
how true is this? is it really all about the mindset?

be like Chad

Is BUUGEZPOSTING the fresh new meme


he's a strong guy

For you


He's actually just on NoFap

He actually is, he said he essentially was in one of his coffee talk videos (paraphrased).

eric is the neo-king of fit

which vid

Deleted (He deleted a whole bunch of his old videos when he got the WWE contract).

What he essentially said is that everything we try to achieve is based off of sexual drive, and if you wank, you get that instant release and don't want to try anymore. This was after like an hour of people asking the question in the chat though.

No shit. He has a fucking wife.

i don't buy it

I know loads of people with gf/wife who are porn addicts.
Why do you think he's so fucking angry all the time?

>Why do you think he's so fucking angry all the time?
he has a wife whom he fucks he's not sexually frustrated lmao

Pls tell me more about what Eric said in his deleted videos

no, you're not going to mindset 500lbs off the floor

you're either strong enough to do it, where the difference between success or failure is how much effort you exert, fatigue, arousal, and how good your technique is, or you aren't strong enough to do it and no amount of anime bullshit will help you

Its true, lifting is about consistency more than anything. It boggles my mind how beginners ramble on about wasting noob gains for not lifting heavy every single workout

eat, rest, compound movements, progressive overload. be consistent.


Gotta pursue the Chad mindset from now on.

fuck, how does thic pic know about my lifting spreadsheet

Wish I had a degree to read all that shit

this generation tends to over-complicate and voodooize even the simplest of things our grandfathers wouldn't have even thought about. Myself included.

It even stems to "picking up women" I still find myself wondering what the secret is even though I know there isn't one.