HOW is pic related possible in prison? It's not like the 90s, when prisons had weights. What the fuck kind of workout plan do these people have?
HOW is pic related possible in prison? It's not like the 90s, when prisons had weights...
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Just watched Locked up on MSNBC at night. Some of them have gyms, most of them do body weights or ghetto stuff like filling a big bag with water and "curling" it
Gucci was addicted to lean. When he went to prison he obviously had to get off of it, and he lost 20+ lbs because of it.
It also inspired him to lead a healthier lifestyle.
A lot of Gucci's gut was actually constipation from drinking lean all the time. He talks about it in his autobiography. No lean in prison so he was halfway to his goal body just by letting his guts work properly again. The rest is just diet and exercise.
Well in county or prison, it's not that you wanna workout, it's that you have to work out, or you get beat the fuck up. I know southerners need to do 113 burpees a day, usually with 3 push ups on each burpee.
Black men are magic like that
But he came out of prison like this. What exercises are people doing in prison to give them bodies like this? I doubt there's much you can do in a tiny cell.
you know that they don't spend literally all their time inside a cell...or dont you?
this tbqh
hes black. hes physically superior than whites
He talked a out it in an interview but he said body weight stuff and he also said the guards let him run flight of stairs and he said thats what he did the most of
Nursery School Rap xf
Fulton County Jail x 2 years
Slay tatted up hood rats till my dick fall off
Cool. I'm gonna start tomorrow. Y'all niggas gonna be jelly when I get out in a few years
The majority of the day is spent inside a cell. But that still doesn't answer my question. Prisoners have no access to workout equipment. They're not eating great food. As far as I know, push ups won't do much for you. What are they doing?
1. He's black
2. Most likely was cut in calories in prison than what he was used to
3. There's gyms in prison
4. Has enough money to do PEDS
Reminder dark skin makes muscles seem more defined. It's why they wear that spray tan stuff you know.
First off they barely feed you in jail, some of the county lockups ive been in, you were lucky if you were getting 1500 calories a day. If you had a lot of commissary money you could stay fat though.
Also there's tons of free time and very little to do so doing a lot of exercise was a way of killing time
As far as no weights, you can fill trash bags with water or book bags full of books, if we could get mops we would hang them over shower stalls to do pull-ups, personally I'd do push-ups with inmates standing on my shoulders
Regardless 99 percent of inmates would stop working out the second they were released
I have no idea how the legal system works regarding prison. I do have a story though. My dad's friend who's a millionaire from owning a metal sales company was just arrested and found guilty of not paying his full amount of taxes. He was sent to a prison, but he was able to request he got moved to another prison that was closer to his wife's family. Apparently this other prison was nicer and had better workout equipment and such.
But indians and spics don’t have the “natural swole” look that blacks do. I think they are just better at building muscle
He could have been a football player/athlete who was jacked before his career blew up. All it takes is a diet and exercise to bring your body back to what it was.
WTF is lean?
Cough syrup, aka the countriest drug in existence. It's the black version of Meth.
It's a drink made from promethazine and spite. Usually mixed with vodka or other juices. It's popular in hood areas from Texas and Georgia.
More traditionally it's codeine cough syrup mixed with sprite and a jolly rancher for taste
nah, it's just the dark skin showing definition better
>how did someone who didn't have access to alcohol, drugs, calorie dense southern food, fast food, and access to working out lose weight?!?!
What a retarded thread, it's not like he had anything else to do while locked up so he worked out like almost every inmate
>all these white kids who don't know what lean is
you don't know shit, now delete this thread
Suck my balls and die you goofy faggot
kek, the real Gucci died and the government replaced him with a lookalike.
Also he's rich. Rich people don't go to the same prisons as poor people.
>The majority of the day is spent inside a cell.
>Prisoners have no access to workout equipment
*buzzer* wrong!
>They're not eating great food
oof bud you're not doing so hot!
>As far as I know, push ups won't do much for you.
ahhh damn last chance ya blew it
maybe spend less time on the internet sweetheart
convict conditioning by paul wade
>be prisoner
>be fed the same portions as anyone else
>nothing to do but work and train
How indeed.
I can't imagine why losing weight should somehow be more difficult in prison.
why don't you invalid eurocucks just lurk instead of asking these kind of questions?
>Prisoners have no access to workout equipment.
Prisoners do have access to workout equipment. Even when they don't they make their own or just do bodyweight exercise.
>They're not eating great food
They aren't eating great food but its not total shit either. If a prison has subpar food and tries to fuck people over chances are the prisoners will riot and fuck shit up until they get treated better. They also have a commissary
>As far as I know, push ups won't do much for you
There are far more exercises one can do with body weight, you know that right? You can get in shape just from body weight exercises and they can make makeshift weights with their beds or use partners for resistance. When you get bored and you are in the same place 7 days a week and have about 16 hours of daylight you can do plenty of exercises.
>What are they doing?
Working out on an everyday basis on a calorie deficit will get you in shape. Prison or not. Its even easier in prison since fast food isn't always in your reach, you have regulated eating times, people may want to beat your ass (or take it), and you have fuck tons of time. Steroids can be snuck in also but, for a body like Gucci's or the average in shape prisoner its not necessary at all. What is so hard to believe about any of this?
>lmao white kid don't get addicted to cough medicine like chimps
Why are niggers so retarded?
do you guys think he ate fucking 1g/bw lb protein? of course not. please let that meme die already
first of all, it's important to know that not everyone gets huge and jacked in prison. they end up with more of a lean look. however, in some prisons drug use is prevalent, that would be how the big dudes get big.
they have insane recovery. most inmates sleep for the majority of time they're in there cell.
with this insane recovery they do a range of bodyweight movements as well as machines, DAILY.
their diet is calories restrictive in the sense that they don't get an overabundance of garbage foods. its all boring shit, tuna, etc.
on top of this, there's an argument to be made about their testosterone being higher than the average person, higher test = higher aggression = more likely to commit crime.
all these different things add up.
You don't know anything about Health and fitness. Leave here now you shitstain and never post again
You should kys now, before someone does it for you. You are worthless.
Nobody mixes that with vodka you would stop breathing and die
He has the money to buy commissary you know
>not everyone gets huge and jacked in prison
why are you talking about wolverine
You expect sheltered white kids to know anything?
It's basically a cool way of doing opiates. You know, like the pills and heroin your family keeps dying from?
White people know everything. They're so wonderful.
I'll suck your dick faggot
>Bragging about the weakest shit on the planet
Do you also drink Mike's Hard lemonade?
Nah. It's not hard and I doubt you could make it that way.
>spend 10 years in San Quentin with strict ramen diet
>get this
Post pics
Post pics of my flaccid penis to a blue board?
>negroes doesn't know that you can take LSD, mushrooms and mdma without killing your brain cells
>instead they drink cough medicine and soda
Negroes can't even do drugs right.
getting fit is mostly diet. He didnt have 3 sundaes a day and a bag cheetoes with the munchies
still, you work out _a lot_ in prison. lots of burpess (1000 a day for "front-line soldiers"), as for weight, you can bench/lift your celly, curl/ohp/kettlebell water bags, etc
Blacks might be physically superior to asians and indians, but to whites? No.
You expect braindead niggers to know anything except how to get shot in a drive-by?
lol. the average black is way fitter than an average white.
It's more like heroin than meth.
source: sipped some lean back in my day
I could just link you to obesity statistics showing you blacks are mostly a bunch of lardwhales in America.
Not to mention the fact that whites have more upper body strength.
Have you ever lived in a majority black area? I've never seen that many obese people in my life. Seriously I would guess 90% of black women are obese.
You have actual weights in prisons outside in the yard, you don't have to do 3rd world stuff for gains
It's not hard to go ottermode in prison, at ALL. Getting big however, is very difficult because I don't think you'll be able to keep your macros on track every fuckin day in a prison
Thanks Leroy.
no you dont, lol.
Ok Tyrone.gtfo now you worthless shitskin
>mdma doesn't kill brain cells, but opiates do
You are literally a brainlet. Lay off the mandy, eh.
Yes you do, stop basing shit on max security tv shows you watch
fucking negroes
Why is nobody mentioning that prison time for literally one of the most famous rappers to ever come out of atlanta is probably way different than your average juvenile getting locked up for drug peddling ? Gucci is a god in ATL.. the guards were probably lining up to get his autograph
yo Fulton County real shit?
>how to expose yourself as a black guy who's lived in only majority white areas his entire life
Philly white MAN here. Ur wrong
I think what we should focus on hear is this that this dumbfuck actually read an autobiography by Gucci Mane.
Objectively false. Negroes have the largest rate of obesity out of all races in USA. 65% of Negroes are OBESE.
And if we look at pro sports, whites dominate like 99% of all the different sports that exist.
Its hilarious how you think you're cool for knowing some ghetto ass way to fuck your brain chemistry up. Doing opiates is never cool. You're a filthy subhuman rat and there is a gas chamber waiting for you.
You could link to a bunch of statistics that are based on BMI.
And BMI is fucked because it doesn't take density of bones and muscle mass into account.
If it was about bodyfat percentages then I'm sure whites would win another one over the negro's.
You people worship half dead, and in two cases completely dead, and oft crippled drug addicts.
You are in no position to judge.
>thinking he's gonna get special treatment as a repeat felon
>whites domintate like 99% of all the different sports that exist
lol no
how about you Americans stop getting high off fucking cough syrup?
i was a CDCR for 2 years. all you do all day is read, sleep, jerk off, workout, talk to your celly. that's it. if you do anything else you're probably gonna get beat up by a gang especially if you gamble. there are fat people, skinny people, ripped, huge, skinny fat, etc. however a lot of people who are doing more than like 5 years are working out for 3-4 hours a day everyday except sundays because a lot of people go to chapel to do hand offs or talk.
>people blaming the lean exclusively
dude is a fucking voracious beast
>tfw no giant pile of hamburgers
>Doing opiates is never cool
looks like someone swallowed the D.A.R.E pill
I like his music and it the autobiography was briefly a meme on /lit. I think it says more about you that you think reading a book written at the 8th grade level is some sort of major commitment. That's a leisurely evening worth of reading.
Did 3 years in a state prison. Deadlifts were the only lift I never found a way to replicate.
God blackboys are so lame
>Lots of time, not a ton of food
Seems pretty obvious desu
you tell 'em lil Tyler/Austin/Shane
white Power!!
do prisons legit not have weights where you live? Most 1st world medium seucrity prisons still have a gym and even tvs and shit. It's not like every prison is a siberian supermax.
No actually I think only some of the Federal pens still have them (weights)
weird. Prisons here basically just look like a boarding school where all the doors lock automatically. There's a communal rec room where they show some movies and shit, a weight room and a mess hall, and there's employment training and hobby programs so they have something to do every day.
won't lie ive considered doing some muggings for money and then if i get caught just spending 2 years inside and making sweet drug connections for when i get out.
>As far as I know, push ups won't do much for you
He's not that big and you've been memed
I don't know shit about how US prisons work since i live in a 3rd world shit hole, but when i was locked up there was literally nothing else to do other than working out. I was in a cell with 7 other ugly assholes and i had to choose between doing shitty bodyweight routines or spend the day looking at the ceiling.
>sorry 4 bad engrish