I'm gonna make it right bros?

I'm gonna make it right bros?

Other urls found in this thread:



take the bread out of your pasta, carbs will ruin your gainz

>paste isn't mixed well
>fucking bread in pasta
>pasta looks plain and unflavoured as fuck

dude, were you braindead while making this? I know that a lot of people on here don't know how to cook but damn

pasta and bread
what the hell were you thinking op

Is pasta bad when you wanna gain some weight?

sort yourself out user

also, F

this is a very good carbonara recipe

t. Veeky Forums

Bread and pasta are the same thing in different forms. Both are carbs, carbs increase gains and test. Never post again.

Only if those were rice noodles.

isnt pasta carbs

Bulking without carbs is hell

I know how to cook user but today I'm jaded as fuck because I have a test tomorrow yet shitposted the entire weekend. Gonna hit the gym now to work on my gains and when I come back I'm gonna cram like I never crammed before. Lucky for me my classmates have posted a summary of the syllabus and previous years' answered tests.

By the way I ended up not eating the entire chunks of bread, but you're right the pasta was very unflavored. Tonight I'll dine a salad with grilled chicken breast.

No thots or roasties, only gains.

Yeah you naive fuck, do you take everything you read on Veeky Forums as the absolute truth?

But, he didn't?

He did. He's literally asking him if pasta are carbs as if it put doubt in his mind because a random guy just wrote it.

Are you mentally damaged, user?

So, he isn't taking something he read as absolute truth, he's questioning it

no. It's a good source of carbs and got some good protein aswell.

I'm trying to cut also

>oh look more carbs

We're all going to make it, user.


That is beautiful.
