1) In the sticky, it says you should eat 2,2g of proteinn per kg of BW, but some dudes here say it's false. Do you have sources that could back up the second claim ?
2) I eat McDonalds nearly everyday, is that bad for my health even if I'm not fat (145 lbs for 5'8) ?
No you don't need 1g/lb that's bullshit try .5-.7. As for the mcdicks question, what the fuck do you think you goddamn retard? Sage for asking dumb shit.
Christian Watson
You can ask for fries without salt and get grilled chicken without mayo
Isaiah Johnson
Idk man, it doesn't seem unhealthy to me
I'm not fat brah
Asher Stewart
>Idk man, it doesn't seem unhealthy to me
That's because you are a cretin
Aaron Powell
Brah I ask you to be honest. Am I going to make it if I eat McDonalds every day ?
Matthew Ortiz
madonal gut por chu. no bat por chu, gut por chu.
Jackson Roberts
1) No. Maybe for lean mass but even so that's kind of just bro science
2) Yes.
Benjamin Baker
You're going to make it regardless of what you do. You're a rock star, baby.
Brayden Turner
Yes, don't listen to these idiots. They know nothing
Luke Brooks
If it fits your macros you'll be fine. Just take a multivitamin
Carter Gray
Depends on your current weight and goals, but 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of weight is enough.
Also mcdonalds has a lot of fat and salt in the food. If it fits in your macros then have a meal every now and then, but dont eat it all the time. Track your macros and calories and you'll see.
Aiden Jenkins
>5'8 I think were done here
Thomas Price
You should eat 10-20 kg of stinky feces per g of bodyweight. Boogie's bodyweight. and Boogie's feces. Your mouth though.
Daniel Hughes
Yeah I'm tall but I want to be as perfect as I can be, so I gotta lift anyway
Thanks rabbi, you're my greadest ally :DDDD
Don't worry, we're all gonna make it anyway
Yeah I make sure it fits my macros. The thing is that I don't like to eat 5 meals a day. In fact, the best for me is to eat 2 meals, otherwise I'm forcint it. So eating McDonalds helps me getting 3000 kcal easily. A good friend of mine ate McDonalds for 6 months straight every day (worked there) and had mad gains and still a sixpack. I know we're all different, but I don't think it's as bad as people say.
Hudson Green
1) it's a meme based on an ancient shitty study that has been shown to be wrong over and over. nobody needs that much. the very high end you would need as a natural is around 1.5-1.7 gram per LEAN bodyweight kg (fatfree bw). that is if you train hard with exceptional genetics at prime muscle building age, etc. the average Veeky Forums user needs even less. 2) negligible fiber, added salt and sugar, high saturated fat, inflammatory processed shit. what do you think?
Kayden Cook
mcdonalds every day is fine if you dont eat the fucking fries and also the breaded burgers
its not ideal, too much saturated fat but if youre young aou can bulk on it
just get tons of burgers and coke zero
Charles Hernandez
Sadly I don't like burgers
I usually eat fries, nuggets and ice tea
Luis Morris
Tfw eat mcdolalands everyday Also 5ft 8 And 145 kg.......
Mason Nelson
You misread or maybe you're kidding
Dominic Hall
so youre only eating the garbage
no man dont do that
its so much salt and saturated fats that youre taking in
iced tea is also garbage
Samuel Lopez
The serious studies done on the subject have shown that there is no more additional muscle gains past 1.8g of protein per bodyweight, and that was the
Aaron Ramirez
drink water, problem fucking solved
Easton Gomez
>there is no more additional muscle gains past 1.8g of protein per bodyweight
What is the standard unit of body weight?
Thomas Long
Assuming he means kg
1.8g per pound is ridiculous
Caleb Cox
Dylan Cruz
bruh i used to eat two big macs with extra mac sauce and some salty fries every other night for like a good 6 months and my body didn't balloon two sizes and i haven't had a heart attack or anything. if it fit your macs then just do it
Samuel Cox
Makes sense then. You still have to mention it, otherwise someone will end up eating 400g of prots, like the guy that was doing GOMAD on Veeky Forums.
Joseph Perry
Average person can gain 2 lbs of muscle in the first month with a decreased rate of muscle gain per month of 5%, meaning about 20 lbs the first year, 10 lbs the second, 5 lbs the third, and so on.
A pound of muscle requires 2500 calories of protein to be built and results in 174 g of muscle and 280 g water gained (together considered one pound of lean tissue).
2 lbs requires 2500 x 2 calories from protein over the course of a month. A gram of protein has 4 calories. Also, your body needs roughly 50 g of protein just to maintain normal body function.
30 days in a month / 5000 calories for two pounds of muscle = 167 calories, or 42 g of protein required per day on top of the 50 g minimum for daily function, thus 92 g total.
The average male weights 150, so minimum protein is 92 / 150 = 0.62 g / lb. The less muscle you can gain per month, the less protein is needed.
Actual studies agree with 0.64 as minimum and 0.82 as a markup to ensure proper intake.
Gavin Brown
>i didn't die from it yet so it must be good for me literally nigger logic
Kevin Harris
>has never heard of CT Fletcher
you're already a faggot.
Tyler Bell
>if it fits your macs
Jack Watson
No, retard. Go post on /b/ or /soc/ or something.
Christian Roberts
Doesn't the fatty foods still wreak havoc on your heart and shit even if you're lifting and doing cardio?
James Rogers
You are fat you fucking manlet.
Gabriel Hall
1) I'm not fat, I'm 145 lbs 2) I'm not a manlet, I'm 5'8
Carson Fisher
CT Fletcher claims to have eaten something like 4 big macs + fries everyday for like 20 years and he was a big motherfucker.
of course, he ended up almost dying and needed like hectuple bypass surgery so there's that.
I guess the moral of the story is, don't eat mcdonald's for 20 years straight.
Julian Watson
there are people who have done it (while staying lean), it's not great for your health and you'll get a heart attack or stroke.
Hudson Russell
Congrats on making me reply to your lazy bait
Carter Richardson
>a meme based on an ancient shitty study that has been shown to be wrong over and over. nobody needs that much. the very high end you would need as a natural is around 1.5-1.7 gram per LEAN bodyweight kg ...so do you happen to have a source?