/Things Dyels Say/
I'll start
>"just get 1/2/3/4 bro!"
/Things Dyels Say/
I'll start
>"just get 1/2/3/4 bro!"
>gets all their protein from animal sources instead of a mix of plants and meat
I mean if you have lanky arms and train for powerlifting (little OHP), the chart makes perfect sense
>Cardio is good for you!
>you can't get strong by only doing bench press and curls
Lol, fucking dyel's, when will they learn.
>I don't wanna get too big
Fucking bite a bullet, in what world would you attain a steroid body type in 5 months of lifting
just arm my shit up
Cardio is good you, you stupid fuck.
>Don't go over 200 calories above maintenance for bulking!
>Im toning
conditioning aids in recovery between sets you fuckwad.
if you can't row as much as you bench you're a weak slope-shouldered faggot
What does it mean if I row more than I bench?
it means you need to fix your row form
What site is this
Yeah nah m8
You're not doing pendlays right then
t. Jealous rowlet
Yeah mayb, but also when I started lifting I went a month or two not doing bench at all but doing a lot of rows
if a month or two is significant enough in your lifting career to cause an imbalance, you haven't been lifting long enough for any of this shit to matter
Tfw car accident gains goblin robbed me of my confidence in my low back
Symmetric strength.
JUST fuck my squat up senpai
>We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
>Im a member of the #SwoleLeft
I do strict rows with a snatch grip with nearly the same weight as I bench, but yeah I am doing pendlays right, stay jelly buddy.
Yuo are like babby to me
your deadlift is +8%, mine is +22%
that's a 39% discrepancy in bench/deadlift for me, and only a 28% discrepancy for you
>yeah my gains might be shit but at least i'm 6'4"!
I may be a brainlet
Much like I am a chestlet
I suppose it now is time to kms
If you're doing pendlays right then your deadlift shouldn't be so horrendous you dumblet
my deadlift is horrendous because my legs are horrendous and I have shit leverages off of the floor.
If you are doing a pendlay right then all you need is to hold the back tight. You are using your lats and upper back to pull it off the ground you mong.
Yeah m8 sorrry didn't realize hamstrings and legs weren't involved in a lift that requires you to brace your whole posterior chain in order to lift something off the ground
It's not exactly well balanced, but it's nice, round, easy to remember numbers.
I got cucked by /owg/ general
Yeah it’s only been like 6-8 months at this point