Eye gains

My vision is shit (20/60) and it's a real shame since a few years ago it was like 20/25-20/30. Could this have been caused by looking at the computer too long? Is it possible to improve my sight?

vitamin d deficiency from staying inside too long

get lasik

what does xx/yy mean?

Holy shit you might be onto something. I get most of these symptoms. I get most of my Vitamin D from fortified foods and fish but I prob dont get enough daily. I cant afford " lasik " atm will supplementing vitamin D help though?

20/20 vision describes visual acuity, or the sharpness of vision at 20 feet from an object. Having 20/60 vision means that you must be at 20 feet to see what a person with normal vision can see at 60 feet.

it will prevent further eyesight loss

You get vitamin D by going out in the sun, what comes from food is just the ingredients for your body to synthetize it, I doubt you're not getting enough from your diet, likely you're just not getting enough sun. God knows most of Veeky Forums are vampire pale.

how long do I need to be outside for daily?


Im outside for prob atleast an hour a day, does nighttime count too?

1 hour of direct sunlight for your body is enough to make up for like 50 days of total darkness. Your body produces and stores vitamin D in fat and uses it like a battery over time.

Consistent sun exposure + in the winter maybe a low dose supplement will do wonders

I stared at the recent eclipse as hard as I could for as long as I could. I can now see through wood and other not so dense objects. Been stairing at the sun on and off every day longer and longer and am trying to build up to seeing through metals and possibly steel one day.

>tfw 20/15 masterrace

Whats ur secret.


wew lad, be glad with what you have, i have about 20/400, or around -5.50 in diopters. Literally can't see shit without contacts

no you retard, if the sun isn't up then it's life rays can't hit your pussy skin

Raised by eagles


-9.0 R / -9.75 L here. King of eyelets.

The person taking my eye test sure made it seem like it was bad
> " Woaahh... are you sure you're not having a headache or anything? "
Also I very well may end up at that level as I said my sight has been declining and im only 19

Holy fuck

There are exercises to strengthen the eye muscles. Google it. Getting some sunlight will help too.

Can you describe your eyesight? Is it normal with glasses?

Yes, it's just barely correctable with lenses. Glasses are thick as fuck, though. Thank god for contacts. As for the vision without glasses, I have to have something within about three inches of my eyes for it to look normal.

Thank god I'm not pale

I have a home gym with the bigger equipment outside (all bought used and shitty, so i dont care about them)

The sun feels so fucking good on my skin when I'm doing pull ups or farmer's walks

>in 30s
>wore glasses since elementary school
>contacts don't work cuz stigmatism
Had laysik done about three months ago, cost just under 4k (walletlets btfo) and it was worth it. This new "LightWave" technology helps end result by scanning and measuring your eye while it does the laser, making minor micron adjustmens in real time. I ended up with 15/20 vision in both eyes.

You see at 20 feet, what most people see at 15 feet (worse than average 20/20)? Did you fuck this up?

20/60 ain't shit I'm 20/1000
>What I see at 20 feet u see at 1000ft
>what I see at 6inches is what you see at 20 feet
Not u specifically but people w 20/20 my vision is fucked -7.5 contact prescription

On the off chance you or anyone else in this thread have significant astigmatism ... get checked for KERATOCONUS asap.

I did exercises as a child to get rid of glasses. Focus near, then intermediate, then far, repeat. I still do this sometimes when I've been staring at a screen all day, I can physically feel relief in my eyes from it, like a good stretch.

Other way around brainlet

I've been a loner shut in all my life yet I have near perfect eyesight. There's more to the puzzle

it's mostly genetics user
>t. doc told me i have better than normal vision, and i've been in home, close to screens, playing vidya my whole life.


Eat more carrots, butternut squash, and sweet potatoes.

that's a meme