>Have horrible day.
>All I ask my unemployee gf to do is cook some good chicken meal.
>All she did today was watch Ellen, read and make the beds.
>Come home asking where's the chicken?
>She says "didn't get around to it but I heated up some leftovers (was some horrid cabbage dish she prepped two days ago)
>I say I was looking forward to chicken all day.
>She says "well too bad I didn't cook it so you're not having chicken!"
>Lol o rly?
>Cook the best chicken of my life (smelled so good) in like 20 minutes.
>I am having chicken you little shit, and you can't tell me otherwise
>Nothing went my way that day, I'm not going to be such a bitch I can't even fucking eat what I want when I fucking want it.
I feel I shouldn't even need to have this confrontation. I'm bring home money and all she's providing is pussy.
What do?
Have horrible day
? Trolling or
If you truly think you deserve better, or shes a drain on your life then dump her. Clean.
also sorry for poor language translation. I'm Polish
No troll.
I love her but she's just leeching. She's not even looking after a child at this point, so I don't feel she should have free pass.
>lol o rly?
Keked at that
But srsly dump her
Fuuuuuu dump her
Dude in the US people dream of leaving behind American career woman and finding traditional wife. Often they think a polish woman would be that wife.
If your woman has no career and would make a bad wife then there is no point and no future. Dump her. Maybe one day she will grow up but she has to be single to understand.
Sorry user.
t. 31year old successful married American man
This belongs on the advice board but the fact that you started the description of your girlfriend with the shit that irks you is a strong indication you are not happy
I'm not terribly unhappy. She used to be more subservient(sp?). All I want is a fucking meal made (she's a good cook) and she had 8+ hours so I don't think I'm asking much.
+8hours a day*
Literally all I want when I come home is chicken, starch, veggie, Lech (pivo or bier)
Is that too much to ask?
Child isn't an element at this point if you read it.
Well she aint your slave nigga and you aint even married she doesnt have to do shit for you and your lucky if she does
That's because she has pushed your limits several times and you've never established a solid boundary
There should be consequences to her actions (or inaction). She'll think she have a free pass to just be a lazy fuck otherwise
Parasitic lifeform detected
I asked one thing from her.
Have a meal cooked when I come home (I bought some beautiful chicken breasts, so use those)
In exchange she can use anything in my house (booze, bath, beds, pool, tv, cpu, video games) until then.) IF THAT CONSISTS SLAVERY SIGN ME THE FUCK UP
why are you dating a useless disrespectful chick?
did you even get the puspus?
Wagecuck user BTFO by NEET gf.
I establish boundaries here. I think she believed I didn't know how easy cooking is. So I cooked a meal infront of her. If she keeps this up. She's fucking out.
Not anymore. I've had this woman abuse me since august and it has been far too long! Thank you fit!
Zasługujesz na wszystek zło, które Cię spotyka
>come back from gym
>make my own damn chicken
>jack off
>deal with zero nagging
no gf life wins again
Dump the lazy good for nothing bitch
That's good advice
That's hardly showing her. If you let her have some then she just made you her bitch
Literally just randomly dump her, she will flip the fuck out and panic.
Make her realize she NEEDS YOU and you DON'T NEED HER.
>gf go out on the weekend
>change house locks while she's gone
>call her and dump her (bitch don't deserve that in person)
>leave all her shit outside (somewhere they can't get stolen or damaged)
>wait for her to come home and find her stuff outside
make sure you record her when she gets back, will probably break something
>continue your life as normal will more money in your pocket and twice as many calories eating what would have been her meals to get more gains
Lol fuck you Lech is the best Poland has to offer I dare you to offer a superior brand. (I shall try it out of respect)
Dude, put that bitch on the curb.
You better do it fast before the state sees her as a fucking common law wife and she takes half of your shti.
Well her family kicked her out and she's unemployed so if I kick her our she's homeless. I'm not out to "show her" but she needs some tought lough.
follow the advice here
Not OP, but how did you find your wife? 26 here and all I see here in America are untraditional sloots. I'm considering trying church, or bringing one from abroad, give tips mang pls
I don't have heart for this, but I am going to kick her out,
Save some money
Get her an apartment
Move all of her shit too it while she's out of the house.
Give her the key and a copy of the want ads.
Tell her 'Good luck bitch'
Then peace out of there.
enjoy your roastie that wears a cross necklace
Kormoran, Ciechan, Lwówek and Pinta make beer leagues better and more interesting taste-wise than any corporate brewery, most craft breweries have some decent IPAs, AIPAs or Porter
I mean a Russian orthodox church, and go for a young cutie. Im an immigrant, i speak Russian and was hoping that would work. Obviously not an American church.
seriously just break up with her, I know you care about her well being but fuck, leeches gotta learn.
>actually buying her an apartament
OP please don't do this this is beyond retarded
The Virgin Proposal The Chad Scheme
What he posted is a very good plan that works. Kick her out you pussy
Literally such bad advice.
>beds plural
are you rich bruge?
Only Russian church worth attending is the Sect of Gadget Hackwrench.
>Kormoran, Ciechan, Lwówek and Pinta
I've tried pivo from one of the four,but disagree (however I shall try the other three as Ciechan was damn good.)
if he is I hope he's into sd/sb
Whose advice are you going to follow. For God's sake listen to and ignore virgins like
Just don't go for anyone over 18 at a church (vet the 19 y/o's carefully).
It honestly is (regardless of what church)
>I've fucked 30 guys but now regret it because I realize that all of that cum-guzzling has diminished my value as a woman and I have no skills or willpower to take care of myself so I'm now going to church every weekend to try and find a nice virgin Christian boy who will treat me right and take care of me, did I mention I'm a virgin btw?
I hope there isn't more than one to make op...
We sleep/sex in the same bed. Just bad translation.
Look, every single woman (and man) has something wrong with them
OP's woman is lazy but she probably has lots of other good qualities. You have to find someone who you can love and also put up with. If you can't put up with her bad qualities she's not for you.
I could probably put up with a lazy gf for example, it wouldn't bug me that much. I couldn't put up with a girlfriend that verbally abused me however. My ex would pick fights and basically talk down to me and blame things on me that she had no right doing. THAT I couldn't handle. She had other good qualities but I know we could never make it as a couple. Laziness I could definitely put up with though but that's just me.
OPs gf detected
Bitch please.
That's stupid maniptulative fucking bullshit created to make her come crawling back and PWOMISING THE CHANGE HER WAYS!!
Fuck that dumb fucking bullshit.
He should kick that bitch out. Since he seems to give a fuck about her but still isn't willing to put up with her bullshit then getting her an apartment, paying for a months rent and telling her she's on her own is the best course of action.
This isn't fucking primetime. The bitch isn't going to change her ways because of cheap bullshit like that.
are you trolling? what would your father do you limp wristed beta?
my mother works two jobs and still has time to cook dinner for my dad and little brother every day. your girlfriend is a lazy whore and you need to verbally abuse her until she understands what her role in the relationship is. otherwise dump her ass
>cooking for yourself when you literally have a stay at home girlfriend
youre a fucking loser
Don't do this fucking shit. Throw don't the help wanted section of a newspaper and give her two weeks to get a job or she's gone. Just tell her you're tired of paying for everything if she isn't going to take care of the homestead while you're providing. She'll either help around the house or get a job. If she doesn't then kick her out.
>implying she wouldn't do this if she was in your shoes
btw I didnt really mean to call you a loser OP, Im sure youre a good guy. But really you gotta get your shit together bro
My father died before I really knew him Aneurysm - blood clot in his lower neck killed him in his sleep) I grew up without a father.
Delusional roasties get out.
She's had plenty of fucking time to do that shit.
She's not going to start because he threw a fucking tizzy fit about it.
Put that lazy ass bitch outside before the state makes her his common law wife and forces him to take care of her forever.
I stand by what i fucking said.
He has two choices
Kick her ass out
Put her ass into a place where she can start over and tell her she's on her own.
Simple as. Bitch is a lazy ass leach.
damn, Im sorry bro
>I grew up without a father.
and now this whole thread makes sense now op
I know what you meant and I apreicate your comments.
Yep. I grew up entirely with a mother raising me. It likely hints at how I have feminine tendencies I suppose
Shes a parasite, OP. Hit that shit one last time and bail.
In her defense, OP doesn't seem to be that assertive towards her. She might not realize how much it bothers him. Plus, breaking up with her may be the right move, but getting her an apartment in his name and with his money is a stupid idea, and seems pretty fucking clicked up to me.
cucked up*
Thanks Apple
no point to project negative stuff like that onto yourself
i have pretty alpha friends raised by single mothers. the way you behave may be influenced by your upbringing, but ultimatey it is entirely up to you bro
I've called her of this several times, but never followed through, no.. Beyond that I haven't really given ultimatims no.
Does she do this often or was her error just amplified because your day was already awful?
If it's the former, maybe it's time to let her go. If it was just a one off thing, don't overreact like all the other anons are telling you to do. Did you even tell her you were having a bad day? You can't expect someone to be a mind reader.
Curious, why does your gf not have a job?
More or less just giving them closure. I believe I already know how I'm going to deal with this thank to them and all of you.
She's been doing this since August despite, me pointing out how little she was doinbg.
>but getting her an apartment in his name and with his money is a stupid idea, and seems pretty fucking clicked up to me.
Who said anything about it being in his name?
He knows enough about the cunt to get an apartment in her name.
As for cuck. Letting the cunt stay with him and putting up with her bullshit forever is being a cuck.
Doing that for her is what a gentleman would do. Yeah yeah, some closeted little queen and loser feminist cunts who hate men heteronormativity and whatever else bullshit has painted the very idea of TRYING to be a nice guy as a bad thing.
But stand by what I said.
If he wants her out of his life but he gives a shit about her too, then he has to put her out of his life in a way where she's able to walk on her own.
>Curious, why does your gf not have a job?
She has "carpool tunnel" AND "tennis elbow". I feel she's over exaggerating
ok bro
let us know what ends up happening, were here to listen to your feels
Will do, She's asleep, and I'm going to sleep soon to and work in 9.5 hours later. If the threads still up I'll update you guys.
Godspeed user, take care
>she's providing is pussy.
I agree with this I was raised by a single mother and I authored the Chad Scheme over here
Dump her leeching ass or make her get a job
Lmao how much does she weigh OP? How tall?
>Chad scheme
>Bitch who's seen too many lifetime movie scheme
Carpel tunnel is no joke, user. Look up the symptoms and see how well she matches up with them.
Has she been trying to change at all or has she just been dismissive and argumentative?
Read the OP and the thread.
That is apparently a common ocurrance.
And we all know what that means right.
Bitch gotta go.