Why do you lift?
>gif related
Why do you lift?
My gf never looked at me like this. Time to take my ring back I guess.
>lifting to look shit in a suit
She did user, you just never noticed
I started lifting because I was obese and wanted to attract girls.
Now 3 years later I'm big shredded and attract girls. But now I shut every girl that shows even the tinniest bit of interest off because of huge intimacy issues because of years of physical and psychological abuse throughout childhood.
I've fucked a few girls when I was to blackout drunk to care about anything but I ghost them immediately afterwards. I also hate it that I have to explain my scars to anyone. I can't lie about them but I definatly can't tell anyone I'm not really close to.
>Tfw got burnscar under chest from my grandmother throwing boiled water on me for not stopping crying
>Tfw got numerous big scars across my back from getting whipped when I didn't listen as a kid/teen
Ah, fun times.
To not be a fatass. I didn't think much further than that.
fucking hell, understandable but you should try and break through nigga.
post body /r9k/
I try hard. Took me well over 6 years to get over it and function properly. Now I git good friends, look good, a stable life, good job, money, etc. I just can't seem to break that barrier. I feel like I should find someone that will put up with the last part of my in security to break through, but I'm scared shitless to let myself be vulnerable to that extent. I can open up to friends/non sexual interest thou.
What would made you think I'd post the thing I'm most embaressed about online.
Also, I was never a robot. I never gave up trying to get over it and loving myself. Self-love is all I had.
You lift for your sister?
Also, you need a good looking face if you want a woman to ever look at you like that.
>marrying a roastie
no thanks
I started lifting because I REALLY like challenging Minorities to arm wrestling at parties. It started when a Pajeet challenged me once to arm wrestling. After I won I felt like I had really made a step forward to disprove all of the /pol/ memes about weak white men. That plus the cheering really made me feel good too. My proudest accomplishment was near my Junior year of college, I went to one of the big football player parties on campus. I knew I had to act, there was no way I couldn't. My pride was at stake, I had to challenge one of the Black football players to an Arm Wrestling contest. The whole damn thing took probably 2 minutes because we we're evenly matched, but damn it was a close one and it felt like forever. Eventually though I was able to persevere when I remembered all the race baiting memes on this autistic web site and unleashed my inner sperg. I've never felt like more of a champion/total autist in my life then in that moment.
yea i do. one day want her to love me as much as i love her.
If this is true look for a psychologist or something like that.
You need help user.
I too lift for such a husbando.
I lift because I hope to lead Greater Croatia in all of it's glory.