Can i change the way that i walk? Recently i feel like the way that i walk is weak and beta...

Can i change the way that i walk? Recently i feel like the way that i walk is weak and beta , i think the problem is my bad posture in my back

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just walk manually

Focus on straightening your back then so you don't have shit posture, and keep your eyes at or above parallel with the ground.

Start doing Farmer Walks a couple times a week at the end of your lifts.

When you stand up or walk imagine the top of your head being pulled up. Your neck should straighten aswell as your back. Also helps to keep ur chin up.

This'll help you OP. Probably the best video for improving your Chad-walk... even if the guy making the video is literally a geriatric LARPer.

Yes, but it is more about teaching you body how to do it than hypertrophy/strength gain. So do both motor exercises(and conscious effort to walk correctly) and weight resisted training regularly.

How do you constantly remind yourself to fix your posture. I know what I should be doing but I always fall back into old habits and find out 2 hours later I fucked up by slouching in my chair.

Depends on where you problem is
I used to walk without straightening my back, I have better posture now
Though, I have problem with my legs, my knees are not aligned with my feet and I can't walk and run normally, the worst is a can't do shit about it

Tie it with the gesture to a physical sign. Whenever you're thinking about your posture, force yourself to perform one of your tics. If you run your hand through your hair often, then whenever you run your hand through your hair, think about your posture and vice versa. Soon the two things will become linked. Another good one is whenever you walk through a doorway.

Have your shoes/soles checked (flat feet etc.).
Make sure there is no excessive pelvic tilt.
Imagine you're pushing the sky with the top of your head.


In school I was bullied because I would walk with my feet looking like this \ /. Because of the bullying I started to make a concentrated effort on walking differently, I'd always be conscious of how I was walking. Eventually I was able to walk normally naturally... Nowadays my feet are | | and not \ /

Bullying done right!

>walking however you want
>walking in any way differently to how you want because you think it makes you look more alpha

Tip for beta autists: When you're walking, try to imagine you're some badass warrior about to do battle with some evil doer who hurt your girl. Head up, eyes forwards, shoulders straight and arms swaying ever so subtly with every step. Basically your walk needs to invoke confidence and power.

Rows, face pulls, deadlifts are all you need to fix that. It's just a front/back imbalance rather than some kind of psychology or mindset

make and hold eye contact with everyone, will stop you from looking down

The short answer is yes.

YOu can change almost anything about yourself, including the mode of your ambulation.

It requires effort.

Mentally you'll have to image the EXACT way you want to walk. The clearer the mental image, the better. Hold this image in your head all throughout the day, as often as you can. Repeat.

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

avoid most points of the virgin walk and you are going to be alright

Also whisper "grow, grow, grow" while walking right?


Sorry, that isn't a thing that exists. The only advice I can give is to try to keep your back straighter if you feel your walk is weak, that's what it all revolves around.

Thanks guys

I just want to improve my self in whatever i can now that i have time

Alternatively, imagine you're being guided by a helicopter that has a meat hook jammed under your sternum.

this, if youre not walking manually you have no control and probably look like a beta.

There are plenty of medications with the potential side effect of 'gait disturbances'. ('gait' is the technical term for walking style btw)

try one out:

aripiprazole, haloperidol, fluphenazine, risperidone, amitriptyline, nortriptyline, citalopram, escitalopram, paroxetine, and fluoxetine.

Most of these also have the potential side effect of "uncontrollable tongue movements', So you might have to experiment with a few.

I'm still an avid believer that this type of bullying is character building.

Not even necessarily character building. That shit helped him fix a peculiar style of walking that was destined to give him joint problems in a few years. Bully just saved him thousands of dollars in future medical expenses.