Why is vegan diet bad?

Why is vegan diet bad?

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no ice cream


your right, my mistake.
no good ice cream

Almond milk icecream is tasty as fuck though. Coconut milk's nice too.

Vegans are deficit in b12:


High fiber diets reduce serum half life of vitamin D3:


Vegans have weaker bones due to lower calcium intake and vitamin D3 levels:


Vegans have a worse memory compared to non vegans due to creatine deficiency in vegans:


Vegans have less gains compared to non vegans:


Vegans are deficient in omega threes:


Vegans are deficit in carnitine:


Vegans are deficient in taurine:


Vegans are deficient in iodine:


Vegans are deficient in Coenzyme Q10:


Vegans are deficient in iron due to the fact that iron from plant sources is less bioavailable than iron from meat sources:


Vegans are deficient in vitamin A:


Vegans have a lower sperm count than non vegans:


Vegans have lower testosterone than non vegans:


Veganism causes loss of libido and erectile dysfunction:



Children who are raised on strict vegan diets do not grow normally:


Children develop rickets after prolonged periods of strict vegetarian diets:


"There are some links between vegetarians and lower birthweight and earlier labour"


Effects of vitamin B12 and folate deficiency on brain development in children:


"Particular attention should be paid to adequate protein intake and sources of essential fatty acids, iron, zinc, calcium, and vitamins B12 and D. Supplementation may be required in cases of strict vegetarian diets with no intake of any animal products."


These next five are case studies:

Cerebral atrophy in a vitamin B12-deficient infant of a vegetarian mother:


Severe megaloblastic anemia in child breast fed by a vegetarian mother:


Consequences of exclusive breast-feeding in vegan mother newborn - case report:


Nutritional vitamin B12 deficiency in a breast-fed infant of a vegan-diet mother:


"We report the case of a 7 month-old girl that presented with acute anemia, generalized muscular hypotonia and failure to thrive. Laboratory evaluation revealed cobalamin deficiency, due to a vegan diet of the mother."


its not necessarily bad but, your're not getting proper amino acids and nutrients from meat so you have to supplement. Most vegan diets are just carb loading with shitty food. I know fat vegans btw and have gotten fatter because thats all they eat.

>Pick a randim study
>Vegans have weaker bones due to lower calcium intake:
>Study sample size of 4
>All immediate family members

Yeah, go be a faggot somewhere elee.

If you were literate you would have noticed that the study was marking the pronounced effect of a vegan diet on children compared to adults

put in 200 gr dry lentils and 100 gr dry oats in cronometer and tell me which amino acid is missing

Yes, a decrease in calcium intake results in weaker bones. Anything else that is obvious that you want to state?

You know how you might say something that sounds gay, and then say "no homo"? Well, you wouldn't be able to say that anymore.

That just means the sample size was two instead of four. You can not be this dense.

Extremism is bad.

the one you can get from semen, we all know you vegans get plenty of complete proteins.

that's not ice cream, soyboy.

Who the fuck is eating 200g of dry lentils and 100g of oats everyday.

Saturated fat. I'm sure you don't mind that significant decrease in testosterone though buddy.

Ironically it's you who doesn't understand what's going on here, this smaller sample size is perfectly valid, and in fact a huge sample would be detrimental to the impartiality of this particular study design because it would make it more likely to produce a false positive
You should have criticized it for being a study which hasn't been repeated, but that's a tenuous position because this result is not world breaking and is in line with the general understanding of the effects of a vegan diet

It's not even that much food, it's 1100 kcal, what are you talking about
Yesterday I had 400 gr lentils and 150 gr oats among other veggies and plant milks
>what is peanut butter, cooking oils, seeds, nuts etc
unnecessarily killing animals to get the same nutrients you could be getting from plants is extreme

Missing out on your cholesterol. Have fun with low T m8 bayesianbodybuilding.com/cholesterol-anabolic/

your own liver makes enough cholesterol

>t. brainlet

Read the posts by vegans in the vegan general and tell me you want to be like those people.

tastes a lot like it

>tfw I subscribe to a cult of personality every time I partake in a specific lifestyle choice
>tfw I make financial descisions based on what's coolest
>tfw I'm nigger fuck retarded

>t. high school dropout
I didn't know people we're taught this.

>you have shit backwards, the smaller the sample size the longer my intellectual penis
Sorry sir, didn't mean no trouble

It's always funny when people who don't understand something assume the worst about the people trying to help them understand

>saturated fat increases testosterone

lol nice case studies you fag

faggots polarized the whole identity with their bullshit grandstanding.
Realistically most people have deficiency problems regardless of diet, both sides prod at each other because its easy fruit. It becomes less about diet at that point and just an easy target to shod insults at.

We can do the same thing with people who eat meat to find that one family that eats only chicken wings and soda thus has malnutrition problems, therefore meat diets are bad.

I believe it is passable to eat a vegan diet and not use supplements, I haven't checked. You'd have to produce a balanced meal plan, which I don't think people do anyways. As such, there should be a group of people who suffer from malnutrition and are vegans, as there are those who suffer from malnutrition and eat only meat.

I'm not coming up with a meal plan, I think you can do it your self.

As for why it is bad? It takes more effort to find healthy food from a more limited list. You'll have to delve into more obscure foods, or take supplements. Also, I'm pretty sure vegan food is more expensive, although I've not checked.

>Also, I'm pretty sure vegan food is more expensive, although I've not checked.
Depends on where you live.

You're a brainlet because you didn't even read the link, and made a blanket statement to discredit it. The first study cited talks about the correlation between DIETARY cholesterol and lean muscle gains

There are zero sources of b12 that do not come from animal products or supplements. Go back and do your research

Taking a single study on one small element of such a question, out of context to boot, is just shoddy thinking, but as user has pointed out here
there's a growing body of literature which in its entirety paints the picture that a vegan diet isn't fantastic
You are dead right though, you can and should repeat that study and extend our understanding of the impacts of various diets on our health, however such a small lens applied to a question so much bigger than it will hardly convince anyone except retarded vegan cultists that diets including meat are all categorically bad, as you suggest

had to drink my mommys coconut milk (thats not an innuendo, my mom is 60 and has arthritis n shit) and i was nearly impulsively vomiting after the second chug. took it like a champ and swigged the rest down but coconut is ungodly and disgusting

>vegan are deficit in b12
Aren't energy drinks vegan?

so are twinkies and those 3k oreo filled sugar coma inducing drinks that are posted semi regularly

Veeky Forums former vegan here.
Being a Veeky Forums vegan is possible but it requires a lot of knowledge of nutrition. The problem is that vegan communities are overrun with hippies that take the take mystical approach to food that they do to all their new age bullshit. Their disregard for nutritional science often prevents them from getting the right information. As a part of the vegan community, here's a brief list of all the most common bullshit I encountered.
> Pathological fear of fats, even if they're plant-sourced fats
> Retarded fear that microwaves kill the nutrients in food
> Stupid fetish for raw foods
> Refusing supplements because of their quasi-religious devotion to their diet

That's just the tip of the iceberg too my lads. The deeper you go into vegan territory the weirder people's beliefs about food gets. Some of these retards are so wrapped up in pseudo-science that they refuse to drink water that has ice in it or that hasn't been filtered despite living in a city with some of the best quality municipal water in the country.
Pic related, it's me when I was a vegan. Not a huge guy but whatever, I obviously lifted. By vegan standards I was a giant and I collected infinite vegan pussy during that time period.

I had a vegan phase when I was an edgy Rise Against fanboy. I gained a taste for vegan cheese, I still have pizza with vegan cheese once in a blue moon.

what the fuck is wrong with your chest
must be all the soy.

Probably. Maybe being a soiboi was giving me the gyno. I also drank a lot of IPA back then and I hear that fucks with you similarly.

jesus christ this vegan faggot looks better than 95% of the posters on /fraud/

LMFAO my male vegan friends looked nothing like that. Most of them had a girl-like fear of lifting weights and went to the gym almost exclusively for cardio. One did calisthenics, not because he had a problem with weights but because he liked home workouts and Meme90x was cool back then. He was in decent shape, not "big" but definitely muscled.
The rest were either twiggish numales or soft skinnyfats.

wtf I love cholesterol now????

Adjusted for total protein intake?

Like most people in general? I mainly just rock climb and do some supplementary training ~2 times/week, been vegan 2 years and I look better than 99% of all meat eaters I know.

Humans are semenotarians.

I am for sure.

my diet is mostly plant and nut based(mediterranean) and it's a pain in the ass to get all my micronutrients daily without force feeding myself or consuming large amounts of fiber and carbs BUT if I just eat some poultry or fish I easily get most of them

I have days where I go completely plant but it's kind of a chore

it's a meme, I see it as having two functional legs, sawing one off and then gettting a prosthesis one

Because it's pseudoscientific bullshit

>It takes more effort to find healthy food from a more limited list
Takes 0 effort to go to the store and it's all cheaper than meat and you can buy in bulk so you don't have to go shopping often.

First something needs to be cleared up, veganism is an ethical commitment. It is not about health or the environment, veganism happens to be better for the environment and reduces risk of many chronic illnesses but these are added benefits.

Which nutrients is it that you find hard to get while eating plant-based that you get easily from poultry/fish?

I just read it and that is a quite poorly researched and highly biased blog post.

vegans are always about identity and vegetarians never are

you have to ask why the lack of dairy in ones diet causes them to feel the need to attach to an identity that they then labels others as "bad" for not adopting

Because vegetarianism, while better, is still not ethical and does not follow through with their own logic. If it's wrong to abuse and kill animals for meat, then it's obviously wrong to do the same for dairy and eggs.


>Hard to get
Fucking lol
All plant milks have enough B12 to cover your RDA in 2 tall glasses
All mock meats cover half your RDA with just a tiny serving
Many cereals are fortified
Supplementation costs 4-6¢ a day depending on where you live and where you buy from

B12 supplements are really easy, you just need to take 2000mcg/week as a single dose or 2.4-250mcg/day depending on what you find the easiest. I don't know where you live but here in northern scandinavia where most stuff is quite expensive 100 tablets of 1000mcg B12 is like 10usd. I eat 2 tablets/week so thats like 1usd/month, got my levels checked and I got 860 pg/mL after 2 years as a vegan. Normal range is 200-900 pg/mL.

>facts hurt my feelings


I'm not talking about my feeling, he gets many things wrong and the language used suggests heavy bias.

Right, can you get b12 while eating just a vegan diet? No.

If veganism is so healthy then why do you have to take supplements for it to "work"?

EZ answer is cause it's gay.

Complex answer is meat isn't gay

Yes, from fortified foods and vegan supplements, stop beating that dead horse
I can also post misinformed blogs about how the earth is flat, that doesn't mean I'm right

B12 is vegan, it exists and is readily available
You lost
Give it a rest, from now on it is just shitposting

>We observed a dose-response relationship between dietary cholesterol (from food logs) and gains in lean mass that was not affected by variability in protein intake.
Richman et al. 2007

No cheese.
I dropped meat and didn't even notice, I go months without eggs unless a recipe absolutely requires them but without cheese you're left with nothing to put on bread.
There simply isn't anything plant based with such a perfect mixture of consistency, flavor and protein/fat ratio.

>Right, can you get b12 while eating just a vegan diet? No.
Vegan means no animal products. Is fortified soy milk an animal product? Is a B12 tablet an animal product? How can you be so retarded?

>Richman et al. 2007
Can't find the study, could you link?

Soy boys are good goys

Nvm. found it, reading now.

>something practiced by many animals and humans since forever is extreme

Dont be pushy

Besides Vegans can't eat cheese. Even when I'm in a vegetarian diet because of cost, I have some cheddar.

>Vegans are deficit in b12:
Most vegan snacks are filled with b12 and plus you can take supplements

>Highest percentage vegan nation is Israel
Makes you think, huh. Yes, soy is bad my little goyim. Eat meat and a be a big strong manly man.

>Read the posts by vegans in the vegan general and tell me you want to be like those people.
It's filled with shitposting about how veganism is bad and maybe a few questions about food otherwise there is no vegans in that general

Okay, I just read it, pretty good study but conclusions can not be drawn unless more studies are done. A few issues I found:

* Funded by, and history of funding by US Poultry and Egg Association and Mead Johnson(owned by Bristol-Myers)
*No control(!!!!)
*Self reporting
*60-69 year olds out of which 17 took other medicines beyond statins(not a representative sample)
*Not adjusted for creatine

There is also Lee et al. 2011 which showed an increase in myofibrillar protein synthesis with a high-cholesterol group compared to a low-cholesterol group.

Can't find the full study, so unless you can, we don't even know if they adjusted for protein. High vs low cholestrol group could in effect just mean high vs low protein group, I don't know.

Those foods aren't natural. The vegan diet can't work for humans without modern science

Not that this *definitely* means something but Steven E Riechman and Chang Woock Lee have repeatedly worked togheter on studies funded by theUS Poultry and Egg Association showing positive results for these industries. Considering the unreliability of industry funded research and their unproportional tendency to show positive results, this is dubious.

Because it will leave you deficient in one or more micro nutrients.

I don't find that angle very convincing in regards to studies about the lean mass increase for cholesterol. Cholesterol already has a bad rep so promoting it over other stuff isn't the best idea for swaying the general populace, and people bent on increasing muscle growth alone is a very small part of the population. Also, this: jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/article-abstract/2575884?platform=hootsuite

Oh so now you backtrack, they are vegan but not "natural" now. Go google "appeal to nature fallacy". Eradication of polio, safe child birth and modern agriculture can't work without modern science either. Are these things also bad because they are "unnatural"? Your diet can't work without modern science either, the raising, feeding, slaughter, transportation and safe storage of your animal producs is also only possible because of modern science. Stupid argument.

Yes that's what I said. Veganism is unnatural

Have fun never getting vitamin A.

>but but muh supplements
Supplementing is fine but will never be optimal as from real sources

>but but muh vitamin A from carrots and veggies
Right. That's carotenoids which your body needs to convert into rerinoids to utilize, which are found abundantly in
animal foods.

>but but then what's the problem if my shitty body is converting carotenoids?
Because in order to covert carotenoids into retinoids your body needs B12 which is also only find in animal foods.

>but but supplementing.. etc

And it goes on into a retarded cycle. Stay cucked vegans.

Also you will notice many replies to this post. What you are seeing is idiot vegans trying to defend their dumb ideology. Rationalizing that all the time spent as a vegan wasn't wasted and they werent stupid for buying into it.

Goodluck OP!

Just admit youre wrong, or forever be a brainlet

I just pointed it out as a possible factor. I think we should always be aware of potential bias. Connecting cholesterol with increased muscle mass is absolutely in the industry's interest. I disagree, I think most people are interested in muscle mass to some degree. These tactics are effective. Just look at how many people now think that not only is high cholesterol not dangerous in terms of CVD risk, but healthy. Also about the Meta-analysis their conclusion is after all: "These findings suggest but do not establish that industry sponsorship of nutrition studies is associated with conclusions that favor the sponsors, and further investigation of differences in study results and quality is needed."

So is non-veganism then.

As far as I know B12 is not involved in carotenoid-retinoid conversion, but either way vitamin A is not an issue for vegans and B12 can easily be supplemented. Much of the B12 in animal products is also supplemented through their feed or by injections anyway. B12 is B12, it's not somehow worse because it's supplemented.

I mean yeah, it's a potential factor, I just don't find it convincing in this instance. Bias is always a factor. And the meta-analysis also concluded: "Although industry-sponsored studies were more likely to have conclusions favorable to industry than non–industry-sponsored studies, the difference was not significant."

So animals don't exist naturally?

I guess I just find it a little more concerning. Especially looking at individual studies such as those done by Lee and Reichman, not substantially supported by other studies, not cited at all or very little and with history of industry funding and industry positive results.

So plants and bacteria don't exist naturally?