I went drinking at a club last night and now I feel bloated as fuck Veeky Forums
Trips decide my punishment
Inb4 kys
Went drinking
Get drunk again tonight
stop lifting, become a trap and hide in male lockers for people who'll make it but need to let off steam
Go to a parking lot full of ravenous groids and yell Le N word while being naked. Do it or ur gay
Inb4 "there are no kangz where i live"
Kill yourself.
Do nothing
For trips you better actually fucking do it.
Call your boss and tell him you have his family and you'll kill them if he doesn't give you a raise
Fuck an ugly girl
force yourself to vomit the beer back up
jump off a bridge
>buy 50 chicken McNuggets
>lay them out all over your bed
>jack off and cum all over them
>eat them all with no other sauce than your semen
>sleep in the filth
Eat a shit sandwich, post pictures of you eating in with timestamp.
Jack off senpai then do 1000 pushups straight if not you have to reset and do em again
drink more tonight !!
check em
Well looks like we have a disgusting winner
Put me in the motherfucking screen cap you glorious bastards!
This should be a bannable offense.
What happened to mods that actually gave a shit...they all left in 2006
You magnificent bastard!
>go drinking
>weigh less
Dear god
i can feel the gains
Fuck my life
Damn OP, gotta do this otherwise it's bad karma. Sucks to be you...
check em!
no fucking way eat shit
Wow, OP is a colossal faggot that doesn't deliver
I'll make another post where I deliver. I'm at class now
Lurking for potential
I can tell you you'll become a Veeky Forums legend if you go through with it.
Cut for 3 months only 1100 cals
OP here. Will deliver next week when I get money for nuggets.
Just search for post "fit punishment delivery"
Will deliver
Do it faggot
no one cares idiot