Tbh having good teeth is a deal breaker for me, doesn't matter how qt she is. Anyone notice noticeable social gains from having nicer teeth/fresher breath?
Daily reminder to maintain good dental hygiene
>Tbh having good teeth is a deal breaker for me
Nice teeth turn you off?
No I meant that if she didn't have them, it would be a deal breaker
you fucking idiot, learn to read, I understood what he was saying there
How to acquire a longer lasting fresh breath?
>tfw used to have a huge gap in middle school that eventually closed up
>tfw people ask me if ive ever had braces and how much do i whiten my teeth
despite my face, at least ive got nice teeth
brush your cum stained teeth you faggot
you said having good teeth is a deal breaker, so you don't like good teeth.
You must be british!
Indian actually, but I'm on that postcolonial education flow
floss, stay hydrated, floss, brush your tongue and gums, floss
tongue scraper
charcoal toothpaste
dr tong's dental floss
organic mouthwash
oil pulling 10 minutes
you're welcome
>charcoal toothpaste
isn't this a meme?
Nice try OP. You fucked up. Deal with it.
that's not me lol
>braces till 9th grade then retainer
>neglected to wear retainer for years and teeth got fucked back up
>they looked crowded and shitty, didn't want to smile
>got Invisalign
>am now on week ~10 or so
>teeth are much straighter and only getting better with each new set of Invisalign
>they make teeth look a bit whiter and shinier
>not afraid to smile anymore, they add to my facial aesthetics significantly now
>after a few more months I'll be able to just wear them at night, also be able to get teeth bleached pearly white
I'm so happy, way worth the money.
>weak enamel
>several cracked molars
>top and bottom front teeth are fake
life isnt worth living
how much did it cost?
does oil pulling actually work? don't mess with me
It's a meme I asked my dentist
You know poor dental hygiene helped me quit sweets. It would hurt my teeth way too much to eat candy or anything chocolate and I ended up losing a decent bit of weight. Not brushing my teeth very well got me started on my Veeky Forums adventure. Now I have fillings and I brush em regularly.
Floss is a meme.
>start using non fluoride toothpaste
>start using non fluoride non waxed floss
>use tongue scraper
>stop using mouth wash because they all have fluoride
>suddenly have yellow teeth despite not drinking coffee or tee and not smoking
Fuck this shit
I have a reverse case. Four molars (two upper backmost, two lower second-to-last, thank luck for the symmetry) rot to the core, in a decade each one in turn split vertically into quarters, plus roots crushed. So many fucking hooks down my gums cured my dentistry phobia though.
Surprisingly little effect in chewing, but I've had good times putting a pencil between the lower molars as a horse's bit, tying some string to the ends as reins and carrying girls on my back. Got that trot down to a T.
>Not cosplaying as a warmblood to show off your gains
What the absolute fuck are you guys even doing with your lives?
>tfw have tonsil stones and have to try flush them out once a week
>tfw constant stinky breath
>having good teeth is a deal breaker for me
About 4g's. My reason wasn't purely cosmetic though- I've got TMJ and frequently got headaches from it for years. My jaw was maligned and the consuls on my right one was wearing down significantly. The Invisalign is supposedly going to straighten my shit up and I've already stopped getting headaches so it seems like it's working.
jesus, was this after insurance covered the majority? Or is it the raw cost?
Fucking brits are so gross
desu most brits that I've met have pretty good teeth, because it doesn't cost them as much to get dental care as here in America
I don't brush because it's useless calories.
They say it's like 5 calories max, but I have speculated it's closer to 6 or 7. I refuse to walk an extra 40 seconds just so my non existent girlfriend can sniff my teeth.
You must be the most retarded person I've ever seen on the internet
>not using a water flosser after every brush
>doing memes like oil pulling and no-flouride
Are you faggots taking stupid pills again?
At some point my parents just stopped telling me to go to the dentist abd I never really thought about it until the more recent years. Now my teeth are shitty and my biggest regret was not being able to get them fixed while it was still cheap. I swear the first thing I do when I get a decent job after graduating is go to a dentist and get them dental gains.
Good on you for recognizing your priorities. Dental hygiene is underrated imho
Yeah literally got my dick sucked for the first time a few days after getting my braces off. :)
Aaaaand you swallowed the bait. Hook, line and sinker.
bless you brother
Pic or didint happen
Not fan of mints or gum, i got some mouth spray and while it helps its not even close to brushing/tongue scrapping
im insecure abou having bad breath while hours away from home