Lifting while sick

>have horrific flu
>go to gym and do machine circuit in between vomit/shit fits
>infect entire gym

anybody else do this?

No, because working out while sick can literally lead to an early death. Not because you might injure yourself.

Well it's soon no longer going to be a felony in California (where else) to knowingly infect someone else with HIV so i guess you're kind is on the up & up

that's what (((they))) tell you to keep you weak pleb

>not doing squats and immediately running to the gym bathroom with squirts

keep your fucking hepatitis to yourself you idiotic faggot.

no because infecting other people
no because lifting weakens the immune system the following hours and will fuck your shit up and make you more sick

found the shill

>still getting the flu
I haven't had the flu in 4 years, what kind of fucking peasant are you?

what am I shilling? common fucking sense?

You're in for a ride one of the following years. I didn't have the flu for 5 years until this year and then I got knocked on my ass for a full week, and then slowly recovered over the next one. I also lost 4kgs, so it's obvious it was just building up momentum for those 5 years.

yes, yes take time off the gym good goy

I didnt have the flu for around 10 years.

I got it for the first time this year and it was so bad i had to be hospitalized twice

You are in for some shit

>not getting the flu 2/3 times a year

lol loser

what the motherfuck even is ‘the flu’ ?
Burgers , enlighten me

Mandatory flu shot in the army. Haven't gotten sick since in processing.

in FLU enza

>being this weak

The gym forces you to deal with so much fucking germs it's the reason you dont' get sick as often as other tards. But you need to have due diligence to not get sick.

>ALWAYS wash your hands during the gym
Not even the workers wash their hands at most gyms and they touch everything, not to mention the dirty motherfucking gym goers
>stop touching your nose,eyes,mouth with your fingers

This is the fastest way to get sick and people do it constantly throughout the day

you know there actually is flu vaccine, right?

Got sick on saturday, skipped mon and tuesday to properly heal

Actually the fastest way to get sick is to interact with kindergarten-age children. It's a little known fact, but that their deployment in war is actually listed as forbidden under the Geneva protocol.

the gains goblins of war

>fastest way to get sick is interacting with children
>children constantly touch their eyes,nose,mouth throughout the day
>touch everything within sight
>barely wash their hands

Now you know why.

>evil face.jpg


working out sick will just make you more sick in return.
You can also literally die from it. Dont do this you fucktard