R8 my gym
>pic related
R8 my gym
I see radiators, is this in the UK?
>No mirrors
How else am I meant to mire my ass
Tromso, Norway.
Here is some mirrors.
I am jealous, how much is it per month?
That's a nice clean gym I wish I lived there, looks cozy.
that's why you take a gymbro, nohomo
220 nok/27 dollar right now. 265 nok/33 dollar next year
So much space. So many racks. I'm jelly
t. dweller of a parisian gym
month or week?
just double checking, i'm jealous man. Gyms that look like that in Australia are easily $30+ per week.
>tfw new branch of gym has turf thingy for prowler pushing
>tfw can do muh conditioning
It's slightly farther though. Your gym looks comfy/10
Kind of like the old gym better, new one attracts to many normies.
9/10 gym, I’m jelly. My gym has one squat rack and the equipments so cheap I actually managed to warp the trap-bar while deadlifting.
£5 a month tho so fuck it.
Fucking good Gyms
pretty decent gym, i go to the uni gym in stavanger and its really great too.
This is our student gym in Tromso
Feels good having oil money
jelly as fuck / 10
All eleiko bars with bumpers and racks? I'd kill for a gym like that.
>Many Eleiko XF bar and bumber.
>Many Eleiko weightlifting bar and plates
>One competition bar for bench
I take this shit for granted
The small town local gym.
looks pretentious
Have you ever seen Zoe there
zoe who
Haugesund aerobic norge
noen som trener her?
>no home gym plebs
rofl @ u plebs
>More equipment
>Usually better quality equipment
>Get to speak to people and make new friends
>More motivating
Gyms are better desu
I got the same equipment
Quality is a meme
I don't go to the gym to "make friends", I go to workout
Motivation is a meme
>Get to speak to people and make new friends
haven't met any famous athletes myself. if they go, they'll go during elite hours where only certain members can go (elite teams, national athletes, etc)
yes lad
starting next month
Ködder du? Nå flytter jeg til Tromsö...
wait, is the UK the only country to use radiators?
>more equipment
more niche, useless machines sure. only thing you miss out is db rack but adjustables are fine
>better quality
i can't think of a single machine that is better the higher quality it is. i guess the pulleys glide easier? get some 3in1 oil for lube
>get to speak to people
>more motivating
that's true
(Pic is from google, mine has a diff layout)
I go to Vent Fitness, we have a whole side of and the upper floor of the gym full of bikes,treadmills,stair climbers, and even 2 Jacob ladders.
The other half is the weights, 2 incline bench 1 decline bench 3 normal bench, 2 squat racks, and about 30-40 other weight machines.
There is also a rather large pool/jacuzzi, rock climbing wall, basketball court, tire pushing area, boxing area.
Costs me about 20 a month.
I wanna see people's home gyms if anyone's got one. I'm trying to put one together, making a list of stuff to buy:
>olympic style barbell
>power rack
>about 400 lbs in plates of 45s
>one pair of plates of 20s
>one pair of plates of 10s
>one pair of plates of 5s
>trap bar
>EZ curl bar
>adjustable dumbbells
>elastic bands
Anything I'm missing here?
Barbell Collars
Adjustable Bench
DL mats/OLY platform
Plate racks (depends on your power Cage)
Bumper plates
Bigass speakers for blaring Death Grips
Bigass TV for porn for test boost
Hammer curl bar
Jesus,....a gym like that would be no less than $80 usd in NY. I'm jelly, bro.
>filename with NY for a moment gave me hope
Wowza that looks amazing
as long as it doesn't get littered with powerlifting/olympic lifting gooks and their 6 gym bags a piece
why no 2.5 plates, they're pretty useful
pretty cold tho