Is this just a shitty bag now? WTF?

I thought this was going big with the conference etc. I bought at 19 and now down...

just get rid of it, take your losses and move on

dumb fuck

>he didn't sell the news

You bought at $19? I bought at $12 and sold at $19 to dumb fucks like you.

>he bought at $20


Why would anyone fucking invest in this project?It's founded on principle of 'DURRR CODE IS LAW NO TAKSEY BAKSEYS! I DESERVE THE MONEY I STOLE, BUY MY BAGS ILL PAY YOU FOR THE NODES'

Just shows how vile and toxic crypto space is. I hope we all get JUSTED.

>mah immutability

What about the conference?

I bought at like $3 at thw beginning of the year and sold when it hit $7 i made so much money i bought a truck if i would have held a couple more months i would have been able to buy a Porsche

dump this garbage. lol. cant believe ppl bought this shit

What about this conference coming?

it already happened dickwad. sell the news

Conference hasn't happened yet you faggot.

You deserve to lose money

Someone ddosed the korean exchanges, that caused the crash. Just like when ripple pumped. Alot of mad people out there at ETC for some reason.


always been a losercoin, always will
CryptoYoda used to shill this garbage and said it would be worth more than ETH.


i dont expect a simpleton such as yourself to understand the importance of having an unwavering code that is set in stone like the US. Constitution

IDK why this is like 1/10 of eth either.

While that may be more attractive from a philosophical point of view, you can't let your philosophies or politics cloud your investments. Nobody develops on ETC. It's a garbage coin with no tech behind it and no projects. It has no value proposition anymore

I'm sure there are some shithole african countries with a better track record of strict constructionism when it comes to interpreting their constitution than the US and Europe, but I don't see you lining up to move to them over the first world. Same thing