No owg?
Anyone willing to criticse my clean form?
Other urls found in this thread:
finish your pull. your hips, knees and ankles need to be extended
I can clean 240 1RM and 225/230 on a normal day.
You're catching the bar WAY too high because the weight isn't heavy enough to make you pull it the right way.
It's fine now since you're just muscling iut up, but once you try to go up in weight you will feel weak.
Try to catch the bar in the true bottom position even during warm-ups/ lower weight.
how to train for getting downside the bar?
I can powerclean more than I can full-clean, because the lower catching position is so difficult to me
Any source?
I lift at home
Different user here, can you guys check my Power Clean?
My problem is this; from the SS book:
>if you don't feel the bar on your thighs when you clean, it is wrong.
And I don’t...
I posted a similar vid in /plg/ and someone said I was doing a muscle clean and that I will stall quickly.
Some insight is appreciated.
Rate this template guys.
Done SS/TM, going to switch to full oly lifting over the next 3 months. Starting with this 4 week cycle. Not periodizing the oly lifts yet as this will be twice the frequency of what I did on starting strength and texas method.
Considering replacing the press with the push press.
Stats: 109kg/194cm, 140kg bench, 216kg squat, 235kg deadlift, 130kg clean, and 90kg snatch.
pls be kg
I'm no pro, but have a look at this
thx user checking it right now
watch the vid in slow-mo and compare it with the OP-image.
-your back starts to rise too early. Till the bar is on your knees, the back angle doesn't change.
-Arms pull too early, back not on proper position when you initiate second pull. you hafta keep straight arms till you get the contact with the thigh.
^^you don't get full power from your hips
Focus on proper positions in the first pull. Do some paused clean pulls for now:
>Considering replacing the press with the push press.
better replace the bench with the push press
also where are your jerk workouts
B-b-but I want an aesthetic chest.
>also where are your jerk workouts
I'll add them in the next training cycle.
Hey, thanks for the reply.
Just one more question, and I may be being paranoid. I have a wingspan of 183cm (6’) at a height of 178cm (5’10’’).
There’s no way that would anyhow prevent me from cleaning correctly, right, it’s strictly a technique issue coming from the head?
>Just one more question, and I may be being paranoid. I have a wingspan of 183cm (6’) at a height of 178cm (5’10’’).
>There’s no way that would anyhow prevent me from cleaning correctly, right, it’s strictly a technique issue coming from the head
No, it shouldn't have any notable effect. You probably have a tight upper back, lower back, tight legs and glutes.
You're not extending any at all, you're more or less just deadlifting, shrugging, and front squatting the barbell. It should all be one fluid movement with full triple extension.
You should have way more volume for the Oly lifts. "Light" day (I'm guessing ~77-83% intensity) should be 10-12x1 with short rest or 5-6x2.
That's also waaay more bench than you need to do. Probably a good idea to replace the heavier bench sets with 3x3 rack jerks.
5 snatches and 5 clean and jerks twice a week is nowhere near enough volume. Follow something like this. Keep benching if you want, but you absolutely should be push pressing.
Since BWG is down ill post this here.
OHP 3x5
weighted chin-up 3x5
Planche press 2x10
snatch press 2x10
db fl row 2x10
RTO dips
Weighted chin-up
bench press 2x10
pull-up 2x10
OHP 3x5
OAC 3x2 3x3 3x4
db planche 2x10
db fl row 2x10
RTO dips
fl row 3x3 3x4 3x5
bench press 2x10
pull-up 2x10
>no squats
typical bodyweight fags
How do oly lifters arrange their hyperthrophy phases?
do all the things that
said. To add to that, what will help you is to actually slow down your first pull. What you're doing right now is starting at high momentum from the ground and using that to get the bar moving fast to not need a good second/third pull. If you practice hang cleans this will prevent you from using the initial momentum of the first pull as a crutch and force you to properly use triple extension to pop the bar up.
Basically separate the lift into two sections, and only practice them separately. Until you've gotten them down packed in muscle memory probably after about 2 weeks then combine the 2.
You may be thinking to yourself isn't a fast initial pull good? This is not true at all, you want the first pull to be a good medium speed to get into every position correctly. Not only that, once the weight starts to get heavy you will not be able to pull quickly from the floor so all of your power will come from the second pull with proper triple extension timing.
>no lower body
>no core
have fun looking shitty without a shirt
I guess can replace the bench with push presses, and add 3x12 or whatever db flyes or whatever for aesthetics.
Low bar squats and deadlifts alternating on days. Powerclean before each ohp set. Also ghr, sls, box Maltese raises, front lever raises, reverse hypers, weighted decline sit-ups.
>low bar
Would you say what I’m cheating the movement? I ask because tomorrow is Power Clean day and I was going to attempt 75kg; should I deload or practice getting it correctly with my current ‘working’ weight?
According to the SS book, Bench press should have higher numbers than PC’s for newfags, so it’s expected to be unable to keep them parallel as I’ve done so far.
Your main goal when starting oly lifting is to work on technique and during that work on strength in other ways with squats/cleanpulls. Oly lifts should not be your volume training because you are just teaching yourself bad habits. By working on power cleans you are teaching your body a specific movement and are going to have to break bad habits when it comes down to a proper clean. Don't worry about numbers while working on technique. You should only be using a oly lifting regimen once you have the basic movement down properly. You don't need to be perfect to start a program with oly lifts and volume, but you are still not at the point of a decent fundamental muscle memory for a popper clean. So yeah, I'd change the current program you're doing, it will only help you in the long run.
So basically find a workout routine that works on your squat the most while doing technique work with progressively higher weight while you refine your technique. Doing hang cleans is one of the best ways to teach you technique because you pretty much have to do a proper triple extension to actually pop the bar up high enough and get under it with a decent amount of weight. Work on your fist pull also to keep yourself in a good position to reach the second pull. Remember, medium speed for the first pull, even if it's pretty light.
Im not owg, so why would i do high bar over low bar?
Then why the fuck are you commenting in an Olympic weightlifting post?
Just pitching in that in the webm you posted the lifter is not an example of perfect form, he is clearly pulling a tiny bit with his arms.
Some people do that, it's on purpose. No one knows what absolute perfect form is and there are a lot of people that pull the bar in with their arms. People argue that it gives you a higher leverage point. I dunno for sure I've never done it but it obviously doesn't bottleneck these people's cleans at all so I'd just say it's a style preference.
user, I’m not doing an oly program, I’m doing Starting Strength, which is basically the Big 4 + Power Cleans.
I did practice the technique during Phase 1 (which is just the big 4), and thought I had it sorted before the momentum-reverse-curling issues appeared above 1pl8.
I could sub in Pendlay Rows for volume while I un-learn and re-learn the 3 parts as you said, but I think I’ll stick with this program (I don’t think you’ll still recommend changing after I told you it’s SS anyway)
Appreciate the feedback.
wtf lol i did around 20 snatches just tonight alone lol
Ok, then disregard that part lol if you're only doing power cleans then what you're doing is fine. Still practice hang power cleans since that will get rid of your early arm pull by forcing you to do the proper lift once weight starts getting heavy. Lifting quickly from the ground is also fine for power cleans since the weight will be lighter, just work on your first pull movement.