Man, FUCK being "shredded" i wanna be T H I C C

man, FUCK being "shredded" i wanna be T H I C C


that guy is shredded, he has complete upper chest separation and you can see his abs very clearly

he's just shredded while also being hairy and roided up as fuck

Looks like me except he's obviously roided to some degree but not overkill. Get big naturally and keep the gains permanently.

it's all a matter of preferences, and what exactly one means by "shredded" and "thicc"
some people will call the dude in the OP pic shredded because his %bf is low, you can see his abs very clearly

Going for it. Plus I enjoy lifting and eating and look bettern more on the thicc side when wearing business attire.

>Looks like me

all I want for christmas is a T H I C C core

no kidding, but one side of my core is "sunken"

I've posted this a lot on Veeky Forums, never get replies, literally getting paranoid I'm shadowbanned for being too raw

I'm doing isos for that side m80s

Is this some new meme for people who dont want to lose weight?

You will have to put in more work and for longer to become "thicc" than shredded, you cant get away with shit eating.

can you send a picture so I can see what you mean?

Breh he isn't shredded. Shredded is like sub 10%, he is like 12% and got a very strong core thats why his abs are so visable.

I want to be thick but have a small waist and ass.
>pic related

>Small waist and ass
Small waist? Yes, aesthetic as hell. Small ass? Fuck no.

He's close to 17%.

he just looks fat with muscles

reminder that ottermode is the GOAT body

>can't handle cutting
>19% is good enough for me j-just wanna be thick

Kek this

>cutting is hard
The true fatasses

is that Tom Brady on the right ?

having so much muscle mass you look like the epitome of masculinity is a lot harder than putting on muscle and losing weight so it shows

I do senpai

>The true fatasses
you're a special kind of stupid huh

losing all the strength is hard faggot

The guy in the OP pic is definitely sub 10% you idiot

Embrace the power of Salo

tfw skinny all my life and only now putting on some muscle but can't see how i'll be thicc without roiding

Me me, I want to be



joke's on you, faggot, i barely even leave my home

This post is too ironic for my taste