Hey Veeky Forums
I just want to preface this by saying I started off 260lb fatfuck, cut down to 168, so I am well familiar with weight loss and calorie counting.....

Currently I am stuck at about 13-14% bodyfat, and no matter how well I track my macros or my calories I cannot fucking stick to a significant deficit.

I can be on point with my diet and be so hungry I literally cannot control myself.

My macros will be exactly on target and I will feel so hungry, I will literally spoon myself honey from a jar (don't even like the taste - couldn't fucking stop myself)

If I track the calories I went over my diet by, and do cardio to negate it, I end up reviving the incessant hunger.

Since I know nobody will ever love me (including myself) unless I am sub 10% bf, should I poison myself with toxic industrial yellow dye to get the desired level of muscle separation and striations?

Pic related - me flat and depleted this morning after fucking up my diet YET AGAIN last night

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If you wanted bad enough, you'd do it. Most things in the world are out of your control, but your body is literally the one thing you have complete domain over. You must not want it bad enough.

Do a slow bulk over 3 months and try your cut again and see if you get further.

If you cant stick to a diet DNP will only make you worse cause the cravings and hunger is real shit

it's *significantly* more painful to diet down from 12% to

Fuck your mother, you nigger
I want it bad enough to give myself the body dysmorphia and contemplate ingesting literal poison.

When I say I can't control it I am being quite literal.

It almost feels like a malnourished body forcing itself into getting more food.
There is nothing my brain, however literate in nutritional science, can do

I am legitimately offended by the implication I am not trying hard enough.
I think this is the first time I was actually offended on Veeky Forums...
I need to lurk some gore and pedo threads to feel less offended

Right but I can just eat 5 thousand calories a day and poison myself lean, right?

Ive been a DNP user. Just know it's hell. I know that sounds liek a challenge and almost makes it sound fun, but you'll experience hunger and cravings and you'll also lose weight faster, but once you come off you'll definitely gain some of it back. That and you'll get side effects. You WILL experience shitty side effects that will negatively inpact your life. It made me smell like vomit, my dick itched CONSTANTLY, serious lethargy, pins and needles on my fingertips and toes, waking up in sweat, waking up feeling dehydrated OR waking up needing to take a massive piss, full body rash, etc.

I wouldn't use DNP unless you're under some time crunch. I resorted to it because I was meeting my internet girlfriend and I wanted to look as good as I possibly could, and didn't feel I had enough time to cut. I lost 15 pounds in 25 or so days. The weightloss was fast enough that my skin got flabby and my ass looked like a deflated balloon. My skin was looser, even with just 15 pounds lost (depends on you specifically I suppose and your age).

So in my opinion DNP is a tool for extreme circumstances, not just because your weightloss is stalling or you're feeling impatient. It's for professional bodybuilders or if you're on some (real) time crunch. That said with Winter coming up, that's the best season to use DNP.

No, fuck no. You must not have been around for the /dnp/ generals around here. People were routinely OUTEATING their DNP because the cravings were big. DNP can sabotage you if you have that mentality. People seirously do cycles of that shit and end up fatter.

Alright I guess I will just try steroids

Nah, you cant. You can outeat DNP easily. Unless you do gram a day which is close enough to kill you too.

All your special snowflaking will not help you lose weight. You've lost a fuckton a weight but you obviously want to lose more, you either do it, or don't do it.

Poison your self with DNP. The only person you can harm is your self. If you want it that "bad" why don't you fraud.

What do you need to lose more weight for? You don't look like a bodybuilder so who cares. Acknowledge your mental illness

you're never going to make it

Just do cardio you fucking ugly mongoloid

Have to admit the efficiency of it sounds alluring.
But it sounds so brutal can we confident there aren't some minor long term effects slipping by?

Could just be lack of knowledge in biology spooking me. But this essentially poisions your mitochondria right? If it goes through your blood is it discriminatory at all? or is it fucking up the cells in all your organs and brain? And once dnp passes will they all replicate completely healthily as though nothing happened?

Play Parasite Eve for the answers

we don't know if it has alot of longterm side effects that crop up. It seems to cause nerve damage, obviously, since PN is a side effect commonly associated with longterm use.

your mitochondria recover of course but we don't know if it causes any permanent changes. Doesn't seem to aside from the free radicals it adds to your body. I often wonder that if they did a biopsy on someone who used DNP if they would have yellow stains in some of their organs, lol.

>people dying from spontaneous human combustion because of their mitochondria mutating
Sounds like DNP honestly

How is it that jason genova did DNP but still didn't lose fat?

damn it goes from decent to horrifying if you start at the bottom and look up

You are pathetic, dnp to get under 10%, not to mention you aren't even competing. Did you think it was going to be easy? Under 10%, you eat your 1 or 2 "meals" for the day and you are hungrier than when you started. Give up, you aren't going to make it

>I often wonder that if they did a biopsy on someone who used DNP if they would have yellow stains in some of their organs, lol.

Happened to an user in a dnp thread a while back. Said he had stopped dnp for 3 months. Forget where the surgery was but surgeon said there were tons of yellow splotches lining the organ

>Free radicals

damage DNA and may be linked to cancer right? Sounds like reason enough to avoid if it introduces an inordinate amount

Are you significantly cold and feeling completely tired and not recovering as well?
Then your thyroid is fucked and your metabolism is in the toilet.
Time for a refeed nigga.

you have absolutely nothing to cut to, you have almost zero muscle mass, what the fuck are you thinking?

not OP but maybe you've been hanging out around fraud too much. He's not 0 muscle, just looks like an average joe