Told myself id start my 1200 cal diet on friday

>told myself id start my 1200 cal diet on friday
>ate 4500 calories the next day

you will remain a fatass and you will deserve it

Why not just lower 500-1000 calories.

Btw juice it, shit helps you feel full and shit like crazy.

Just get a wife and have her customize meals for you and hold you accountable.

Easier and more encouraging in a team.

I wouldn't be trying to lose weight if I could land women

Classic calorie restricter

jesus christ just get on ec stack you fat retards, take cayenne pepper for vasodilation if you think your lard wrapped heart is gonna give out

Literally how, I can barely break 300


I hate 5000 kcals 2 days in a row.

gotta confuse the mind and body

>Supposed to be one cheat day
>End up eating 10k calories

>cheat day turns into cheat week

my girlfriend and I have a system where if either of us put on too much weight, we will burn the other person at least once a day until the weight is lost. And I literally mean burn, usually with a coat hanger heated with a lighter or a cigarette. we never know when it will be coming either, it could be as I'm falling asleep, it could be when she's on the computer, etc. I've been woken up by a red-hot coat hanger being pressed onto my chest. she doesn't like to eat, but I do, so it happens considerably more often to me than to her. it's very terrifying, you never know when your flesh is about to be seared, and it's the best motivator I've found for losing weight, I'm at my proper weight right no thank god, but I have so many burn scars on my neck, back and chest that people have asked if I was abused as a kid. she has a couple on her waist.

I don't like it, but it works

>Did stick to 1700 kcal diet for 38 days and still going strong

feels good man

Right behind you man same Cals day 14. We all gonna make it

>Try to eat over 2000 calories in one day
>End up throwing up
>Lose gains and motivation

140lbs forever I guess


lets go man!

Please tell me what you ate that's 4500 cal. I'm bulking and I can't eat 3k cals for the life of me

maybe get a woman around your size to motivate you. I don't know how but when I was obese I landed a norrmal sized gf and she's the only reason I lost weight. I fuckin miss her


Its pretty easy if you eat trash. A single honey bun is like 500 cal and one can easily eat 4 and still feel hungry.

Im not fat but i binge eat like a fatty from time to time and im sure ive had 5000cal days.

How much in a large pack of oreos? Or a half gallon fudge brownie ice cream? I can easily eat those as a snack

>Be self loathing fattie
>Come to fit
>See all the stuff about calories etc
>You can eat smaller amounts of food while at the same time it's filling
It was like secret forbidden wisdom was parted onto me

Supplement with milk CMON. If you don't do dairy then eat peanut butter by the tablespoon.

I'm not OP, but I have an idea, it might not be that healthy though

Breakfast - total english breakfast, 2-3 fried eggs, can of beans, sausages, bacon, toast with butter, some tomato - there is your 1000-1200 cal
In between meals - chiken salad sandwiches
Lunch - huge bowl of some good soup with meat, potato and vegetables, a plate of buckwheat with meat and gravy, apple pie - about 2000 cal
In between - yogurt, fruits, meat sandwiches
Dinner - tender roast meat with mashed potato and gravy
In the evening - few slices of cheese, fruit juice. Also drink fruit juice throughout the day.

Also you can look up russian olivier salad, it has a mix of carbs from potatoes and vegetables and fat and protein from meat and mayo, if you like the taste you can just eat it whenever you feel bored and just browsing 4chin.

not good enough for this year's comic, but at least you tried right?

>told myself I'd start my 1100 kcal diet tomorrow
>continued to do so for seven months in a row
>mfw seeing other fatties constantly fail when literally all you have to do is eat less

Am I the only guy on here who's fat because of lack of knowledge, not bad habits?

Adderall and/or coffee = no appetite = weight loss.

No, but seriously, look in to intermittent fasting, it will save your life. Mix IF with black coffee and you're good to go.

>tfw i told myself i will hit a 3k cal diet today
>eat 1k only
>tfw poor and lazy and will be a skinnylet for the rest of my life

>Going that low of a deficit when your maintanence is more than 3x that
This is why fatties say dieting is hard they have no idea what theyre doing. Btw going That low of a deficit is worse for your health than eating at maintenance

i fucking hate fat people.
waste of breath and space.
kill yourself now and do the world a favor.