Is there an actual point to NoFap besides self torture?

Is there an actual point to NoFap besides self torture?

If I masturbate, it takes about 5 min and then my mind is cleared and I'm back to being productive.

If I don't, it feels as if I spend the entire day making myself suffer and abstain from that small release.

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it's all about noporn now

>Is there an actual point to NoWeed besides self torture?
>If I smoke, it takes about 5 min and then my mind is cleared and I'm back to being productive.
>If I don't, it feels as if I spend the entire day making myself suffer and abstain from that small release.


do /noporn/

If you abstain for a few days the orgasm is more intense when you finally beat your cock.

no, it's a meme and some of the retards here are taking it seriously because they have to have at least one point in life.

some user posted this the other day. spread it

Thank you!

This is true. Plus abstaining will help you cum easier with real sex. For you non-virgins you know what I mean. The pussy is actually a lot “looser” than your grip. Beating your dick with a tight grip gets you used to that grip... when you finally get some ass it’s harder to cum because that same tightness you’re used to isn’t there.

Is garbage

I dont watch porn, and neither should you.

The only reason I don't fap is because I've never wanted to. Not once. I've attempted to but lost interest. I still can't imagine what it feels like.

If I liked it, I'd probably do it all the time.

Life is self torture.

I do it because it makes butt stuff feel better


I fap to escape the illusion of being attractive to girls.
If they compliment you, and you get excited about it you are wasting your time.
Leave humanity behind

the fact that not cumming makes me feel like a fucking warrior who needs to conquer pussy and crush my enemies.

or I could fap myself to sleep everynight and wake up feeling listless and unrested and bored of life.

Im a month in. I watch softcore porn occasionally though. I also fall asleep every night having sexual fantasies about pretty much every semi attractive non family female aquantince I have.

I rate it 6/10 on the meme scale

I rate

>self torture
If not fapping feels like torture then you're addicted to it. Nofap is a way to break your addiction.

>get circumcised
>can't fap for a month
>feel really good after the month is up
>break back into the same habit afterwards
>eventually lose interest in porn and only end up watching out of habbit.
the point is that you find other stuff to use the energy/time on.
I felt like a god after the second week.

>get circumcised
Are you a muslim or a jew now?

Really bad phimosis, I tried ointment but that didn't work.

Addiction causes the brain to crave that hit dopamine, to chase that fake reward.
The problem is that PORN addiction do not affect you like most addictions.
The real problem is that PA is rooted in one of the most strong drives of any animal: fucking SEX.
And sex permeates everything we do. So here it comes an addiction that penetrates the center of the human behavior, changing it. The reach of sexual behavior it's everywhere, it drives everything. Now it's easy to see why PA causes so much damage: it damages everything, everywhere.

PA makes your mind objectify everything around you, especially people: you can't see the depth in them, they look 2 dimensional because you can only see humans as a source of pleasure, nothing more. they can't give you that dopamine hit, why bother? Your vision gets so clouded that woman in general are not human beings: they are a source for you to get that dopamine hit.
You basically trained your brain to live from instant pleasure to instant pleasure, to live for the next dopamine hit, only feeling alive when eating that high-calorie food or fapping

>You lost me at "Problematic".
this is the worst fucking sjw drivel ever written to appear "sex-positive", and """reputable""". garbage. There is a reason the highest-aceiving men in all spiritual traditions have been brahmachary i.e. nofap

It's relieving a perfectly normal, instinctive feeling to ejaculate in the safest, cheapest way possible. There is nothing wrong with that, you fucking autistic prick.

"If you feel like going all day without food is torture, then you're addicted to it." See how stupid you sound when you say someone is addicted to a perfectly normal sensation?

Question for you nofappers - do you even consider the possibility of being loved by a female? Because nofap wouldn't even be a consideration for anyone who gets laid regularly or has a gf. This year alone I've banged 6 different broads, am dating one now, and I can easily say I've jerked off more times than days have passed so far.

It isn't jerking off that's the problem. It's your personal stigma, your SHAME that you wrongly feel for it. Get over it.

This. I feel so much better after going a month without it.

Sounds like Jew shit. No thanks schlomo I'm not watching your degenerate porn anymore! Fuck you kike!!!

No dumbass there is much more to it.

For started jerking off is rough on your urethra. Second when you cum you're supposed to be cumming inside a vagina and receiving fluids from your partner in exchange for yours. This isn't happening when you masturbate and can lead to inflammation in your urethra and then you will have ED.

Masturbation is not the safest way to ejaculate. Having monogamous sex with your wife is.

NoFap is only good for taking away the crutch of busting an easy nut. If you don't ever try to get laid, but could with effort, it forces you to give in to your base desires and actually look for a woman to fuck. Any other benefit besides forcing you to get off with somebody else's help is a fucking joke.

im trying to do /noanal/ and its to fucking hard, does any other anons have this problem

Literally never happens
Everyone faps and plenty of people who fuck fuck with condom, if this was true most males would have inflammed urethras

>ED isn't on the rise and reaching epidemic proportions

>Having anything to do with masturbation

>porn more readily available than ever before in the history of mankind
>ergo more people are masturbating more often than ever before in the history of mankind
>ED rates higher than ever before in the history of mankind
You're right there is certainly no relationship there.

There is also a higher rate of obese people than ever before, did porn and fapping cause this too?
Do you actually have anything besides your wannabe correlation=causation shit you read on some shitty feministic mom page?

I would argue that yes porn and fapping have contributed to the increase in fat fucks.

Don't forget obesity sugar lack of physical activity bc in the water and most importantly circumcision being the norm

>Wanting to be taken seriously
>exclaiming die jew repeatedly on a Cantonese boat restoration website
Get fucked.

Your debate skills are shit. Jerking off is conclusively why people get ED. People eat garbage and have very little physical activity - both of which contribute to ED. This is probably the biggest reason, considering plenty of married couples suffer with ED. Not like all these husbands are secretly watching massive amounts of porn behind their wives backs.

Jerking off with a death grip can contribute to ED. So it isn't the jerking off, it's the heavy pressure on the dick.

Thirdly, we are discussing NOFAP, not NOPORN. Viewing a bunch of porn can desensitze you arousal to it. Understandable. But that's porn, not jerking off. You can jerk off without porn, or with softer core porn, or, if it just doesn't fuck with you, just watch hardcore anal like I have for nearly the past two decades.

Go cry in a corner and beg god for forgiveness because you touched your peepee

Jerking off is *NOT conclusively why people get ED

No conclusive evidence, further rsearch needed, case reports were fucking deployed soldiers
They even admit psychological health, performance anxiety and PTSD can also contribute, while not taking anything else into account besides booze and cigs

>expecting people to take you seriously when you unironically use the jew ad hominem


>t. Dr. Shekelberg

>OYYyyyy VEYYyyyy

off topic here, why is it that when i start a new thing or start taking interest in something the new thing keeps popping up in my life.

for example, i just started watching its always sunny yesterday, now i see this motherfuckers face on this board, friends are talking about it and i see articles on facebook about it. and this happens with everything i do, i start taking interest in martial arts everyone around me starts talking about it, i start going to the gym, suddenly everyone's starting to go to the gym and is an expert on fitness, i start running a ppl, everyone says it is the best routine ( without me ever mentioning such a thing before ).

i am not crazy, this happens a lot, i don't document this incidents but i make a point to remember this occurances as good as possible. also deja vu tends to happen to me a lot except i know when in my past something similar happened, it's not a brain glitch. this is all to me an indication that the universe is a simulation, idk if life matters or not.

on to no fap, it shouldnt be torture it should be an exercise of discipline, you're just a lazy asshole. fap once a week for maximum test gains, once every 2-3 days for maximum dick health and many times a day to traing your dick for a lot of resistance, but take a break every now and then

t. autist actually fell for the jew meme

That's not really a problem for anyone involved if you don't suck at fucking, dude.

there is a word for that phenomenon
you just ignore it until you learn something about a certain thing, you start noticing it once you know of its existence

Not unless you're trying to stop having a fetish, no.

>ethically produced porn
you lost me their m8

So its true. I have done 1 week cycles for 3 weeks now and its fucking great.

>more social
>lost fat
>met a girl, we really hit it of

Try it atleast

i know there's a word for it, it's the baader-meinhof phenomenon, trust me this isn't the case, everything is so clear in my memory that i may as well have written it on paper. also i'm pretty fucking autistic, i'm huge on learning new things, memorizing and have a crazy attention to details, so it's not my problem. for example i knew about the philly show before, and in fact a friend recommended it to me, i only got around to watching it years later, but i knew some details about the characters and some jokes about it. i could give you many counter example to what you're saying but it's pointless now really, i just wanted to blog post and vent because if i didn't tell anyone i'd probably go crazy

NoFap is just something that some assholes started to make your life worse, like MGTOW. NoPorn is much more important, especially if you were looking at porn every day.

I've been a pretty regular masturbator, averaging at least once a day for over a year. Since last Monday, I've only jacked off once and I feel great desu. Although, for the first week, I had an uncomfortable blue balls feeling due to withdrawal and my nuts not being used to feeling so full. Would recommend OP

Yeah man, I'm sure no one's able to be social, lose fat or talk to girls when masturbating. The last one especially, as it's well known that girls have a canine-like sense of smell and can ABSOLUTELY TELL when a guy regularly jerks his penis, which they find disgusting. So it's a good thing you did that, yeah.

>If I don't, it feels as if I spend the entire day making myself suffer and abstain from that small release.


>he holds himself to the standard of an animal that has to act on every impulse

Develop some self control fatty, just because the candy is there doesn't mean you have to eat it

>trust me this isn't the case
Don't worry user, you aren't special and this happens to literally everyone. It's to do with how we code information and what we think is relevant. You are constantly exposed to a bunch of non-correlated info in your daily life and your lizard brain is scrambling to make sense of just the most important bits; you will often begin to notice more frequently any new topic you are exposed to.
>i could give you many counter example to what you're saying
you can't and you wont.
>also I am pretty fucking autistic
no shit

i never had blueballs, even after taking a 30 day break, i never once felt discomfort in my balls. Is this normal?

This. Once you get past that stage is when you see the benefits.

well i'm too lazy to give many examples, but an example of the psychological phenomenon would be me noticing a specific car a lot on the streets ( in my case it's the bmw e46, it's as if everyone now has it ). now i realize that's just me suddenly paying more attention to this specific car, and also it's the fault of poorfags bringing many second hand bmws from germany hoping to flip them here.

but there are other situations where i notice new shit all the time like it's a new trend or something, but you won't believe me on this.

now on to deja vu, this is mainly me remembering incidents in my past unfolding in the same way, with the same details over and over. this isn't a big deal but still it's not my defective brain.

it makes u less degenerate and go after girls thus getting gf.

Day 3 here, I enjoy it.

I went to college with a guy like Dennis Reynolds. He could get any girl he wanted it was fascinating

>Second when you cum you're supposed to be cumming inside a vagina and receiving fluids from your partner in exchange for yours. This isn't happening when you masturbate and can lead to inflammation in your urethra and then you will have ED.
This is quite possibly the most retarded thing ever written

ED rates are on the rise because in less than half a century the median age of the western man has risen from late 20s to late 30s.Also because of obesity


Uhhh that Sarah pose.

Masturbating too much will slightly lower test levels. However, not ejaculating will eventually decrease the levels even more. For peak levels, only ejaculate every seven days.

>The purpose of this study is to gain understanding of the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men. The serum testosterone concentrations of 28 volunteers were investigated daily during abstinence periods after ejaculation for two phases. The authors found that the fluctuations of testosterone levels from the 2nd to 5th day of abstinence were minimal. On the 7th day of abstinence, however, a clear peak of serum testosterone appeared, reaching 145.7% of the baseline ( P < 0.01). No regular fluctuation was observed following continuous abstinence after the peak. Ejaculation is the precondition and beginning of the special periodic serum testosterone level variations, which would not occur without ejaculation. The results showed that ejaculation-caused variations were characterized by a peak on the 7th day of abstinence; and that the effective time of an ejaculation is 7 days minimum. These data are the first to document the phenomenon of the periodic change in serum testosterone level; the correlation between ejaculation and periodic change in the serum testosterone level, and the pattern and characteristics of the periodic change.


I'm /noporn/ but all jokes aside women aren't people

Expert observation Abdul