the war on masculinity is NOT a conspiracy theory. I just saw this on local news and I'm fucking infuriated. I'm just glad I got my eagle and aged out before this nonsense
The war on masculinity is NOT a conspiracy theory. I just saw this on local news and I'm fucking infuriated...
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what is waleed fucking aly doing on american news?
they're keeping the troops gender segregated
for now
this has much more to do with the fact that participation has been plummeting for decades and is now 20% less than 5 years ago and barely a third of what it was 45 years ago
the organization is desperately trying to remain relevant
Reminds me of the movie Bushwacked.
go to your little hugbox you low IQ troglodyte
>the war on masculinity
The Boy Scouts haven't been anywhere near masculine in the last 30 years. I have never met a Boy Scout that wasn't a genetic failure and quick google search will prove that.
So boys get to meet girls now? What a disgrace. Lesser chance to end up being lonesome virgins hanging on taiwanese cock-transplanting discussion boards
Its more to do with women invading traditionally male spaces.
Boy scouts are a fucking joke lol it's just a way for parents that hate their nerdy kids to get rid of them for a little bit while they fuck