>5'8" >develop a nice body because of Veeky Forums >get a nice wardrobe (not thanks to Veeky Forums) >study on how to be charming and charismatic
>end up dominating social situations naturally and make friends easily and even outshine tall guys (who in comparison appear really boring) >later find out that really tall guys hate my guts because "he's short, so it shouldn't be this way"
Is this normal? Do really tall people just use their height as a crutch for a lack of personality?
Robert Hill
Most people are very boring but tall guys can mask it by being tall. When you break that illusion, you break their confidence deep down
Jose Clark
I don't believe you but in the off chance that's true: what do for social gainz? I don't even want to fuck a girl I just can't fucking hold a conversation to save my life, be it with a guy or a girl. It's like I'm not fucking interested in what they have to say and I'm not thinking about anything while they're speaking. I also get overly serious and nervous at the same time. My whole being becomes geared toward getting the fuck out of the situation without getting laughed out the room. This blows.
Tyler Phillips
Nice blog post, buddy.
Andrew Clark
Smile, nod, and repeat whatever the fuck they asked you.
Isaac Stewart
have a genuine reason to be confident. I've noticed a lot of people carry around fake confidence.
Learn to do MMA, educate yourself, become a great artist or musician, etc. Actually become somebody with a personality.
When you are happy with yourself, you'll feel naturally confident and come across as genuine, never tryhard.
After that, everything flows naturally.
Dominic Cox
>people ask me things
Horrible assumption. Some girl at my work basically just laugh AT me every time I speak, probably because I look so embarrassed, which I am. I mean, this shit is hilarious but also not really.
I do love non advice.
>you just, like, have to become successful
Well shit thank you son that'll definitely change my plan of purposefully being a fucking failure. That's as useful as telling someone "just like don't be depressed / stressed out".
Don't worry about it I'm an asshole.
Jace Ward
As a guy, your entire purpose is to be successful or die alone or in a relationship you got in with trash because you were afraid of dying alone.
Evan Clark
This He's right though, getting good at things makes you generally more confident in yourself and your abilities including social ability.
Jayden Lopez
Logan King
No, I get it, but don't you guys see how inane the statement is? Who the fuck goes around trying to be *bad* at things?
>Guy 1: Man I have real trouble with social interactions. >Guy 2: Have you tried, like, being good at stuff? >Guy 1: Nigga word? You have to be GOOD at things? Not BAD at them?
Has this conversation ever occurred? Will it ever?
Ian Scott
>5'8" >dominating social situations don't make me laugh pipsqueak
Anthony Young
Colton Reyes
Liam Gutierrez
William Gonzalez
Seems like you tense up and worry to much about how you appear and how you have to act. Aslong as you're focused on that you will never be able to focus and enjoy a conversation. Dont be ashamed for who you are. Relax and try to focus on the conversation and things to say will come naturally. There is no reason to be insecure when talking to someone, just think about it. Do you really mind or mock someone who comes say hi to you? Or do you like that they came to say hello and noticed you.
Justin Butler
Lol'd because it's true and there's nothing OP can do about it
John Watson
T. 6ft manlet
Thomas Richardson
Aaron Clark
Interesting people dominate social situations naturally
Henry Peterson
Nolan Walker
yeah it starts with 6 u jelly short stuff?
Xavier Morris
Daniel Rogers
>Guys how do I become Chad? >Lern MMA
Aiden Rodriguez
>Tfw 5' 8 >The can't stop laughing
Matthew Cooper
Holy fucking kek
Chase Moore
the most powerful confidence a man can have is knowing he can beat up another man.
If people try to shit test you, you can know with almost certainty you can put them in the ground because most people don't know how to fight and even more people don't even lift.
Hudson Phillips
>He thinks 6ft makes home tall
Kek even girls are taller than you m8
Adrian Harris
blah blah blah
Chase Myers
OP blown the fuck out
Ian Diaz
People that get harped up on someone being shorter than they are (when that person is 5'8-5'10, any less and you're fucked lmao) are grasping at straws to feel good about themselves.
It's kind of like with that Dan Blizerian guy. Everyone wants to hate him and find some sort of thing they can make fun of because he's richer than them and gets to do whatever he wants.
Angel Allen
Same >qt comes up >starts telling me stories >have absolutely no interest in the stories and my mi d literally goes blank >asks me my opinion >realize I don’t remember a single word she said >”y-you too”
Anthony Brooks
>wants to
Everyone DOES hate him. Including the prostitutes he pays to hang around. Don't forget he cried and ran like a little girl in Vegas, leaving a woman to bleed out and die alone.
Nolan King
Dominic Ward
Top fucking kek I’m 5’8 like OP and this shit is still funny
Hunter Watson
ok, bad example
regardless, people love to hate those they think are better than them and will look for any reason to go "pshh well at least I'm not X like him"
Cooper Lewis
If you observe many people, most people don’t have an actual ambition. It’s not necessarily about the end result of being great, but the desire to be great, that is attractive. Women notice this and will hedge their bets thinking “ oh wow user says he’ll be a great writer and he works hard at it.” They will invest in you if you show self determination to become something.
Find a career to make money and a hobby that will improve your life, like an art, I do stand up which is great for feeling confident. When I tell girls I’m an aspiring stand up they see me as a stand up, they don’t care where you’re at they just want to brag to their friends they’re fucking an artsy writer guy.
Ryan Morgan
You're hanging out with losers
Luke Morris
jfc I'm laughing
Austin Ward
Xavier Nelson
Lincoln Torres
by continuing to be confident in my accomplishments and feeling pride that most everyone is pretty boring and lives an unfulfilling average life.
Jason Watson
>Thinks people live unfulfilling, average lives because they don't "dominate" social settings at this particular point in time Wew lad, glad height isn't something that is constantly a worry of mine
Joseph Nguyen
>“On this day, manlets received a grim reminder. We lived in fear of the lanklets and were disgraced to live in these cages we called manlet pitts.”
Nicholas Rodriguez
Are you dumb? I wrote about having actual pursuits and hobbies in life that you can feel genuine confidence from. Simply being a personality in social situations is a pleasant thing that comes after.
Jose Jones
Put me in the screencap! Hello Ribbit! Upboat me! :D
i'm confident in every aspect of life, except girls. confidence with girls doesn't "flow naturally" unless youve been brought up around girls. Even as a manlet, I'm confident I can kill most people with my hands and feet, but that doesnt translate with being able to cold approach some chick on the street or how to escalate a relationship.
Owen Cook
protip from one manlet to another
if you can make a girl life, you can literally do anything you want to her
Isaac Davis
Eli Stewart
Connor Clark
please put me in the screencap
Joshua Long
so you made his legs too long. One reasons short people look funny to us is because they have oddly long upper bodies compared to their legs. I fixed it for you.
Nicholas Morales
Manlets won't recover from this one for years to come.
Isaiah Garcia
One of the rare deserving (you)'s
I giggled
Wyatt Thomas
No I'm 6'2", I don't even think about my height or anyone else's for that matter unless they're tall as fuck or small as fuck where I can't help but notice it
James Ward
better yet what about OP? You think he'll ever post again?
Isaac Wright
Literally let them talk and just ask them investigative questions based on what theyre saying to make them talk more and every so often say shit like "haha i know what you mean" and "yeah ive been there haha that sucks but you seem to be doing great now!" And keep asking them personal questions based on the last thing they said.
Bitches can not help but talk about themselves and if you let them and ask questions like youre genuinely interested it makes them really intrigued because youre not going straight for their puss.
It is in face the shortest route to it.
If any girl ever says "you probably dont really care" just smile and say "i wouldnt be asking if i werent. Continue!". Its a girls way of testing you to see if youre just trying to fuck her. You both know you are but girla get blinded by "personal interest"
Ethan Wilson
>study on how to be charming and charismatic Lmao you're kidding right? People don't actually do this right?
Isaiah Rivera
Jacob Clark
i used to but then i realized you just have to stop overthinking and be in the moment rather than analyzing your voice tonality and body language all the time
Elijah Brooks
first time that I've audibly kek'd in a while, fucking love you silly faggots
Jordan Hernandez
Kek, reminds me of this one
Christian Gomez
>gets blown the fuck out >uh uhhuhuh b-bad example lanklets everybody
Eli Bailey
holy shit. After getting BTFO so hard do any manlets still post here?
Carter Cook
because I still get to make fun of lanklets in dick threads
Evan Evans
Levi Brooks
Jose Gonzalez
this is probably the most btfo anyone has ever been btfo in the history of Veeky Forums since moot was found out to be a cuckold
Michael Garcia
im 5'11 but noticed similar with few really tall (6'4+) guys. i thought it was friendly banter where we both pick on each other for fun but eventually they started to become more and more agressive and angry until some of us ghosted. although its more about being an asshole than being a tall
Daniel Johnson
Carson Myers
>73 posts >48 unique ip
/r/Veeky Forums did it again
Charles Young
do you guys actually laugh at this or youre just desperate to be a part of something? maybe im too old but ive never seen a more unoriginal board than current year Veeky Forums. every day exact same threads, exact same pictures, exact same replies. entire board feels like its 5 people arguing
>t. here for high T threads only
Luis White
>entire board feels like its 5 people arguing
It's more like 15 but you are finally catching on, so it's cool.
James Cook
it's the recent influx of miscers and r/incel shit cunts. they're some of the most unoriginal, uninteresting posters
Aaron Evans
But I wonder how true is that actually. There are like 10 pictures that are reposted multiple times a day. When I was a neet and spent a lot of time on chan I noticed there is always a sudden influx of threads. Like someone makes a manlet thread, then 5 minutes later somebody makes a thread about his own height, meanwhile someone derails a thread that has been going for a while with height discussion. Same with face threads. one lookism shit gets deleted, 2-3 threads pops up with different wording but its the exact same shit. It cant be more than a few people brigading since they all sound exactly the same. I just genuinely feel sorry for people who actually take the time to reply them when no matter what, they gonna make 5 other threads an hour later.
Jace Howard
>retard thinks he's done and seen it all
Ok kiddo, feel free to fuck off then. You can find pictures of fatasses anywhere on the net. You are contributing nothing and you are worth nothing.
>maybe im too old
Maybe you are, in body, but you still have the mind of a 10 year old. Kill yourself, you old ass fucking loser.
Hunter Edwards
>Ok kiddo >Kill yourself, you old ass fucking loser.
I couldn't find a more obvious underage b& on /b/
Hudson Nelson
>How to improve speaking.
>Do things that aren't speaking
Durr logic
Aiden Walker
Sorry I hurt your feelings there, you old-young piece of shit. I'm obviously not underage but report me like the bitch you are, I don't care.
Then you can go crawl into bed and cry about what a friendless, pathetic loser you are.
Robert Jackson
weaponized autism
Gavin Scott
Correct this a little in your tiny, shriveled brain. It still works.
Andrew Stewart
>mspaint comic
whats next, food analogy or greek literature? back to re.ddit
Sebastian Peterson
Aaron Smith
Grayson Wood
son of a bitch...
Jack Martinez
force yourself to talk to them more and look up how to keep a conversation
Jackson Morales
>manlet cope thread lmao
Connor Perry
Holy shit thanks for the giggle.
Jayden Reed
Dylan Nelson
That happens to tall people too you absolute moron, it's a body for swimming. See Michael Phelps
Alexander Long
Ah, there'll never be a fucking day off for them.
David Barnes
ITT: delusional manlets
Leo Lopez
You made my day user
Camden Brown
Ryder Richardson
Just be confident bro is true but you can't just be confident. You gain confidence through your actions, achievements etc. Social gains take months if not years of personal development. Get a hobby and sort out your test
Andrew Long
People arguing about 5'8 being manlet and 6'2+ being the best I'm 5'4 Mfw