Giving birth to a chad's baby doesn't guarantee the baby will be a chad.
>have a chad father 6'0 ft
>have a chad 6'2 ft
>be a 5'9 feminine twink
Giving birth to a chad's baby doesn't guarantee the baby will be a chad.
>have a chad father 6'0 ft
>have a chad 6'2 ft
>be a 5'9 feminine twink
Post boipussy
>tfw son of a chad and a roasty
>tfw skinny lanklet
Luck wasnt on my side with this one
>>be a 5'9 feminine twink
so you still got god tier genes? nice
>god tier genes
You kidding?
Beta men dont reproduce BUT BETA WOMEN DO
>TFW chad father had kids with a scrawny anemic women with a family history of diabetes, baldness and overall shit tier genes
REEEEE fuck you dad
he fell for the love meme
No, the Chad dad got a pretty good deal - an obedient cock sleeve bitch who is his personal exclusive cum vat. The betafag son is his own person, and therefore not Chad's problem.
It's not Chad falling for the love meme, it's the beta falling for the being born meme.
couldnt chad get a stacy?
Everyone in this board reminds me of that faggot blonde kid from the inbetweeners
>skinny lanklet
just bulk and become a thicc tall chad
Chad singlemoms the Stacey. Only beta virgin Brians love Staceys
you might have chad genes you just need to eat more before it's too late
this makes no sense , If I was a chad I would try to get the wife with the best genes and breed many babies with her
Most chads hate having kids. They prefer their unwanted kids aborted rather than born, lol
Post pic of your dad and you.
>Worries about raising the best children
And that's why you're either a Lucy or a Brian, but definitely neither a Chad nor a Stacey. Chad wants to fuck everything that moves, not be concerned with the consequences. Stacey wants to get Chad's seed but use Brian's resources to raise Chad's kid. (For reference, Brian and Lucy want to find each other and will have 1.5 kids together if successful, or become crazy cat ladies / sissy nu-males if unsuccessful).
If you're a Brian, you better hope your Lucy hasn't become Chad's property. And if you're a Lucy, you better hope your Brian hasn't been sissified into Stacey's beta nu-male provider
Is that a young Iskander?
I swear Type Moon is making me gay faster than Veeky Forums does
God damn, do I hate this fucking board.
>genuine autism: the post
No they fought every day my entire childhood. Cops called dozens of times, 5 domestic violence charges between them and finally a seperation
>dad 5'6
>mom 5'3
>i'm 5'9
still a manlet but it could be worse
If you faggots only knew
>tfw I fell for the being born meme
why even live?
This is one of the most autistic threads I've ever read
Enlighten us then, user.
How do I find out my gfs dads dick size? I want my son to not have my dicklet genetics
How the fuck am I 6'1 and my pops is 5'6. He's strong as shit though. Plus, put the beer down for gains, And keeping hottie girl friends.
This my first time here and this made perfect sense to me
Can confirm.
Grandfather was 6'2"
Dad was 5'10"
I'm 5'9"...
I got fucked worst, my grand father was 6'4, my father is 5'10 and I am 5'8, but I have to admit it is mostly my fault since in my teens became a hardcore picky eater, I even went up to 2 days without eating until my mother finally made something I liked, both my parents were athletic so no takeout ever, looking back I should have take advantage of such a healthy family and good genes but whatever
>Mfw same
Like I don't care about the bald thing because I've actually got a nicely shaped head and jawline so I can pull it off (used to buzzcut anyway). But dads 6'2 his brothers are 6'4 and 6'5 meanwhile my mother is 5'3 and so I have averaged out at 5'11. The diabetes is also not a problem since it's just another good reason not to eat like shit or get fat. But the height man, the height.
Offer him a blowjob.
>tfw son of a 5’9” numale
>became a chad like my grandfather
Luck was on my side on this one
Your son will be a dicklet anyway, cause sons always have the same size as their fathers. If your son has a bigger or smaller cock than yours, you most probably were cucked, lol.
>tfw born a 6' 2/3/3.5/6 Chad from a beta manlet and a hambeast
Did I win the genetic lottery?
t. phd in biology
fucking idiot
holy fuck, this is genuine autism in its purest form
>inb4 I was only pretending to be a sperg
>posts on Veeky Forums
with a bench and squat so shitty compared to the other 2 no
HiIt's truth though. My cock is almost 100% identical those of my Chad father and Chad brother (he was born by my father's first wife).
t. OP