I just bought this hat for the gym
Will it help me get to 3pl8 squat?
I just bought this hat for the gym
Will it help me get to 3pl8 squat?
just go to sleep man, stop making shitty threads
nice bro! are you a powerbottom? what's the biggest you've taken??
This is my favorite image of 2017, would need something spectacular to top this
>got an entire BLACKED outfit from mystery Santa last year
>Bball shorts, tanktop, hat, and socks. all black, all with BLACKED in bold text on them
>didn't really get it at the time due to not knowing many memes
>just thought it was a funny joke since I am black and rather dark in skin tone
>boss thought it was racist and told him to calm down it's nothing
>realized what it all was many months later
>also realized why that petite white account girl was so weirdly friendly to me that day, she must have been my secret santa
eh, shit looks cool not gunna lie. love going to the gym fulled decked out in my BLACKED gear, repping 1.5 OHP while people watch. I've had girls pose for instagram photos with me before. in that pose with the head at the dude's thigh, like in that meme photo people keep editing other people onto.
pretending to be a talent scout? test the goods before you can make your referrals and introductions
Unironically how do I buy this hat? Where is blacked merch?
stop being rude to my friend
closest i could find
When will you fucking cucks stop spamming boards
it's so god damn obvious
can you post a pic wearing it all? i find this hard to believe
You're the cuck faggot beta male who is too self conscious and scared of niggers to wear it ironically while slaying white pussy. Go fuck yourself fag
>he doesn't wear sick gear ironically
This is just sad. You're basically fucking advertising for it, you're falling for goldbergs tricks.
You're letting the kikes get to you brah. Id wear a star of david hat ironically also being that i actually talk to people in real life and they would immediately know i don't like groids or heebs. kek
They are getting to me, man. It's just annoying me because it's like, do women really want nigger dick, or is this shit just propaganda and over emphasized by cucks and shlomo?
9/10 chicks don't like grioids, including black chicks.
It's largely propaganda. White men are most successful with white, Latina and Asian women.
Wtf man how much do you weigh?
I'm 175 and can 3p8 squat you look easily 200 unless your legs are shit
I haven't had any pussy in the last couple months, so it just pisses me off I guess.
stop thinking about gash. stop watching white whores fuck blacks on the internet.
I'm not watching it, but I see the fucking threads everywhere.
Also trying not to think about gash, but I'm not a low t fag, I want to fuck women.
I got fuckin chlamydia lads.
fuck my shit up
hate to suggest it but go on tinder. pretty easy to fuck someone unless you're totally inept. girls just want to fuck on there
I'm not aesthetic enough yet senpai, still have acne and still need to at least get biceps poppin so I look good.
get some confidence bra
brah I've got confidence but I don't just want to fuck ugly girls. I never had any luck on tinder, but I had luck on other apps.
Tbh I deleted those apps because I'm tired of thots, I actually would much prefer something serious and one girl to fuck whenever I want. People keep telling me though love comes when you least expect it so I'm just trying to avoid looking.
What are you after then "love" or to fuck sluts. You find a girl to settle with at work or school. You find sluts online or clubs. If you have confidence keep hitting on sluts until you get one.
Anyway gone off topic, stop believing Veeky Forums memes and watching cuck porn and you'll adjust to real life again where the most attractive men are ones like Ryan Gossling or Ryan Reynolds, not fuckin jayz or some shit.
I don't go to school, and my job is social but the odds of a qt pi coming in without her boyfriend and actually being interested aren't high. Server btw
You are trying too hard