Mental Health Thread

How crazy is Veeky Forums

Sane reporting in

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Avoidant: very high
Antisocial: high


>Schizoid: Very High
How do I know you're not samefagging OP?

Neurotypical normie reporting in.

Nice try CIA, but I'm not going to help you improve your psyops.

Sorry I'm retarded

Lone bastard with OCD here, dropped college and lifting doesnt longer give me a purpose. to me suicide sounds more like and option at this point. what do?

get a jorb

when you realize you hate that, go back to school for accounting or business

can't get a job due to my OCD, taking medications for that, how fucked am I?


If your OCD is keeping you from holding a job, you should be able to get on disability and become a true and proper NEET.

What did I win?

I am antisocial and often fail to realize when someone is upset I'm not paying them enough attention.

A couple years ago someone asked me how many friends I had and after I had counted off in my head all the people I consider to be close friends and not just friendly acquaintances, I realized that I hadn't spoken to about half the list in over a year (one of the people I hadn't spoken to since he'd moved to Alaska 4 years prior).

I still felt these people to be friends, and I got a positive response from most of them when I reached out to them, but my need for social interaction is very minimal.

>be a lone leecher the rest of my life
>let the void inside me and my mental disorders kill my happiness
>stop lifting for real because at some point it truly won't be enough
is ending it truly the answer, i dont want to be a neet


At this point it seems shrooms would do you some good since its known to pull people out of pretty bad slumps

What an absolute mess

high score


Not much of a surprise, desu; I've been through psychiatry and I'm nearly completely isolated


I'm a mess and trying to fix it a little bit each day


Are these for real or you just picked the right answers to fuck it up and le maximum trolle because I'm posting here all night and now I'm scared of doing the test

Get on my fucking level pleb

And here I was thinking I was normal

you tried


That is some ugly HTML

Well, that's somewhat a relief.


Wew lad


I'm in a good mood right now though.

more than I thought there would be desu

>all subreddits
>tap water fluoride


Get therapy

Yeah I kind of saw this one coming.
Fucking psychologists. Go to a psychiatrist if you need help.

whats it like to literally be me

not surprised desu.

anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of psychology knows that a simple yes or no answer isn't at all accurate. it doesn't even give you a ballpark for that matter. Half of these questions could have been answered yes or no depending on the situation.

Nobody has a rudimentary understanding of psychology because none of it is evidence-based you fucking dipshit


>not evidence based
>being this naive

Well fuck me.

You probably are, the programming is shit. The only thing i acutally think i am out of those is antisocial but i got schizoid and others high as well.

I got schizotypal, and it's kinda true. I'm definitely eccentric and do a lot of magical thinking but I keep it under wraps pretty well


If I answer the way I force myself to act: low x 8, moderate x 2

If I answer the way I fear I am when I struggle to keep everything in check: moderate x 3, high x 7


Wow Im an introvert with no real problems
Come at me Veeky Forums

>a chicken dinner

Does this mean I'm retarded

who hurt you?

I have things others don't yet they have things I'll never have.


get on my level, scrubs
Still somehow manage to achieve a level of normiedom too, but people think im a bit off

What do I make of this? I doubt Im really that paranoid. Doesnt everyone at least suspect that your acquaintances or others are talking shit about you behind your back or dont really like you?


>Do you yearn for intimate relationships yet feel that you are too socially inept to obtain them?


Is a very gummy smile a red flag?

The husband, wife, and two kids all died in a murder suicide yesterday.
