is the kind that leads to a soulless, homogenised society like the EU.
We have a saying here, "cornuto e contento" it means "cuckolded and happy". It used in regard to people that when something bad happens to them, they pretend it didn't happen, like Stirner did.
Do yourself a favour and learn as much as you can from Stirner, something is very useful and really revolutionary, but then move on
another Veeky Forums pleb who's never actually read a book.
start with the will to power or thus spoke zarathustra you fucking faggot
If it wasn't for your nation and the men before you, you would be nothing but a mindless animal wandering around the forest looking for the next prey to feast on.
Non nationalists disgust me.
>another Veeky Forums pleb who's never actually read a book
>unironically following the word of an incel whose word was so weak it was adapted to Nazi propoganda
Stirner's own German-ness of not caring about things going south is his own thing. Veeky Forums's obsession with Marxist purism is masturbatory and goes nowhere. Egoism is an important toolkit with which to prevent the spread of idpol in libertarian revolutionary movements. All MLens want to do is just 1917 again because they're the same kind of idiots like the kiddies who LARP as SS Brownshirts on anime boards.
>why don't you guys lick boots like the state tells you too
>tfw intelligent enough to draw from all histories and cultures unbounded by ethnic sentimentality
yes who wants to be a functional human being
whatever makes you sleep at night
also, I was like you a few years ago. Human nature is pretty rigid. Idpol is necessary, but it doesn't work outside of biological boundaries, ergo, national socialism is literally the only thing that works
>how did they defeated germany?
by implementing extreme jingoism against germany, things that germany didn't since their purposes befor the middle of the war was only ensuring the safety of their own people. Again, this isn't a thing /pol/ says, it's literally on wikipedia and history books
Guess we found the one who's lacking individual qualities
my man
>germany was duh good guys thats why they lost
>dey only started three wars in 25 years for self defense
>claiming Nazis weren't weak
>defeated by an insane Georgian beta with an army composed of illiterate slavs and various Caucasian villagers through a tactic of constant spamming
>using olympic gold medals as a measure
>pre-modern doping tests
>muh anglo hegemony
>muh humman nature
>muh race realism
NazBols are fucking idiots but ""Nationalist Socialists"" are beyond delusional
Moron, that's not what I was talking about. If you were born alone in this world without a nation, culture and people to teach you things you wouldn't be the individual you are now but a mindless animal.
Not loving your nation and ancestry is not liking your own individuality.
>literally already past that step
They were literally attacked by poland during WW2. This is an historical fact, and it's undeniable
If you're as big and strong and as expert of martial arts as Dolph Lundrgen, and then fight against 50 people, who would win?
The only reason of Germany lost in WW2 was their kindness (historically proven on books and wikipedia, they spared their enemies almost every fucking time, even releasing the fucking UK fleet) and the ritardness of Italians and Japanese, and I say this as an Italian. Italy is the reason the axis lost WW2
Protip: if, when you propose to your girl, she looks at the ring instead of at you, it means she's a gold digging whore and you should drop that hoe.
FUCK ME boys
Never drinking every again
What do?
You can't back down now
Do it
she doesn't really seem to excited when she got the text
I think I'm just going to say I got drunk talked about her with my friends and they messaged her on my Facebook - I don't need the reputation of a "your skin is nice" rapist serial killer
This is true
It’s the same reason that weak men want a nannystate
Left wing cucks want socialism (marxist)
Right wing losers want socialism (national)
Strong and intelligent men want freedom as they can rise above and take care of their own without a Daddy figure in the white house
>implying you cant see the faults in your nation and its actions and take it upon yourself to try and better your nation
I do disagree with you though.
Holy shit you're so fucking delusional. That bitch doesn't care what the hell you do. You don't have to justify your behaviour to anyone, especially not 'ginas. Just be confident bro
Thanks nigger that's what I wanted to hear.
What a shitty quote. If you weren't so pretentious and up-yourself you'd see exactly what a terrible worldview this individual is advocating for.
It's a great quote, that only triggeres autistic fuking goons that have absolutely nothing going on in their lives and nothing to show of value out of decades of their lives wasted.
>western values
holy shit what an empty expression lmfao
does Marxism fall into western values?
the Enlightenment ideas?
the three estates concept?
dumb frogposter
Frog posters should be banned
>It's a great quote
It's not.
If you take that quote literally and embolden it as your worldview then you need to distance yourself from anything that you have no control over, never achieved personally as an individual and therefore cannot have any pride associated with.
For example. You may never follow a sports team ever again. Why? Because unless you work in the management of that team then any "pride" you have for is merely a reflection of your own shortcomings in life.
Family heirlooms? Thrown them out. You may not have any pride for them because they're something YOU achieved as an individual.
Etc etc etc...
Denying yourself the right to feel pride, or totally pure emotional investment into something is almost denying your own humanity.
for real though how can you argue that Anglos aren't the best? Compare them to say, a shit tier nation like the Portuguese or other Southern Europe non-white Countries
>being a spooked tribalist is above being an enlightened egoist
>host nation wins more medals than usual
Yes, it happens often, and has to do with them hosting the anti-doping system.
Basically the nation hosting is on more steroids, since they can get away with it at home.
the portuguese were selling cannons in Japan before the UK existed, latin peoples united europe, the greeks laid the foundation on which western culture was built. The only way anglos top them is they peaked more recently, everyone will forget about the british empire once China claws their way back on top.
>the portuguese were selling cannons in Japan before the UK existed
wtf lmao
Japan doesn't give a fuck about the Portuguese, there are no Portuguese characters or influence in Japan
>Latin People united Europe
The ROMAN EMPIRE unite PART of Europe
>The only way anglos top them
Created cars, the internet, computers, factories, trains, football, discovered cells, pioneered physics, created more art and music than anyone else, created the global language, had the largest empire...
Anglos are simply the best
>steroids in 1936
>in the last olympics nobody used steroids
Yeah the parts that mattered.
Stupid posts. Same person?
>implying they started WW1
>implying Poland wasn't the antagonist in WW2
There is a difference between western values and American values. They are not one in the same my friend. Americans are filthy trash that hold on to shit values.
Pride in the human race and is a completely different concept than "National Pride" which has nothing to do with the advancement of human kind on a whole.
lol it's like you don't even know what being a nationalist means.
just realized Germany is missing from the map.
Yes, because Africa is so developed and I'm such a fan of Muslim philosophy, they have both had an influence on my life. No.
What makes me an individual is western philosophy, literature and values, not something from other continents and cultures. This is why I want to conserve Europe as it was and have it not turn into another Muslim world.
Then start reproducing and encourage many other Whites to reproduce. You're losing the war because of sheer numbers.
Are you the fatass on the left? Realised lifting for girls won't work?
But user you are literally retarded if you think Muslims are the threat to traditional European "values" whatever you mean by this. Most European normies give zero shits about anything of the sort.
No I'm not fat or really built for that matter, I have an athletic body.
and I would add that the ones that think they do usually have some fedora tier fantasy romanticism in their mind, not something that has ever had anything to do with actual historical Europe. like these guys.
I don't believe that Muslims are the main threat, I was just putting up an example of a replacement.
I don't want Europe to become something else, I lived in Sweden in the early 2000's and felt part of a safe, hard working and beautiful community. I went there this summer again and felt like I was in America, the spirit of Sweden had died. So few valued traditionalism and the population was so uncomfortably diverse.
I don't know where you were, I could imagine this in Stockholm but I doubt it changed that much in the North. Europe is changing, the direction isn't my favourite either, but the political stance of nationalism doesn't look like a solution to this.
You faggots do realize nationalism is the basis of soviet communism, right?
I was in Göteborg, I find the value of nationalism important and would like an act in law that doesn't allow the ethnic population of a nation to fall under a certain percentage like ~80%. Every race should be allowed to have a continent where they are in the majority, I find this especially important for Europeans because compared to the world we are a minority and in just a few years people with European ancestry will likely be a minority in America. The population rules a nation and when western people who built that country are not the majority of a western place it will become something else, worse for them.
Oh yeah
>thicc & traps in same column
wtf am i reading
If you actually knew anything about Marcus Aurelius you wouldn't have made such a stupid post.
Nationalism is a meme that needs to die already and be replaced by more meaningful values. If we are truly unable to reject tribalism, then at least make the aliens the "other".
kek brilliant
Read SIEGE and begin lifting for violent revolution.
>lift for western values
>literally every society has made a cult of physical strength, it being a present concept through all parts of the world
What did he mean by this?
if only it was so simple user, i truly wish..
And yet the fuckers are literally the most powerful and advanced civilization that has ever existed on the face of the Earth.
Really makes you think.
Well you shouldn't follow a sports team ever again, and that's one of the reasons. Most of all, it's probably the biggest waste of time you can have. Bread and circuses you are being sedated with.
Americans are the most hedonistic and destructive state to have ever existed on the face of the Earth. The Weimar Republic looks upon the US with envy that they could not achieve such levels of depravity in it's lifespan.
Having "power", which in this case merely means influence over other nations and the ability to subject them to your rulings under threat of physical conflict, is an awful thing for this most evil state. It is a powerful puppet used to enforce the degeneration of modernity on every last nation, quelling rebellion to the rot with physical intervention, sending young men to execute foreigners trying to control their own country.
American deserves a fucking nuke in every major city.