Jaw Gains

Take a look at those masseters.
There aren't many ways to improve facial aesthetics, but it is possible to strengthen and enlarge the masseter muscles, thus giving the appearance of a wider jaw and more chiseled face.
Have any of you tried training these muscles?
Any tips on masseter hypertrophy?

Except he still looks ugly because jaw theory means nothing without neck theory.

be born alpha

is bubblegum good for jaw gainz, or is it just a meme?

it is (theoretically) possible to "work out" your masseters by chewing. effectiveness is not well documented, and there are certain temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problem that could arise from excessive chewing

lmao implying this looks good

Jawlet spotted

Lips together, teeth together, tongue on the roof of your mouth.
If you're breathing through your mouth or letting your tongue fall down your throat, your jaw will drop and your face will grow vertically. Your maxilla will be unsupported and your face will become elongated and your jaw will become narrow.
If you're breathing through your nose and your tongue is firmly planted on the roof of your mouth, supporting your maxilla, your face will grow horizontally. Your jaw will sit upwards and your face will grow forwards. Your chin will become more prominent and your cheeks will become more hollow. Overall posture will be easier to attain if your head is supported by your tongue and your airway is unobstructed. You can also eat tougher foods or chew gum to work your masticatory muscles.

I've met many guys without pointy jaws who were better looking than square jaws. Literally a gay theory.

What happened? I don't remember his jawline looking like that.

Agreed. Also, do you jaw faggots not take into account eye area theory?

You need a good eye area too if you watn to attract women.

Aka well devleoped browridge, long eyelashes, good eye shape, no dark circle and thick and dark eyebrows good eye color.

Only problem is doing this overnight. I always wake up to my jaw open.

He looks ugly, big ass wide nose, shitty incel hair, Lack of fat or muscles onhis body, SMALL FRame.

Okay I need you guys to clarify this once and for all:

Is this not the normal way to breathe? How else do people breathe, besides dragging their jaw on the ground? I don't see how this is new or novel in any way.

Dont forget skin tone, not blotchy but even, nice color and not dull.

Tape your mouth. Preferably micropore tape. Paper tape works too.

Lots of people breath through the mouth, or more commonly through the nose with the tongue at the bottom of the mouth.

I don't even have a bottom jaw. I shot it off because I couldn't handle the faggotry here.

What happens if I can't breath through my nose, like if it gets stuffy? Will I wake up or suffocate?

Clear skin is important too

chew gum and make your eyes look better. i know dudes with not that aestehtic jaws but they have nice eyebrows and eyes and get girls

you don't even have a good jaw for a nigger gtfo

he has pretty nice eyebrows for a black dude

Matt Stonie is a competitive eater, his jaws will obviously be ripped from hardcore chewing

Like people with sleep apnea, you will simply wake up. I doubt that your nose will completely bloke though. And if it is so difficult to nose breath, you should really make an effort to do it. It's much healthier.

Someone please photoshop his neck to be as wide as his head, he would look like a MEGA CHAD if he did this

The thing is, the food he eats is very soft, and to win competitions he has to spend more time swallowing and less time chewing.
To get facial muscle tone, eat tougher food.

theres no jaw excersises lol you gotta reduce bloating in your face by drinking a lot of water reducing sugar/sult in your diet and obv exercise
>use to be fat
>lost it all due to strict diet as explained above for 1-2 years
>gained high/extremely visible jawbones
>get mired all the time

post more chadjeets

Personality/charmisa > height > Eye area > skin > cheeks > jaw/chin > eye color > nose > body > hair
In terms of male attractiveness desu

Hair should be one of the first desu. Being bald really drags you down if you have a shitty skull shape
>inb4 jason statham cope

Do you push up manually or suck it up? Because I saw mew in a video describing the suction hold but I can't suction up the back third of my tongue ( but I can manually push the whole thing up).

>Wake up
>Sleep paralysis
>Suffocate with a blocked nose while being decently conscious
At least my maxilla will look good at my funeral

You fucking retards, for slavs (Poles and Russians for sure) this tongue position is natural. I have had my mouth in that position since I was a kid and guess what, I'm the same as everyone else. THIS DOESN'T WORK.

>What happened?
puberty you dumb fag

Mew says to suck and push. I can't suck the back of my tongue either. I think that the suction is just to make it easier, so that the tongue can more easily rest in the proper position.

What is that supposed to prove? This is supposed to be the natural posture of the mouth. In fact it would make sense that the Eastern countries would have better oral posture than Western countries, since they aren't as insanely industrialised.


It's meant to prove that "mewing" is a fruitless activity, even if done from being a child. Retard.
Not the same guy, but that's how my tongue and mouth are and I don't have an impressive jaw.

So what is the best oral posture?

the thing is, tyrones/changs/chadjeets can look as objectively aesthetic as they want they won't attract decent white girls compared to even an above average 7/10 white guy. Deathnikk theory is real

that looks fucking stupid

That's only true in the US.
You guys are truly obsessed. Which isnt really a bad thing tho.

Tfw freckles

>for slavs (Poles and Russians for sure) this tongue position is natural.

Look at this retarded pole.

So mewing isn't a meme? I just started doing it a few hours ago and my tongue feels kinda comfy here now.

This guy and Mew himself are the proofs you can overdo mewing/chewing. Fuck they're ugly.

>muh jaw
Complete meme as long as it's not recessed and also proportionate. The guy in OP image has jaw that is too horizontally wide.

I've also personally never been a fan of hyperangular mandibles like that, it's always registered as somewhat gracile to me. True high T jaws are solid lumps of bone, which are large in overall dimensions but not particularly angular.

After doing it for a while you stop opening it

I forgot your name but I know who you are. celcel

Your body isn't retarded. The next time you have a stuffed nose hold your breath for as long as you possibly can - your nose will unclog for a minute or so.

You'll just switch to nose breathing or wake up as user said.

in every picture you make that fucking duck face, just fkn LOL

it's over for you nigger

I'm convinced he got surgery to make more food fit in his mouth. How wide it's able to open seems unnatural.

he looks so fucking retarded


I have a slightly recessed chin from mouth breathing when I was younger and developed an overbite for it. I've started using correct tongue posture and just by fixing the posture, it naturally juts my chin forward and make it look not as bad. I doubt mewling is as effective as he says, but just fixing your posture helps. Like how fixing your walking posture makes you not look like a beta fuccboi.

>Tape your mouth. Preferably micropore tape. Paper tape works too.

I unironically want to try it



>jaw too wide

It's not even true in the US. A tall light skinned handsome ethnic will do well anywhere.

A tall handsome anything will do well anywhere. You just see a lot of indians and asians looking incel because a lot of the population is short with tiny frames.

Jaws equal too or wider than the zygoma is never a good look.