I've been working out for 2 years, rate me

I've been working out for 2 years, rate me.


Dillion Harper/10


do legs


please please please please please please please please please please please please do legs, thanks


Weird shape/frame and baby legs. Do more compound exercises, specially squats

I get it

fascinating body/10

how can your legs be so fucking short? i'm don't even care if you don't work them out, but your arms are as long as your legs wtf

Epic legs and synthol arms

do you ever hit back? your torso is extremely narrow

you got really short forearms

Bad fuckin sunburn man

13 year old girl legs/10

>average PPL lifter physique

Shit frame and do legs


id be clenching my fists too if i worked out for two years and looked like that

My brain hurts

This looks like an alien trying to blend in as a human. The parts are all there, but somehow the combination looks so wrong

Uncanny valley/10

Soft, no legs, no graps, no definition, no legs, looks like a manlet.
kys and relieve the gene pool of yourelf

I do PPL and train lats and squats like a motherfucker

v nice op also this

your heads has 25% of your body weight