

bae, must invest


kind of pissed that i sold my icobags at $0.70

Shit team, mediocre product, great ICO structure.

My retarded ass didn't go in because the team is shit. Team is still shit.

Turns out shit team with low market cap can still moon, lesson learned.

I posted about CFD when it was .50. Now its above 1. I'm still holding though(and bought more), because it has 10m mc atm which is crazy low. Cheers.

Got in at 0.0028
Kinda gud kinda bad

Oops I meant 0.00233
I'm a retard u c :3

What made you realize the team is shit?

Can you elaborate? Legit want to know.

They are inexperienced, but that doesn't make them shit.
i think it gives them more reason to prove themselves.

Where can i buy CFD?

etherdelta, kucoin

I just sold all of mine so I no longer have any thought on the matter. I hope it goes well for those who are still in but I took my 110% return and ran

4dollars by friday

I got in at 56 cents and sold the high at $1.20, bought back in at $1 now with more coins
I was freaking out waiting for the price to drop lol

uber scam

true if big

>he didn't buy

Became a top 100 holder, still haven't sold yet. Will probably set s spread at 2 and another at 3:50

Comfydo mooning again as usual biz?...Now that's the Comfydo difference!

haha roof guy

team cashed out over 1000 eth to bittrex

plus its currently over priced considering the product they are proposing

>team cashed out
No shit they raised the money to actually spend it finishing the product

>tfw people who put 2 ether into the ico could possibly be looking at over 100k in gainz.

Niggas are gonna fucking make it off confido alone.

lol, its the game plan. those who joined late will get burned. what a shit coin, just two api's and one wix website, collected 10 mil. scam reatrds.

Why did this shit make it but REQ got raped

Lol I feel bad I cashed out my ICO bags at 10x (actually I don't) but this project is going to create a lot of bags like this poor pajeet.

I'm set to stop loss sell my bags if they even touch 12x My ICO entry again and comfy at 25x atm

Buyer buys item
Shipper ships item
UPS says delivered on tracking
Buyer says it never arrived
What do?

I understand the purpose and point of the project, it's just kind of a dumb non-solution to a problem that barely exists. I mean hell, you could order an Iphone and I could ship a box of rocks. Tracking would still say delivered....

comfydo is for profits. btfd buy the fucking dip is always the best way to make money. dont buy off of fomo, wait till weak hands sell and buy to ride a new wave. then sell half so atleast u got some profits. then buy the dip and rinse and repeat. its the prayer and motto of crypto trading. buy the dip, sell the news and pumps buy the dip sell the news or hype or pumps. profit fuck bitches make money cuck betas be an alpha

If they had this slogan on their website I would have bought in.

This ICO is a bunch of bros who are trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.

No one even fucking trades crypto for goods ROFL.

Look at their reddit. They use Kleros as arbitration, essentially a decentralised justice system that utilises jurors. Really cool project go check it out.

I'll be applying for marketing position at Comfydo soon. Ready for more mememoons!

>What is openbazaar

Thats a neat idea, but does Kleros come to your house and test your molly for purity? Cause Im imaging thats biggest use case here...

$0 revenue and 0% market share and no product

20x because of hype

not really unique, its selling point is the exact thing that will keep away adaption from sellers of products so its just dumb

What's difference btw this and REQ?

? Completely different projects lol