I'm a dude pushing 300lbs and I wanna start lifting so I can burn off my belly fat and then some. Nothing more atm. I've read the links provided, but I need a starting point for workouts. What techniques should I start with?
Fuck Being Fat!
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Coming from a guy who was 365 at one point and now at 320..... I'd say start with 5x5 program as your first step Into weightlifting, don't forget the cardio and try out juicing.
I'm 6'3 btw and yourself?
For losing weight exclusively?
Get moving. A lot.
Cut carbs, stop being afraid of fat (in foods), no more sugar. Smaller portions in general.
If you drink soda more than once a week in general. Stop. Even if it's diet.
Do this for a whole year and you'll be thin.
Question, not op, but I been doing squats and deadlifts and ohp curls and benching. Feeling sore thru out the weeks, but I'll eat about 1800 calories thru out the day and at night the hunger kicks in? I drink a lot of water, peeing almost clear water, so wtf?
6', 295.
I've already cut sodas out a couple weeks ago by switching to iced tea with stevia and lemon added for flavor. Is that a good replacement?
nah. the only things your allowed to drink is water, coffee (black) and tea.
>Get moving. A lot.
>Cut carbs, stop being afraid of fat (in foods), no more sugar. Smaller portions in general.
>If you drink soda more than once a week in general. Stop. Even if it's diet.
>Do this for a whole year and you'll be thin.
i did all of these other than the smaller portions, how do i suppress my appetite? can literally eat a whole chicken in one go no problems.
I've heard a lot of bad things about stevia personally I would substitute it for honey or not adding any extra sweetener
>unsweetend tea w/o lemon
Alright. I'll toss out the stevia and use the lemons for cooking shit.
I may try the honey. How much per serving?
more filling meals and more water
Bumping in case others fatties need help as well.
>so I can burn off my belly fat and then some
you didn't read a shit
Hey fat fuck, just stop eating and /fast/
just get on ec stack fatty
You gotta restrict cals. And you gotta move around. Start walking/jogging. If you really wanna see results start lifting. Not gunna be easy or quick but you're garunteed results. Being consistent is the most important thing.
Download my fitness Pal and start logging calories. Burning off your belly fat will take over a year so start right now if you want to make it
You can lose 50+ lbs a month water fasting. Imagine, you could lose all of your fat in two months.
You should water fast.
im strong fat and between 290-295.
girls still mire
when they look at you and grin, they're not mirin, they're laughing at your obesity
Former fatty here op. Went from 260 down to 165 then back up to 200 from lifting. Look and feel great now.
Count calories, research about macronutrients and track them along with calories with myfitnesspal, do your cardio, and lift.
These simple things are what got me started on my journey. Any more questions feel free to ask.
>football players don't exist
It's not Naruto you fucking weeb, just eat less and do SL or something
Masturbation can increase the level of cortisol produced by the adrenal glands.
When cortisol is too high for too long, it can increase the amount of fat you hold in your belly -- also called visceral fat
Listen I used to obese, then I was skinnyfat, now I'm strong with good cardio. The fact of the matter is that the appetite will never go away. Ever. It's a problem with your brain like it's a problem with alcoholics to drink endlessly. However once you practice mindfulness when it comes to portion size for a few months it will become second nature.
Drink only water.
For breakfast, eat two of these: eggs, oats, or (one!) chicken breasts. And fermented veggies.
Lunch: Salad (no cream based dressing). And fermented vegetables.
Dinner: brown rice and chicken. Or salmon fillet and brown rice. Steamed or raw broccoli or carrots. Fermented vegetables.
If you don't eat an lactofermented food right now there's a strong chance you have a week gut biome which has a direct effect on your brain chemistry. Eat a small portion of kimchi with each meal.
well shit
or coffee with approx. 75mL pure cream between meals/instead of breakfast
maximum fat staves off hunger for hours
almost zero carbs keeps you in the keto zone
>The fact of the matter is that the appetite will never go away.
It can be reconfigured. Look into keto and IF, OP.
I'm gonna shill this book again. It's everything you need to know about nutrition from a normie standpoint. (Not necessarily optimal for gaining mass but I basically lost 10 pounds doing nothing other than applying what this book said and I was already only ~150 pound at 6'. I was never hungry. I wasn't even trying to lose weight.)
Never heard of this. I like Weston A Price's work on un-colonized diet. Pretty powerful work
This book pretty much covers it all. Macro, micro, foods to avoid and why, micro biome, intermittent fasting, circadian rythm, when to do keto and why, etc.
I mean I can spam print screen of this book all day. It's muh food bible in that it forms the baseline from which I can deviate. (For instance, I'm not doing IF right now but that's because I have other goals.)
mind sharing the pdf, user?
Meh, i was 90kg at 5'5'' and could easily eat a pízza alone
now i'm 67kg and can barely eat 2 slices. It does go away, just takes time
Wtf the kind of broscience is this? Where the hell did you read that “Dyels Weekly Digest?” Was it next to the masturbation makes your pee pee shrink article?
No sips?
Well maybe I was exaggerating there. Because there are a lot of reasons for overeating. But for me personally I can eat endlessly. More than most obese people, I'd wager to say. If I eat I'm hungry for a full meal 30 minutes later haha
an in depth lecture by this author about this book for the folks who never read Starting Strength either ;]
How long did weight loss take? How long before you noticed belly shrinking?
How does the brain/hormones know the difference between sex/masturbation?
You've been lifting the fork your entire life and made sick gains already breh
Stop eating until you feel full. Eat half that much, wait 5 minutes, and you'll still feel just as full
I wasnt too fat, hovering around 20% bf probably at my fattest
when you first start, you definitely want to focus on changing your diet to healthier, more filling foods so you naturally lose weight as your taste buds transition.
is definitely great advice, but id try to ease into it and not go straight into it tomorrow. Maybe over 2 weeks or so
After you start noticing fat loss, you might find that you're not really losing as much as youd like. Once that happens id really recommend intermittent fasting. Even a 16/8 is significantly better than a regular eating sched.
I just naturally find myself doing a 19/5
and im comfortably losing weight as I eat as much as i want during my meals.
ik youre focusing on what to do now but I just thought id chip in on what you might wanna do later bc i know ur gonna make it brah
Does it really have to be harder than calories in calories out though? I mean I walk 15-20k steps a day for my job and after I stopped drinking and the weight has just started to come off. I know steps isnt exactly a perfect measure of workout, but shit nigga if all you care about is cutting weight cant you just do more than you eat?
Obese people eat a tremendous amount of food. CICO is the law, but ultimately you cannot outrun a shitty diet. Running burns like 150 calories a mile max.
>and now at 320
>and try out juicing
those are guys giving advice on Veeky Forums
>can literally eat a whole chicken in one go no problems.
some thing to be proud of, now try NOT eating a whole chicken in one go without having problems
>What techniques should I start with?
Ignore everything you're reading and just focus on this:
/ F A S T /
Go see a doctor some people legitimately have low T.
>you make a much money as a football player