Who else here /peanutbutter sandwich/? Is peanut butter and bread the best bulking food?

Who else here /peanutbutter sandwich/? Is peanut butter and bread the best bulking food?

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Do you think by the end of the season that Westbrook, PG, and Melo will be able to coexist?

No, I'm pretty sure tiger woods isn't returning to professional golf

Peanuts are literally poverty nuts.
Eat almonds or pistachios, turn them into butter yourself you lazy cumdrain.
And no bread is also not good, who wheat is okay for a quick sandwich if you need to, but wasting precious calories on bread when you can be eating meat is retarded.
Go blend some real nuts and spread it on an over roasted chicken breast with a drop of olive oil and a side of broccoli and egg dipped asparagus.

No, all of them need the ball in their hands and take low percentage shots. All 3 of them play iso ball and don’t give consistent effort on defense

take your shoelaces and neck yourself, faggot nigger

Not everyone is Nelson Rockefeller you nigger


t. skinnyfat dyel eating 300g of protein a day in his first month of lifting

I’m a skeleton who is bulking. Also LMAOing at the suggestion of making your own nut butter when you can buy it at the store cheaply. Do you make your own clothes Amish faggot?

He'd rather buy sugary store nut butter instead of learning how to use a blender.

I hate niggers but I like basketball


You realise you can buy PB that has next to no sugar right?

>unironically wasting your time making your own PB

>7 grams of sugar is bad for you when bulking

Back in 2014 i drank 1 liters of milk every day, ate at least 500gr of quark and i ate a bag of peanuts everyday and my normal dinner of chicken filet, rice and broccolli. Sometimes i switched up the veggies and ate fish or cow meat instead of chicken Never felt fitter and better during that time.

But I buy my unadulterated peanut butter straight from the grinder at the store. Why make a mess in my blender?

Are you talking about one of these?
You realize inside of there is palm oil, maltodextrin and corn syrup that gets blender with it.

ummmm no are you retarded?

Yes I'm talking about those, and no there isn't any of that shit. It's literally a bin of peanuts sitting on top of a grinder.

He's conformed to lying to himself to not look stupid. Stop while you're ahead

Any of you put a little honey on there? Do you have an preferable brands?

>he doesn't make his own honey with his own beehive farm

>not eating peanut butter out of the jar
>not mixing bananas with peanut butter
Never gonna make it.

>la croix
Kill yourself

Why it’s cheap and tastes good

He doesn't boil fruits to make homemade fruit syrup and mix a little bit of it with sparkling water

ive never used a single serving of jif PB
any organic nut butter has less than 1g of sugar still.

I'm right with ya op. But like some said, better use wheat bread.

what else should you put on a pb sandwich? im just doing banana peels right now

sounds..dry desu, i need jelly

The peel??

I do natty pb + banana sandwichs regularly, but use the flesh/pith of the banana like a normal person.

shut the fuck up retarded fat ketard , whole bread is healthier than the cleanest least processed grass fed meat . you could house your cow in a fucking castle and act like she's the fucking queen ,having access to the greenest herb of the kingdom and she would still yield meat that's less healthy than fucking whole bread .

t. amerifat
you know that there is peanut butter that is not filled with 50% sugar right?

Peanut butter is BroScience(c) food. It's an easy wat to consume tons of fat but I prefer a higher ratio of protein.

Kcal relative distribution for some peanut butter
protein: 15%, carbohydrates: 15%, fat: 70%
But yeah, it's cheap calories, but if budget is strained, I prefer some cheap spaghetti.

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Peanut butter is expensive here, much cheaper to produce your own.