Can we get a recipe thread going? I want to try some new stuff.
fried rice
If you make the fisherman eggs make sure you use sardines in water, I made it with oil packed and half the dish was oozing oil
Made this
Was good
1409 calories in a single drink? Impressive
Anyone got some simple slow cooker recipes? I fucking hate cooking
1 can tuna
chopped celery
1/4 cup greek yogurt
sea salt
splash of olive oil
Roll that shit into a whole wheat tortilla with some fresh baby spinach for a cheap delicious wrap.
1 cup steel cut oats
2 cups water
slow cook for awesome oats in the morning.
chicken breasts with a can or two of low sodium chicken broth with chopped onions and mushrooms for tender delicious shredded chicken breasts.
Thanks man, chicken one sounds decent
All you'll ever need..
chocolate protein powder cake dessert/snack
>scoop or protein powder
>equal amount of water
>~tsp baking powder
>pinch of salt
>mix everything in a bowl
>stick in the microwave for ~1 min
>throw in some frozen fruit or halo top
If you sweeten a pot of Skyr with 3 or 4 stevia drops in a tablespoon of water, shit goes like ice cream. Top with banana, peanut butter, cocoa, or whatever really and say hello to 40g of protein cheap as fuck good-for-you post-workout ice cream deliciousness
wat. this is all fat, all carbs and no protein
No specific recipe, I'm still trying stuff
>half bottle of kefir
>half banana
Can use other fruit as long as it's properly peeled/juiced
>grated ginger, about a teaspoon
>1 tablespoon honey
I'll try adding oats next
>amerifat """"cheese"""""
what's the recipe for this? looks good
>the cutting feels
what part of Veeky Forums do you think you're on?