hey fit,

long story short, i accidentally rammed a knife into my pinky finger and had surgery to reattach the tendon i completely severed. i also destroyed the nerve.

i'm a big rock climber, how much has this injury devestated my future in the sport?

i'm living abroad at the moment and have no idea what the fuck doctors are telling me outside of basic instructions, but some googling around has lead me to believe i am fucked.

any info you can share would be greatly appreciated. i'm too clueless on terminology to make heads or tails of medical journals and other resources.

Other urls found in this thread:


Pictures, I’m a doctor

>how much has this injury devestated my future in the sport
>rock climbing
>future in the sport
>rock climbing

Good news user!
Not much.

It's in a splint right now, but this was right after the surgery

the small but massively shitty cut before the surgery.

Pinkies are weak as fuck anyway.
I doubt it will really be that significant for rock climbing.

completely severed - you're not going to have the same strength ever, and you want to be careful not to reinjure it in the future. you're very lucky its just your pinkie finger

i'm very grateful, evenmoreso for the fact it is just the top part of the finger. part of me wishes i would've just gotten the tip amputated.

What the hell? Why would removing the top 1/3 of your finger leave you any better?

There's people that have lost their other leg and still squat. Wrap it and learn to climb without that pinky finger is all, you won't be as strong at first without it but I fully believe you will adapt

learn to adapt and overcome op


Thank you for showing me how to get pics

you can still climb, but the grip of your injured hand will be much weaker
forget about competing, unless you're a god in every other regard

not at all broski.
tommy caldwell climbs without an index finger you can go without a pinkie


You mind runs the ship, meditate on healing up and you'll be surprised

thanks for the support guys, been feeling pretty shitty about such a lame injury.

i knew about him before the accident, i was tempted to ask the doctors to just remove the top 1/2 of my pinky and say fuck it.

Your pinky is fucking busted for life. You should be glad if you'll ever regain any sensitivity in it.

I fucking cut the nerve of my ring finger and shit is bunk. It felt as if someone cut a tight violin string in my brain when it happened, shit was intense.

It's been years and the whole finger is still completely numb. It functions normally but at the same time it doesn't exist, hard to explain really. Shit sucks because i have to be extra careful when doing stuff because it doesn't feel pain either.

Nah bro i'd say it was the right call to keep it. I'd imagine having no finger is worse.


yeah, when i cut through everything i thought it was weird how the pain was also in my brain as well.

cheers to us.

you're probably right. in all honesty it sounded appealing because i read that physical therapy is less intense if they just cut it off lol

Tommy Caldwell straight up cut off his finger and he still sent the Dawn Wall. Stop being a pussy and send hard.

The first few months are the worst i'd say and the functionality of the finger can be pretty bad. However, it gets better. These days i don't even think about it most of the time. Just gotta be careful when handling sharp/hot objects so i don't get injured. It's pretty stupid when you just suddenly notice blood all over the place and don't feel any pain.

The nerve snapping has to be the most bizarre sensation i've ever felt. The human body and the nervous system is pretty weird.


are you being serious because i am as white as they come. and also colorblind. does the photo actually make me look black?

also be careful not to sever your tendons on that edge

thanks for the heads up man. for now the finger is safe and being help in place with a splint. good to know what lies ahead

No prob man, glad if i was any help.