So I've recently adopted a more plant based diet and soy sauce is a big component of a lot of the dishes that I prepare...

So I've recently adopted a more plant based diet and soy sauce is a big component of a lot of the dishes that I prepare. Now...apparently this shit lowers your testosterone and can incur fertility issues, extra estrogen like hormones and man boobs.

I don't want any of that shit so should I stop having soy sauce with my food? I kinda like the taste. I've been sabotaging my own body.

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Stop if it really worries you, yes.

Really though the evidence for soy being bad for hormonal levels is not strong. It just gets memed by bitter meaters.

Yes, it contains way to much salt to be good, learn to use yoghurt-based sauces more and den it's k

It gets replaced with coconut aminos in meme paleo diets.

Yes, it's full of estrogen which is analogous to your own

>inb4 vegan internet defense force starts reeing about plant based estrogen having no effect on mammals

I'm a vegetarian myself and I never touch soy products. It's kind of dumb how they want to argue that plant based estrogen can't be absorbed by mammals, but plant based protein and other amino acids can all be absorbed and integrated by our bodies with 100% efficiency.

tldr: don't fall for vegan propoganda and become a soy boy

We have enzymes for breaking down and absorbing protein

The estrogen attaches to fiber molecules and gets shitted out; the small amount that sticks around doesn't reduce test, it actually helps reduce cancer risk and blocks actual estrogen

Something about soy sauce being fermented means it doesn't affect estrogen levels. In the us soy is milled and put into everyrhing as a filler. It's not fermented so it does raise estrogen. Or something

Enjoy it in moderation. Just like with dairy. Don't make it the cornerstone ingredient for everything.

i mean that's a bold claim and you could at least show us one peer reviewed study that backs it up.

> Now...apparently this shit lowers your testosterone and can incur fertility issues, extra estrogen like hormones and man boobs.
That's a myth easily disproven, you could look at the gynecomastia/infertility rate of china/japan and see that they're not higher than the world's average

Stop being so dumb

Asians men are skinnyfat and feminine

Brush the levels in food are not even near the amount of estrogen it would take to affect your body. We're talking amounts thousands of times to small to even slightly affect your hormone levels. You'd die of sodium poisoning before even coming close to consuming enough to affect your endocrine system. It's the same as the estrogen in milk meme

if you're not using more than like 1 tbps of that then it doesn't really matter, just make sure you use the lowest sodium ones

Just fucking eat it. Get your bloodwork done and then get it done again in 12 Weeks. If tits any significant difference you'll know the cause.

fermented soy is fine kikkoman rocks

>Now...apparently this shit lowers your testosterone and can incur fertility issues, extra estrogen like hormones and man boobs.
yeah, none of that is actually true.

they don't lift. what should they look like?

the problem with your argument is that plant estrogen is actually quite different in chemical composition compared to animal estrogen

amino acids like lysine are the same regardless of what it's sourced from. animals are the only kingdom incapable of nitrogen fixing so you're basically just eating the same shit that you can get from the food they eat directly(plants)

American men on average probably have lower test than asians.

>phytoestrogen == estrogen
Imagine being this retarded.

Here is your answer OP. I think it tastes even better than soy sauce personally.

Little expensive tho

>gluten free
>soy free

They really went all out on this to get gullible fool his attention.

What if I'm allergic to gluten, don't want the estrogen from soy, and don't want to eat products that have been genetically tampered with?

all modern foods we eat today have been genetically tampered with you moron

just look at the difference between wild bananas and the bananas we eat today

also you are not allergic to gluten faggot, and all plants have phytoestrogens, the only food that has significant amount of phytoestrogen is hops, and that's because they have a specific type of phytoestrogen called 8-Prenylnaringenin which is at the very least 10x more estrogenic(as high as 100x) than any type of estrogen found in soy

Why do they put gluten free on things that are zero percent wheat? Of course they are gluten free.

>being surprised that something with 50% of your daily recommended sodium intake in a tbsp is bad for you

Is this thread serious

>asian men are shorter on average
>must be because test levels
>"see! soy lowers your test!"

>CONCLUSION(S): The results of this meta-analysis suggest that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable T concentrations in men.

>Chad banana vs virgin seed pod

whenever I eat tofu or soy sauce it makes my skin feel hot on my face and my skin itch. am i allergic?

EWW gross. good thing they genetically modified it

this sauce is so good