I've been on TRT for 6 months

>I've been on TRT for 6 months
>I had low T and levels were in the 200s
>Lost 45lbs in total weight in 6 months
>Haven't been in the gym at all
>I feel like I'm ready to start working out again
>I need a routine and schedule to follow
>Not willing to try 5/3/1 again
>Hoping for a 4 day body spit...
>What's the popular routine these days senpai?


Naturally enhanced

>>Not willing to try 5/3/1 again

Why is that user? Im curious because im on 5/3/1 right now

Scared of being uncomfortable during a workout, prefer nice easy steady state cardio

>>Not willing to try 5/3/1 again
not gonna make it

this goes in QTDDTOT

Stop making an entire thread for your shitty blogposting

I've ran 5/3/1 for years and ran it at the intermeddate/advanced level

I haven't really done heavy deads or squats in a year so don't really want to return to a program that focuses solely on compounds..

For my first program to come back to the gym I just want some kind of body split 4-5 days and plenty of sets to get my mind back in the game

5/3/1 isn't for beginners in my opinion, if muscle memory is true than maybe in 3-6 months I'll be dl over 455 again....

>this goes in QTDDTOT

I normally don't check other threads or boards at all, I'll stick to the rules than since I barely follow other threads

>mods can delete this one or no?

Just choose one you can stick to and lift consistently.

PPL and a cardio day would do it

Normally I'd tell you to fuck off but I appreciate the pence memeing.

Unrelated, here's a 6'9 420 pound man looking like a manlet because Iceland

here's a 6'8 bodybuilder being made to look like a child


being a giant is cool and all but you literally have to eat 10,000 calories a day

Wait so are you gonna be a cute trap?

But you are a giant, so it doesn't effect you

he's the new rich piana shut your mouth

I do a 5 day which is
Chest and Triceps
Back and Biceps
Triceps and Biceps
I roid and this works great. TRT is similar to roiding so you'd probably have good results too. If you really need 4 days, I'd say just add shoulders to your triceps and biceps day instead of giving them their own day.

I mean, you ever try to take in 7000kcal of not horrible food in a day? I have.

I'm a very large man, and it gave me "significant problems". As in I made lots of assbabies in the shitter, all day.

Here's the man who looks like a child next to a normal human, kek

I don't know what this has to do with our dead friend with the gorgeous eyes, Wealthy Organ