Sup Veeky Forums fatbot from /r9k/ here with a question

Sup Veeky Forums fatbot from /r9k/ here with a question.
How do I lose weight without exercise? I'm 140 kg (308 lbs) and eat fairly normally yet I still stay fat. The thing is though I don't move at all. I work at home and only move around to clean up, shit, sleep and cook. The rest of the time I'm on my PC.

>inb4 just eat less you fat fuck or change your diet

I already tried. I even tried some "low carb" diet and it didn't work I think I only gained more weight thanks to it.

Also don't give me the bullshit that I have to exercise. I have "friends" who eat fast food trash all day and they don't move any more than I do. Yet they still stay skinnyfat.

So what are my options here? Would one of those diets work where I eat nothing except vitamin pills and drink tea/water all day? I don't care about being skinnyfat. Looks mean nothing to me. The only reason I even wanna lose weight is because my family keeps bothering the shit out of me with "huurr ur so fat ur gonna get sick n die lol". At least when I'm skinnyfat they'll shut the fuck up.

No way you eat normally and weigh 140 kg

>just eat less you fat fuck

you are lying to yourself fatty


Can I get some actual advice please.

You don’t eat regularly, you eat like a fatass that’s why you’re a fatass. Start actually tracking your calories, stay under your goal and you’ll loose weight.


You answered your own question in your post. The only way to lose weight is to eat at a caloric deficit, or increase your amount of exercise so you are in a caloric deficit. Preferably both so that you aren't just losing weight but getting healthier.

Calculate your TDEE, subtract ~1000 since you have lots of fat to lose, eat that many calories. It's simple. Also track your calories correctly because there's no way you "eat normally" and are 300lbs.

Do a 14 day water fast. Check the /fast/ general fatty.

that was actual advice. "trying" a low carb "diet" is not going to give you permanent changes. you have to change your lifestyle. comparing yourself to your """friends""" isnt helping. you have to do what works for YOU. and right now all i can see is a bunch of bitching and moaning and excuses. you are literally lying to yourself, which to me is one of the most pathetic things a man can do.

I mean what do you want us to say? Right now it just seems like you only want to hear what you want us to say. There aren't that many excuses left for you user, honestly the only way you can drastically see changes is to eat less and move more, yes eat shitty stuff but just reduce it and have common sense. Go to a forest and take pictures, I don't know, just get moving.

WHY Is fit giving a fat boy the same amount of attention we give to girls?

You lose weight without exercise by eating less. You're lying to yourself about how much you eat or haven't actually tired if it hasn't worked.


because if he loses 150lbs he could be a pretty girl some day

Thanks will do.

I did. Gained a bit of weight like I said. Did this low carb diet for 5 months. Maybe eating fuck all will do the trick.

lol no fuck off I hate exercising. I hate going outside. I hate nature. I just wanna lurk at my battlestation and jerk off to taiwanese cartoons.

When you come here asking for advice like this while saying that you have tried changing your diet, but it didn't work, you had lost before you even started.
Get out of here and get back to it. You know exactly what you need to do, but just won't do it.
You are jealous and that's why you are trying to justify your shitty behavior.

Not with that baggy skin he'll have, kek

>I did. Gained a bit of weight like I said. Did this low carb diet for 5 months. Maybe eating fuck all will do the trick.

did you eat less or eat "low carb"? If you didnt lose weight you are not eating less. you aren't special. it seriously works the same for everyone.

>Maybe eating fuck all will do the trick.

What was the point of asking if you're just going to go back to your shitty eating habits?

This is probably bait, but Ill go. Try paying attention to Nutrition facts. Eat more fiber, more protein, less sugar, less fat. Drink a ton of water. Abuse stimulants, coffee, tea, diet sodas, nicotine if thats your thing. Avoid alcohol. Of course a bit of exercise would help but you can easily lose weight without it, especially if you are 140 kg because your daily energy expenditure is probably around 2800-3000 kCals.

>Maybe if I eat nothing for 14 days I'll go from 300lbs to Veeky Forums
this is what fatties believe

>How do I lose weight without exercise?
Good luck with that.

A low carb diet doesn't work for morbidly obese people like you because your leptin levels are already fucked and you'll still feel hungry and eat a lot. You just need to eat lower calorie stuff that will fill you up like vegetables, chicken and fish. Counting calories is the only way, but a weak willed fatass like you who can't even go outside for a walk won't make it anyways.

Read the previous posts, they won't make it anyway

Ok should I just avoid carbs entirely? I really only eat lunch and dinner, usually skip breakfast.

Nigger I don't wanna be Veeky Forums. I just wanna be normal skinnyfat.


>usually skip breakfast

Is that supposed to be an achievement?

jesus christ i hate you kind of fat fucks that say they eat less but still can't lose weight. You are 300lbs fucker you should be losing weight so easy, im suprised you haven't lost 5-10 pounds of water weight in the first few days. If you haven't you are doing something very fucking wrong.

Count your fucking calories you dumb fat bitch. I used to be 300lbs too but i went down to 140lbs in like 9 months so you have no fucking excuse.Stop being a fucking idiot and do some research. theres a reason why you are a fat fuck.

You're doomed to suffer perpetual ridicule and loneliness, Just kys user

You're doomed to suffer perpetual ridicule and loneliness, Just end it user

Or man the fuck up and do some fitness

why are these cartoons always so pathetic? the original one obv.

do all these web cartoonists have something to prove?

Eat shit dickhead, no gains no brains fatty pig

you wont even be skinny fat unless you fast for about 4-5 months

the worst part is you have some delusion we are all being mean to you. we are just being honest and you refuse to listen to the truth.

I like that you don't mention how many calories you eat within a day or a week. That's how I know you're doomed.

Tell you what. Why don't you cut out cheese and anything that has cheese in it?
bunch all and every kind of milk product with that.
Eat 70% meat and stop eating sugar entirely, but go slow at first, because you will suffer from withdrawal.
Stop chasing some weird ideas that you think that are the cause and focus on the actual cause.
You eat too much exess shit, that's all.

You clearly aren't ready to lose weight with that mentality. Some people have worse metabolisms. This should cause (AT MOST) a 50 lbs difference before substantial damage.

308 is all your fault, bud.

Shut up nigger I eat a normal amount same as my skinny fat friends shut the fuck up

Its cool I have given up on the real world a long time ago. I just wanna stay alive longer so I can spend more time with my vidya,toys and anime.

Ok I'll try no carbs then and only a few proteins with vegetables. Also water. If that doesn't work then fasting it is.

Thanks Veeky Forums you have been a great help.

Prove it, show me the spreadsheet

It's people like the OP that make me wish that "Secret Eaters" show was still around

nce b8 m8 i r8 8/8

but wait arent you gonna try killing yourself? thats the fastest way to lose weight

Skipping breakfast is probably making you overeat at lunch and dinner. What made a big difference for me was eating 60g protein worth of Fage 0% milk fat greek yogurt every morning with 2 handfuls of goji berries & a tablespoon of ground flax. No sugar. It’s over 60g of protein but not that high in calories, keeps you full for a long time.

If you’re going to avoid carbs, avoid sugar, potatoes, bread, pasta; and rice. Do eat vegetables, beans & lentils. Also avoid cheese, creamer, and milk. Unsweetened yogurt is fine. Drink a fuck ton of unadulterated water.

If you cook, be very careful about oil and butter, the calories can skyrocket there.

If you only eat restaurant food, never eat the whole portion in one sitting. In general, avoid eating until full, aim for “not hungry anymore” but give yourself time to realize it.

>Come to Veeky Forums asking for advice
>Immediately start arguing like you know better
why do fatties always do this?

Fair enough user, enjoy yourself don't listen to me.

The day will come where you will want to be a high test male and stop being a beta faggot orbiting cosplayers and gamer gurls on internets and YOU WILL hit the gym and become SWOLE. You can do it user, you have it in you.

>The day will come where you will want to be a high test male and stop being a beta faggot orbiting cosplayers and gamer gurls on internets and YOU WILL hit the gym and become SWOLE. You can do it user, you have it in you.

Yeah sorry bro even if I looked like a swole 11/10 ultra chad I would still be too spergy to interact with any female. I still wanna try to lose weight so my family stops bothering me and I don't die to some fat disease.

How do you know your friends are telling the truth? You're at home anyways not moving a finger. Either you're lying or they are

You don't move at all or exercise so you should actually be eating less than what "skinny fat " normal people eat
You can cut calories without even counting at this point. Water only, cook meat, carb (rice, potatoes, beans etc), and veggies. If you use oil to cook then don't worry about fats. Breakfast lunch and dinner only. Make sure the portions don't cover the biggest plate you own.
After that I advise walking or swimming to not hurt your joints. Once skinny fat please join a gym. It's literally only 1hr a day and you'll be able to breathe easier and you won't feel like shit. I was only skinny fat doing nothing and compared to now 2 years later I feel way better. Watching yourself slowly lift more weight is nice

No don't be a fool. You will begin to feel so much more confident with yourself even a month into it. If you do get a gym membership don't flop on it and go atleast 4 times a week at the start, cardio is easy. Try some C4 preworkout and smash out the cardio.

What helped me cutting down weight and appetite when I was a skinnyfat neet was picking up smoking. Makes you feel like a sick cunt aswell. Green tea is also pre good. (warm water no sugar or milk)


I'm not gonna lose weight just to destroy my organs in another way. No sorry user I'm a straight edge fag.

He’s gonna look like a pterodactyl if he loses weight

Just eat at 1500 calories a day user and PROPERLY WEIGH YOUR FOOD AND EVRERYTHING YOU INGEST, BE AUTISTIC ABOUT WEIGHING. Use MyFitnessPal to count calories and input your measurements. Fasting is a miserable process that's currently being memed by Veeky Forums, please don't listen. Honestly it's le reddit but head over to /r/loseit as a resource to lose weight.

That's literally all weight loss is, matter of calories and burning more than you take in per day. Carbs or macros don't matter if all you care is pure weight loss, just eat less calories than you use a day. Meal timings, how many times you eat, veggie intake, protein amount, none of it matters, just calories.

you're doing something wrong because you're dumb, and that's it.
if you eat less than you burn, you will lose weight. But your goal is about as dumb as you are, so go back to your shit life until you have a normal goal.

>eat less
What did a day of "eat less" consist of
That's a horribly vague statement

Fast for 30 days you disgusting piece of shit.

Count. Your. Fucking. Calories.

You should probably use a food scale because I can tell from what you have posted you will lie to yourself about how much you are eating unless you actually weigh and measure.

The whole "I don't eat too much, and even when I barely eat anything I don't lose weight" is complete BULLSHIT. Bodies do NOT work that way. You don't need to starve yourself, you don't need to do any crazy exercises. Just maintain a decent calorie deficit (at LEAST 500 calories under your sedentary TDEE, at your size you should really go for 1000) and you will slowly and steadily lose weight.

It. Is. That. Simple.

You did not eat less.
I was a 280lb fat ass, currently 250 fatass.
Download the app called my fitness pal, put in every thing you eat. Aim for 1600 calories, or 1200 if youre not a pussy.

>How do I lose weight without exercise?
Stop eating.

it's people like you that make the rest of us fatties look bad.