Have i made it?
187cm, 84kg.
Show me your progress.
Have i made it?
187cm, 84kg.
Show me your progress.
The last pic is kinda cheat, most physiques look better when body is bent like that.
Noted. Will take a better picture when i update this image.
First bulk
What time span is that?
i never understood why some do this, myself included
getting down to this is a bitch and its useless more than selfindulging
if you count your macros right and stay above the bmr without overstretching those numbers you will make those gains aswell.
whats the point of dilating your skin like that.
*from not to.
I'm an ex skelly. Dropping weight is easy, I try to err on the side of over doing the bulk.
I definitely should have stopped sooner but I was obsessed with hitting 200 lbs.
Way too long; 3 years - Not impressive, I know. The last 6 months I've been dieting like a mofo, and stopped doing oly lifting and doing push-pull-legs for aestetics. Works wonders.
i went from 200 to 265
never again, dont recommend either.
230-180 5'9"
Nice. Timeframe?
It's been over 3 years now but I've been as light as 160 and as high as 200 between these times
Good job
My nigga
Great work dude! Face gains too
Nice mayne
Pic is 7 month recomp, still fat edition
Keep cutting bro, nice chest no homo
you should post this in the /fat/ general thread give those fat fucks some hope.
I like what I see.
This cut seems to be working.
This was over the course of about 5 months or so. I'm still fat as fuck and want to get skinnier but I have plateaued even though I'm eating about 800 calories under Tdee every day. Plus, the trex mode you get from developing your legs while being fat is real.
you look good guys, keep it coming
i'm still at fat% don't bother
Eh, going on a clean bulk. Chest still lacking but I'm working on it
Nice progress! How fast did you do your cutting?
Everyday is arm and delt day.
been doing hardcore bodybuilding stye workouts for about 2 years now, dont have a before pic, but I got a CB
90% of my arms are my tricep. Guys at the gym are always saying that my triceps are disgustingly big
Actually ~66% of your arms are your triceps.
>Hardcore bodybuilding style
Smh the state of Natty lifting
>starting to get fat on bulk
I wanna die.
ew ur face tho
he'd be alright if he cut, right now he looks like an SS victim
Making it?
> timestamp makes no sense
You need more size, you kinda looked better in the pic just before skelly. Get more muscles, increase volume and do a bulk.
You are going to make it soon OP
You look like shit honestly, maybe bulk and start lifting?
>natty brosplit
You are a fucking retard mah dude
what happened between the 3rd an d 4th pic, OP?
Disregard that other gearhead, you look delish. Ottermode achieved
Cool.. I've planned to hit 10% bf, then slow bulk...
youre my height
im 87kg rn
tfw not gonna make it
What's the point? to look more dyel/skelly? Do a bulk now
>incline bench
>close grip dumbell bench
>decline bench
>isolation for lower,upper and inner chest
Do these ASAP
i do weighted dips flat and decline bench.
Got a little bit of muscle under my gyno but not a whole lot. Im losing fat rn so should get better. Also my posture could be better.
Imma start weighted dip bulgarian cycle now, gonna net some gains.
young Latina from work complimented my gains on chest and vtaper im getting on last work party so there is some progress, still need plenty of time, lifting for 1 year
15kg to go user you will make it
I'd say 12kg
A bit more up to date. Been a few weeks, I'm at 93.5kg right now.
Current physique. With clothes on I'm looking pretty decent, gut isn't too prominent and you can't see the excess fat I still have.
Thanks fellas, I'm getting there slowly, been progressing on the barbell lifts lately and needing less and less assistance on chin ups.
Tren and lots of it.
cmon abs reee
I've been fat all my life. Now I wanna go lean just once, before I bulk up again.
It's a mental thing I guess.
I ate two whole papa johnd pizzas by myself over the weekend, along with some chicken wings and I feel it crawling through my gut as one solid lump. It's occupying do much space that I pinched a nerve in my back and I'm having a hard time breathing.
you look better in first pic lmfao
Congrats on the newly acquired body dysmorphia
nice FRAME bro
12 to 22 in 3 years
pls no bully I don't want to be a trap anymore
nah user you're looking joocy you just need way more chest and bi/tri work.
Mirin those fucking delts tho.
I do flat bench, dips and incline. I don't know what else to add without going crazy for chest.
Bis I do BB curls and DB curls. My arms just won't grow.
Fuck tris.
Yeah I'm having the same issues senpai, long biceps right? hard as fuck to grow.
Triceps make your arms look yuge senpai, don't disregard them. Try adding some cable flies, they isolate the chest even better than dips IIRC. You just need to be super strict on form.
>My arms just won't grow.
>Fuck tris.
There's your problem dumbass
Sick man!
You gonna look great!
Tfw arm is bigger than core.
Nice man, keep it up!
keep on buliding
What about tris?
>tfw I only do OHP for delts and it's by far the weakest lift proportionately yet my delts keep exploding
>he only does delts and his delts keep exploding
>do every fucking delt lift under the sun and nothing happens
R E E E. I'm still cutting though so we'll see what happens when I get on a bulk.
Do standing Tricep Press, that one where you hold a dumbell in both palms above your head and press it up, Skull crushers and tri pushdowns, that's what I do and my triceps seem to be getting bigger even while on a cut.
Cheers. I'm just concerned about the length of my workouts. Since I do OHP, Bench and Squats all on the same day and the accessories to boot. Adding in tricep work is going to be pushing 2 hours easy.
I basically do a brosplit. OHP./Squat's and shoulder/core/quad work one day, bench/deadlift and tricep,chest and bicep work the next.
Only lifts I keep for each session is chinups and curls, mostly because I like the pump from curls and chinups are a decent confidence boost.
>Since I do OHP, Bench and Squats all on the same day and the accessories to boot.
Why are you doing three compounds on the same day if you're doing accessories. Get a new routine, you're gonna be tiring yourself out so quickly that the rest of your exercises will be dog shit. Splitting three muscle groups into one day just means you work them all to a mediocre level, rather than two to a decent level or one to a good level.
I'm doing a modified SL into a dogshit Push/Pull.
I just don't feel advanced enough to move to isolating muscle groups any further.
My lifts are mediocre as fuck.
155 Squat
110 Bench
65 OHP
175 DL
All 5x5.
man i remember your first progress pic from ages ago, good to see you're still improving
listen to this user
T-Those are KG, right user?
They're mediocre as fuck because of the reason I just said. I'm about the same size as you and I have bigger lifts for all those except for 8-12 reps. You won't be lifting big on the bench or OHP if you tire yourself out on squats first and vice versa. I know it seems like a good idea but compounds are your most important, but draining exercises. You need full strength to get the most out of them. Seriously, try for just a week of isolating your muscles and give them all a full workout instead of halfassing three at a time. Splits can be good but what you're doing now is depriving yourself of your own gains by tiring yourself out. Guarantee you'll see considerable strength/aesthetic gains if you drop your splits to two muscle groups, or just do isolated muscles altogether.
So, you're recommending a brosplit?
I'll have to do some research on new exercises in the next few weeks.
That's okay my squat's only at 176.
Squat 175
bench 155
ohp 80
DL 220
Keep going dude, you'll make it! I'm not progressing much because a stupid big cut of 1000 deficit and eating garbage and not sticking to my macros, but if you half ass it like me your lifts can become as average as mine too!
Made a little collage. 160-175-210-~185. April till today ! 3 main lifts I do went 155x5 bench - 225x7. Ohp 95x5 - 175x5 row 185x5 - 245x5 . Been hitting the gym hard 6 days a week
Forgot the pic
>yuge lats
>zero pecs
Have I stumbled on the Veeky Forums meme physique in the flesh?
That pose makes everyones pecs look nonexistant.
How the fuck would squatting fuck your bench up? Nigga the amount of anabolic hormonal profile you get from doing squats is enough to justify doing it always first. I found that squatting is enough of a warmup that I have no problem smashing PRs right after them. It's more of a psychological block if you think squats interfere with your bench. Just warm up up to your working sets on the bench and you'll perform even better after you properly activated your sympathetic nervous system, given all that (nor)adrenaline released between your nerves.
Are you telling me that doing squats every workout isn't a meme.
I do 2x squats a week, but when I was on 5x5 I did them every workout. I found that I performed better on squats when I included them in every session. Think of it this way. You have deadlifts and squats. Both of these exercises push your current bodily limits to their fullest. When that happens, your endocrinological system has to adapt and release cortisol (albeit in a lower dose than you'd expect when in comparison to runnig) and testoreone. Which would you perform two to three times a week, with varying weights, obviously always pushing for at least 70% of your training max?
It looks like you even worked out your nipples, they look way stronger.
Ya'll suffers from body dismorphia..
barely any of you cunts have made it in anyways
I have better progress and aesthetic than most of you, and I'm considered DYEL-mode
Get gud, scrubs
i was doing dips at first with 30kg assistance, now i do weighted dips with 30kg added my dude
work hard and dont injure yourself.
and now for "the fuck are those proportions nigger" pic
started at 80kg assist to do 5 chinups, now I can do 8-10 chinups with 25kg assist and I can do 5 negatives without just dropping straight down, gotta get progress somehow right?
Where's your butt? Why is there an ironing board in your boxers?
muh genetics
my father had exactly same frame, rest his soul
i deadlift above 4pl8, yet i only feel it in my hamstrings, barely glutes.
Same goes for RDLs and hip thrusts.
I actually need to fix this shit because im sure im leaving some oerformance on the table. And for back health / safety.
yeah of course
What i learned tho, at least for me doing heavy(for my strength levels) singles with slowwwww negative net me best strength gains
Nice but please stop making this faggot face
Yeah it's hard to, It's basically the only face I think I look good with when I take my photo, desu.
Thanks... Well... I've set a goal, and I'm not stopping before I reach it. Then I'll set a new one.
google Clearance Kennedy, maybe watch his videos with Jujimufu. That's a dude who squats every day
Wow. Really nice.