Why vegan diet is bad??

Why vegan diet is bad??

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If you hit all of your macros it isn't necessarily bad, just extremely gay.

it's a meme
it's gay as fuck
it's harder to hit your macros
it's more of an attention seeking lifestyle than anything
there's only 340 calories in 1kg of broccoli, fuck that
it's less cost effective
can't drink milk
you can't eat cheese
you can't eat steak
most vegan food tastes like shit except certain vegetables and most fruits
^^^ fruit is expensive
nobody likes a pretentious vegan
a 'true' vegan can't wear wool, fur, leather, etc
you aren't 'saving the planet'
you aren't saving the earth's water supply, ever heard of the water cycle, fucking retards
livestock aren't sentient, they can't understand, they can't love, you're mistaking this for natural instincts to survive and thrive
it isn't wrong to eat meat, your ancestors did, so why aren't you?
you aren't saving animal lives, despite whether you eat meat or not, the same amount of livestock will be killed regardless, demand changes, supply stays the same. at the end of the day, the farmers that rear the livestock are looking for the best profits, so more volume is a given. waste meat from vegans not eating it, will most likely expire and be wasted

you're a fucking faggot if you so much as consider veganism

Vegan reporting. I replace meat with Beans, Chickpeas, Lentils, and Nuts and I end up eating an awful lot more because of it.

Also because my body doesn't have to digest fatty foods it runs super quickly; I can squeeze in 5 meals a day because I get hungry so frequently.

forgot to mention that animals will die eventually, and most animals in the wild are ultimately killed by predators and disease.

would you rather be ripped apart by a bear and eaten alive, die of disease or be put down humanely and painlessly

meatman reporting in. i replace girly things like Beans, Chickpeas, Lentils, and Nuts with RAW MEAT. I end up having higher T because of it

Vegan again, meat IS a lot more manly.

Honestly I just don't enjoy eating or cooking with it so I don't.

eat some meat, soyboy

It's much healthier for many reasons and you can still easily hit your macros
Enjoy your colon cancer and early death omnis

>reply to comment that mentions macros
>"I get the same protein from high carb and fat foods!"

After that incoherent garble of words I am pretty sure livestock are more sentient than you.
I am actually wondering if you made this as an challenge to use as many logically fallacies you can put in a little space.

>meat is manly
Exactly. What's more manly than paying to put some fat farmer's meat down your gaping throat. Truly the epitome of masculinity

Enjoy becoming skinnyfat. You're hungry all the time because you eat TOO MANY CARBS. You're going to get fat and weak because a strict vegetarian diet is only something you can survive on, not THRIVE on.

Look at all this fragile masculinity

>dude ur a faggot fuck fruit fuck broccoli pussy faggot!!!!

How small does your dick have to be that you need to validate your manhood with your dietary choices?

Not even vegan

lmao idk what you're even saying I'm gonna live forever faggot

That's the worst anti-vegan post to date, congrats !


its not a diet. its an eating disorder


>forgot to mention that humans will die eventually, and most humans if out in the wild would be killed by predators and disease so im ethical to stab them now just because

t. the psychology of a psychopath

i mean cmon, would you rather a lil african kid get child trafficked and raped or be put down humanely and painlessly so i can eat it XD

its because most people here arent thick and just see anti veganism as retarded, even if they still hold a psychotic view towards a non human life.

>cant ethically defend his murderous ways and so makes fun of a gay tat to make up for it

very masculine behaviour indeed

I have a few friends who are recovering vegans and they said the worst part about the diet was tracking down everyone you know, knew, or ever had any interaction with to tell them you're a vegan.

inb4 hurr durr humans are different to animals in a bunch of ways

or hurr durr ur saying a fly is equal to a human

if you ever go vegan you will realize the opposite is true 9/10

>carbs and fats are bad for you


Can tell what's on your mind

read the thread bro....

>tfw realized shiitake mushrooms are shit tier and that enoki mushrooms are god tier



I don't eat animal products currently. Feel great, lifts rising, running has improved dramatically, lost 15lbs of fat. I'm not a vegan! I don't really care about farm animals very much and will still use animal products in a non-food capacity.