Wtfffff bittrex, is it bots???

every single fucking time i buy something it goes down the second after i buy it. Had fun for a week, but I'm done trading you guys FFS

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if you're good at trading, congrats user. come brag to me about your gains

Your losses today is training and hard lessons learned for your knowledge tomorrow.
Give up now and you're killing your future millionaire self


Stop losing money and join the group.


thanks user !

i'm in that group, idk man about pnds

umm honey I just made over $100 today. I think you're doing something wrong.

$100? lol.... poorfags

I have over $3000, I could of made more if I threw it all. With bitcoin gowing down I'd say its pretty gud

>OP market buys instead of letting the game come to him

Let's run an experiment. OP, tell me, where would you buy on this chart?

And be honest!

at consolidation phase

So you buy every coin and wait for the eventual pump?
Are you a cryptomillionaire?

Knowing the outcome don't expect real answers

use daily candles and zoom out

fomo in about here

it's the biz way

No just find something that has some hype behind it, news events coming up, and watch for whale activity in the book, check bitcoins movement, then put some cost averaged buy orders on a support level or halfway down to the next on.

>Letting the GAY cum to him
I always market buy when it get low enough then market sell when it pumps