PPL with only one leg day, what should i do with second leg day, i hate doing legs and its pointless to work them if u have shit calves with skinny bones.
Routines general
Other urls found in this thread:
>big tits
>no lower body
fuck off
Perfect form lmao
Just do loads of high rep meme shit
>lifting so heavy with your 10lb plates your heels comes off the floor
fucking weemen
laughing my ass off at this pic
>those fingernails
>heavy make up
>duck face lips
>bad hair, looks damaged and dry
>huge hanging tits and no lower body
>heels off the floor
>horrible form, she does not know what she's doing
> fake tits
> fake eyebrows
> straightened up hair
> poor form
> no lower body
> those fingernails
She also did porn and is gross
She fell for every fucking meme out there.
My friend is doing a science report on this sort of thing. Care to share a name? Just to have a few more sources to cite, you know?
>i'm gay
Her name is Chloe mafia /Khan and used to be a cam whore
>fixed bar
>knees past toes
>caked in make up
>no ass/legs
>meme shoes
-9/10 would not even fap to
Posted in another thread but it's dead
Monday (volume day)
Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Deadlift 3x3
Wednesday (Recovery and overhead day)
OHP 5x5
Paused squat at 80% 3x5
Pendlay Rows 3x5
Power cleans 3x3
Thursday - GPP (neglected muscles)
curls, rows, facepulls, calf raises, farmers walks, ab work, conditioning
Friday (microload on this day)
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
Saturday -GPP (calesthenics)
Chinups, pullups, pushups, dips, ab work, conditioning
I don't undertsand what this is.....
the average thot that goes to the gym
Congrats OP, you managed to immediately have your thread derailed because your non-related pic was TOO autistic. To answer your question, you should probably stop being a bitch and do some squats, lunges, and calf raises because as you said, your's are shit; them being shit and not working on them isn't going to fix your problem.
beautiful, stealing.
Why does she need a belt to squat 10 pounds?
Women are fucking stupid, never should've let them in the gym. They all think that it is OK to go there just to show off their goods, Godless sluts.
She literally has more weight in makeup than on that bar.
Wtf user. That webm is sick shit. KYS.
I hate legs too OP, and I had knee surgery 10 years ago, so every time I try to squat 3 times a week or too heavy, my joint starts to hurt.
Already wearing bandages and a belt, but that just gave me another 10-20kg I can lift without my knee hurting.
My bench is even higher than my squat.
Still, squating 2 times a week is what I try for now.
Squat 3x5
Bench 5x5
OHP 5x5
Row 5x5
DL 1x5
Curl 3x8-10
Chin Ups until I don't like anymore
I gues it's more a corsage for aesthetics than a weightlifting belt.
You now, gotta wear that gym style in gym xD
>he knows so little about women he thinks it's a weightlifting belt
She's clearly only wearing that to show off her titties
Has anyone tried cowboy method? On my 3rd week of cycle 1, actually breaking through some weights that stalled me on vanilla texas method.
Everything about this pic is a disaster of utter incompetence
Often I would correct knees past toes, as its legit fine in an actual squat, like when your ass in on the floor, but shes barely started and they are past her toes wtf
>shit calves
>skinny bones
>all these excuses
no wonder a faggot like you is doing a PPL routine
What do you guys think about this routine 2 times a week (PPLxPPL)?
>pitbulls are safe, just like any other dog
>youre a bigot for thinking they are dangerous
>you know poodles attack more than other dogs
>ban them instead
The issue isn't the pitbulls in the webm, it's the owner, who is walking two dogs that are clearly much stronger than she is, and not well socialized with other animals. It doesn't matter what breed they are if they don't know how to act around other animals and are stronger than their owner.
Wtf user
Why post that?
I hope those dogs were euthenised and she was given a prison sentenced. Fucking negligent piece of shit. I would sue her with everything I had
Do we know the background of the attack? Did the victim survive?
The cat survived.
Like the other user said, I'd sue this cunt to hell and back. Fucking women getting not one, but 2 (two) large breed dogs that she can't control
RIP catbro, I hope the owner of the cat sued the everloving FUCK out of the dogowner and had the little shits put down.
>teehee, I'm a dainty little woman
>scared of my two big dogs user? ;P
>they're great to their mommy, i trust them to protect me
>i love my babies :3
>oh noes I can't control them :(((((
Literally every single woman who lives on her own and decides to get pitbulls.
Pic related only does push-ups and pullups
Any critiques for this before I try it?
Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Deadlift variation
Ohp 3x10 @70%
Deadlifts 2x6
Ohp 3x5
Squat 3x10 @70%
Bench 3x10 @70%
Christ what a trashy fucking thot, disgusting
Exactly why I posted it m8, it pisses me off to no end. :)
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 10x10 Bench, 10x10 OHP
Wednesday: Deck of Pain (96 pushups, pullups, bodyweight squats, hanging leg raises)
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 10x10 Squats, 10x10 Deadlifts
Saturday: Deck of Pain
Sunday: Rest
Is it just me or she looks like those $15 000 sex dolls?
great tits 10/10 would bone
pls rate... pls respond
Flat Bench Barbell Press x3 x6-8
Yates Barbell Row x3 x6-8
Seated Barbell Overhead Press x3 x6-8
Standing Cable Flye x2 x8-10
Standing Cable Reverse Flye x2 x8-10
Wide Grip Upright Row x2 x8-10
Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension x3 x8-10
Ez-Bar Biceps Curl x3 x8-10
Barbell Back Squat x3 x6-8
Stiff Legged Deadlift x3 x6-8
Barbell Hip Thrust x3 x6-8
Leg Extension x2 x8-10
Leg Curl x2 x8-10
Calf Raise Machine x3 x8-10
Hanging Leg Raise x3 x8-10
Standing Oblique Crunch w/ Plate x3 x8-10
Incline Bench Barbell Press x3 x6-8
Conventional Deadlift x3 x6-8
Standing Barbell Overhead Press x3 x6-8
Seated Single Arm Machine Press x2 x8-10
Lateral Pulldown x2 x8-10
Barbell Row x2 x8-10
Cable Rope Triceps Pulldown x3 x8-10
Dumbbell Seated Hammer Curl x3 x8-10
Barbell Front Squat x3 x6-8
Good Morning x3 x6-8
Cable Rope Pull Through x3 x6-8
Dumbbell Lunge x2 x8-10 (per leg)
Dumbbell Stiff Legged Deadlift x2 x8-10
Seated Calf Raise Machine x3 x8-10
Weighted Decline Crunch x3 x8-10
Medicine Ball Russian Twist x3 x8-10
I like this one too, what do you consider a "micro load"?
Has anyone looked at or tried this nsuns routine horseshit?
I'm slowing down on 531 and was thinking about switching things up. It seems stupid to me to do 9 sets of each exercise though.
is that actually enough volume to grow or just for strength?
Saw this routine in a thread yesterday. The user said to do it twice a week. What do you guys think?
Lat pull down 3x12
Cable rows 3x8
Barbel curls 3x5
Bench press 3x5
Chest flyes 3x8
Shoulder press 3x5
Dumbbell lateral raise 3x12
Cable tricep pull down 3x15
Seated tricep extensions 3x8
This is what it looks like when your only mode of surviving reality is getting plowed.
Just optimizing yourself to take dick and not much else.
I'd very interested to know if she has any self awareness on what she's turned herself into, or if she rationalizes it somehow.
p-p-pls rate my routine, I mainly wanna do bodyweight but I also wanna see gains in under a year so i supplemented it with compound lifts
Pull ups
Chin ups
Leg raises
Decline pushups
Bench 5x5
Squat 5x5
OHP 5x5
DL 1x5
Decline hammer curls 10x3
Tricep pushdwns 15x3
Any suggestions for changes? I want to stay relatively thin but also well defined because Veeky Forumsggot
everyday is leg day, don't be a pussycat abt it. here's a great ppl to keep you interested diogn.es
Does her face look tiny, or is it just because her tits are hueg? Either way,
Rate routine please.
3x5 BB Bench
3x5 BB Press
3x8 DB Incline
3x10 DB Front Raise
3x12 Tricep Bar Tri Ext
3x15 Wrist Extension
3x5 BB Pendlay Row
3x5 BB Upright Row
3x8 DB Row
3x10 DB Lateral Raise
3x12 EZ Bar Curl
3x15 Wrist Curl
3x5 Back Squat
3x8 SLDL
3x12 Split Squat
3x?? Crunches
3x?? Side Planks
3x20 Gripper
3x5 BB Incline Bench
3x5 Dips
3x8 DB Press
3x10 DB Fly
3x12 DB Tri Ext
3x20 Neck Extension
3x5 BB Yates Row
3x5 Pull Ups
3x8 DB Upright Row
3x10 DB BO Fly
3x12 DB P-Curl
3x20 Neck Curl
3x5 Deadlift
3x8 Front Squat
3x12 Calf Raise
3x?? Leg Raise
3x?? Plank
3x?? Deadhang
my gf wants to start getting into lifting a bit since I got a home gym but isn't ready to commit more than 2 days a week right now. would this work as a monday/thursday full body routine?
barbell hip thrust/squat 3x5
chin-up/bent-over row 3x5
incline bench press/OHP 3x5
deadlift/ADL 3x5
ab-roller 3x8-12
+accessories 3x8-12
Seriously though who is this cunt?
Good to know, but hopefully the cat is able to recover without too much damage.
Still shit owner to not have the dogs properly trained.
>Bench responds well to volume. More sets
>Box squats if you want more power out of the hole and have a box instead of pause squats
>Needs a progression scheme
>Push press or power jerk could be subbed in for strict press in strength and power cycles. Strict is probably best during hypertrophy cycles because of lower training load stress.
Not bad overall.
>two sets of deadlift per week done after rowing
>One wrote: "That could have been some little kid playing in his front yard or me riding my bicycle down the street.
Not bad enough that a cat got mauled for minding its own business, huh?
Might be better to just run a Sheiko program with OHP instead of dips.
It seems stupid because people are afraid of volume. It's literally just the spinal tap variant of 531 rearranged. It works.
You have more sets of arms than every other exercise combined. That's super imbalanced and will take forever.
I usually avoid the cherry-picking woman hating shit you guys have going on here, but damn that woman with the dogs is shittiest kind of person.
"I'm not a bad person I just got got two big dogs that I can't control, and I can't be bothered to have them probably trained."
fuck these people.
Monday A Str Lower
Back Squat 3x4-6
Deadlift 2x3-5
Seated calf raise 3x15
Standing calf raise 3x15
Standing cable crunch 3x12
Weighted neck curls 3x
Tuesday B Str Upper
Flat bench press 3x4-6
Weighted chin up 3x4-6
One handed landmine row 3x4-6
Hang high pull 3x4-6
Wrist curls 3x12-15
Weighted neck curls 3x
Thursday C Hyp Lower
Weighted lunge 3x10
Straight leg deadlift 3x10
Leg press 3x10
Seated calf raise 3x15
Standing calf raise 3x15
Standing cable crunch 4x12
Weighted neck curls 3x
Friday D Hyp Upper
Overhead press 3x10
Weighted dips 3x10
Pull ups 3x10
Facepulls 3x15
Shrugs 3x8-12
Reverse curl/Tri. ext. 3x8-12
Weighted neck curls 3x
Pls rate, I'm focusing mainly on neck, forearms and upper back, since they are my most lagging areas.
>4 days
>hypertrophy 2 out of 4 days
mega garbage
>I'm focusing mainly on neck, forearms and upper back
>4 days
total dog shit.
Why? Isn't that the same principle as PHUL?
>Vicious pit bulls pull helpless owner to the ground as they brutally maul cat in horrific attack
>helpless owner
Woman nearly causes the death of another living being and they still somehow manage to make her out as a victim
Bumping my own post with a cute anime girl.
This made me realize i love cats more than dogs. These fucking shitheads should be shot and the dogs sued.
Workout A1
T1 Squat
T2 Bench
T2 Romanian deadlift
T3 Lat Pulldown
T3 Facepulls
T3 Biceps
Workout B1
T2 Deadlift
T2 Close grip Bench press
T3 Seated Row
T3 Lat raises
T3 Abs & Calves
Workout A2
T1 Bench
T2 Squat
T2 Romanian deadlift
T3 Lat Pulldown
T3 Facepulls
T3 Biceps
Workout B2
T1 Deadlift
T2 Close grip Bench press
T3 Seated Row
T3 Lat raises
T3 Abs & Calves
Gonna post it again. Should I do this 3 or 4 times a week?
Hi brehs, anybody cares to review my routine? Created it after 1,5 year of Greyskull and PPL. Wanted to do something with 4 training days that would allow strength progression on OHP. squats and deadlift while also including a couple more lifts than usual strength focused program. For my personal reasons no heavy flat bench press is included, so my chest workout is more like from bodybuilding routine. The routine doesnt list the core exercises that I do after every workout session for around 25 minutes.
-incline bench press 3x8
-dumbbel bench press 3x10
-back squat 3x5
-Arnolds Press 3x10
-deadlift 1x5
-weighted chinups 3x8
-croc rows 1x10+
-weighted shrugs 3x10
-reversed flies 3x10
-OHP 3x5
-weighted dips 3x5
-lateral raises 3x10
-front squat 3x5
-pull ups 3x10
-Yates Rows 3x8
-biceps curls 3x10
-weighted shrugs 3x10
-reversed flies 3x10
Anyone have any advice on where to improve this routine?
I was doing almost the same but over time I cut bullshit and narrowed it to 4-5 exercises each time like alternating incline bench with a flat one.
Also I found curls fucking boring so I cut their volume in half, why hitting only cep's when you can hit them AND back in the chin-ups?
Nah she's cheapier.
nice, is this based off anything or u just make it yourself?
yea im doing this, u dont really notice that your doing 9 sets etc etc, only 3-4 sets of those movements are really were u wanna focus, my bench went up 10kg, ohp 15, squat 40, dead 40 in about 12 weeks
pull ups and deadliff on pull days,stiff leg deadlift on leg day and to lpp(leg/push/pull)this way ur giving ur back a day to rest...
PUSH (chest/triceps/shoulders):
Flat barbell bench press: 3x5
Seated dumbbell shoulder press: 3x5
Incline dumbbell bench: 3x5
Rope pushdowns (circuit machine) 3x10-12
Overhead dumbbell extension or similar tricep exerciseL 3x10-12
PULL (back/biceps)
Barbell rows: 3x5
Lat pulldowns: 3x8-10
Seated rows: 3x8-10
Face-pulls: 3x10-12
Barbell bicep curls (alternate between close and normal grip): 4x10-12
Choice of one other bicep exercise (typically hammer curls): 3x10-12
LEGS (quad/ham/calves)
Barbell squads: 4x5-6
Legpress (optional if already doing above squads): 3x8-10
Leg extensions: 3x10-12
Hamstring curls: 3x10-12
Seated calve raises: 5x10-12
Follow this twice a week. That means you'll be going 6 times a week (PPLPPLx). If you're not recovering fast enough you might want to go PPLxPPLx.
>current year
>not opting to do legs on the same day as back
this way you can workout 7 days a week and your gains will skyrocket
>m-muh restdays!
shut up you wimp
Pls evaluate guys:
Day 1: Chest, Triceps
>Barbell bench press 5x5
>Incline dumbell press 4x10
>Dumbell flys 4x10
>Low cable chest flys 4x10
>Rope tricep pulldown 3x10
>Dumbell tricep extension 3x10
>Bench dips 4xFailure
Day 2: Legs
>Skwats 5x5
>Leg press 4x10
>Lunges 4x10
>Hamstring curls 4x10
>Smith calf raise 4x10
Day 3: Shoulder, Bicep
>Military press 4x10
>Front raises 4x10
>Lateral raises 4x10
>Shrugs 4x10
>Barbell curls 3x10
>Pinwheel curls 3x10
>Concentration curl 3x10 or Curl where you "rest" in contraction 3x10
>Overhead cable curl 3x10
Day 4: Back
>Deadlifts 5x5
>Pull-ups 4xFailure
>Bent-over barbell row 4x10
>Seated cable row 4x10
>Wide-Grip Lat Pulldown 4x10
What changes should i make?
So how would you do it? I thought it was best to keep big muscle groups seperated (back, chest, legs) and do accesory lifts besides them.
>t. Reddit
Why the fuck is she wearing a belt, with such baby weight? what the fuck...
This picture really fucking annoy me, holy shit.
just go for it every other day, take an additional rest day the occasional time it feels needed.
I would put my penis inside of her vagina, if given the opportunity to do so.
How are the accessories? Is it enough? Too much? Exercise selection is good? Balanced?
Disregard shoulder day IMO
You get some shoulder activation on chest days, add some shoulder press and lat raises
Also back days give you some great rear delt action, add some facepull or some shit, and you should be golden
All in my opinion
Next month my gf and I will start to lift together. I going to do SS, SL or Reg Parks routine. At first I thought that we both should do the same routine but now I am not so sure. I been investigating and It seems that women are more resistent and recovers more quickly than men so she may benefits from higher volume. But anyway we are going to the gym 3 times per week and she want to do a full body routine. Also I want that she developt a cute little bubble butt to eat all night out. So, taking in cosideration this, what routine should she do? or we just can make the same routine?
Basically westside for skinny bastards 4 days in a row
Squats: 3x5
Front Squats: 5x10 (at 50% of max)
Hanging Leg Raises: 5x10
Bench Press: 3x5
Incline Bench: 5x10 (at 50% of max)
Pullups: 5x10
Deadlift: 3x5
RDL: 5x10 (at 50% of max)
Hanging Leg Raises: 5x10
OHP: 3x5
OHP: 5x10 (at 50% of max)
Chinups: 5x10
deadlift on pull or push day?
Pull day. Your push day will have squats, and that's taxing enough on the CNS.
>all these triggered catcucks
what those two dogs did to that cat was no less vicious than what that piece of shit animal did to hundreds of birds, rabbits, and mice.