Be in the gym

>be in the gym
>everyone here has a Hitler youth haircut

Other urls found in this thread:

> be in gym
> everyone is either bald or has a buzz cut

wait a year
they will all then have manbuns

then wait another year, shaved heads

>tfw you go on Veeky Forums and get to watch all your friends be anywhere from 3-1 years late to new style trends

You mean a comb over with the sides trimmed? Pretty standard hair cut.

post your haircut fuckboi

Has Veeky Forums progressed past lunarcore and goofninja yet?

>the girls have Hitler Youth haircuts too
I am okay with this

I have hair like Tom Cruise

>go into gym
>people look like they haven't shaved for years
>beards down to their navals
>no gym equipment
>stone walls
>one them tries to whack me with a club
>narrowly dodge it and walk out
>not going back to that gym

those are side trends, too niche to ever be relevant just like technowear and terrorwave.
It's basically advanced styles that no normies will ever bother with. And if they do, it'll be very lite version of those styles.

She’s not even attractive
Great body but that face is bad

>be in the gym
>everyone has the only truly alpha haircut
>go on Veeky Forums
>no one is lifting for hugh
You will all kneel soon.

What the duck?

I'm just curious to hear what Veeky Forums is up to.
I was pretty into fashion a few years back. Student loans, getting older, etc etc caught up to me though and now I look like shit.


>tattoo with meme hair
Of course

>elbows too pointy

You're either a model or you spend too much time online.

>I'm just curious to hear what Veeky Forums is up to.
same as always
meme shit that looks awful outside of a cosplay con or a Halloween party

>got to gym
>judge others by their hair and not their gains
>being this beta
Fuck off commie.

>be in the gym
>pretend to stretch my arms to do the Roman salute
>this trigger the shitskins and traitors
>can't do shit because weaklings and I'm just stretching bro ;)
Feels pretty good

Wtf are you talking about?
I mentioned face
She’s a 5/10 especially with that horrible mascara

It's a reference to neckbeards being too picky about minute shit. That girl is a qt.

>go to the gym
>everybody wearing basketball shorts and yawning inbetween sets

How’s is face minute? She has a sexy body I said but her mascara, lifted nostrils,and over protruding upper lip make her a 6-7/10 at best

>no ear protection

honestly not surprised a numale cried

> go to gym
> no one understands jokes

>go to gym
>The local autist has his hair an even #5 from top to sides instead of having his sides shorter than the top

I hate to be the one to tell you this user, but somebody has to tell you.

You're gay.

for who

I’m legitimately bi but I know an attractive girl when I see one

Are you quacking kidding me jimbo ya little nignog?

this picture bothers me because there's significantly more to the equation than that. there's balls, the absence of a uterus / fallopian tubes, the amount of brain dedicated to any masculine identity, even the difference of volume in hip structure

this is a flawed metric presented, and i opine to you an alternative. traps are 100% gay, all homo.

>go to gym
>everyone is bald
>except me and all the qts dig it, makes for a nice conversation starter

This is a little better

The website you got that off cites reddit as a research center. Traps are most definitely gay


>makes for a nice conversation starter
you're a supreme gentleman I bet

>I’m legitimately bi
Nice meme sexuality, faggot

How is it meme to like men and women, I’ll marry a girl but I like men too

Because most guys who are bi are just in transitional phase to becoming full on gay. It's similar to how lesbianism is typically just a cover for man hating (I.e. political lesbianism)

But I honestly like tits and pussy

The hitler youth hair cut looks really tacky, especially when it's someone dying their hair and you can see their roots, BLEH. Get some aesthetic

>dyel faggot detected

You do realize they see you as a gay guy right?
Educate yourself, you fool

>he thinks shaved heads will ever be fashionable
top cope lmao

>walk into gym
>everyone has short hair or medium undercut at best
>meanwhile i have hair reaching my chin
>also biggest in gym, getting looks from everyone
>wake up and realize it was just a dream
>remember im balding and havent gained any weight in the last month

So hitler far right is degenerate like sjws

This is the perfect girl hairstyle
Fuck long hair this shit is the bomb

That's a nice head you have on your shoulders

You are so wrong it hurts.

Why do people do this? It looks objectively bad.

That's eyeliner you dumb bitch, mascara is for your lashes

She looks like a fucking dyke. I like short hairstyles on girls, but this one makes her look like a carpetmuncher.

>Be me
>Blue eyes
>Have business haircut
>Conservative and traditional views
>Against open borders
Am I considered being Hitler in the current political climate?

probably if you are racist. and "business" haircuts usually look kinda faggy now. thank god i grew out of that style a solid two years ago.

I don't discriminate anyone because of their race. I want people to stay in their own continent. I'm pretty sure that doesn't make me racist. Also fuck you, business cut is best.

>Not having SS haircut
Up your game
never gonna make it

>tfw want a traditionalist waifu but with short hair and every girl with short hair is a raging feminist
Guess I got some redpilling to do

There's "she's not my type" and there's "I'm a raging faggot".

Same here. I should just date a long-hair girl just ask her to get a pixie cut tbqh

Who's the artist for the second one from the left?
I knew it but I forgot, need it for filing and classification purposes.

>tfw hair is curly so it won't work

>wearing basketball shorts
I unironically wear basketball shorts every day for everything. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, BITCH

>Start Uni
>Every single person is wearing basketball shorts
>Teacher walks in
>He's wearing basketball shorts too

No one ever knows how to get it right

>go to Sport Clips
>tell black girl cutting my hair that I am looking for a change
>she suggests #2 sides and then leave the top long
>agree and proceed
>mfw someone tells me I have a Hitler Youth haircut
Either that person is being crazy, or the black girl that cut my hair saw me and said "he would look good with a Nazi haircut."


>be only white guy in black gym

The weight room is almost entirely black dudes, and they're often huge.

I'm the only white guy there doing basic compound lifts next to them. The other white people are middle aged moms doing the elliptical downstairs, or the occasional old guy on a hip extension machine for 6 trillion sets of weird ass theraputic shit.

Not the guy you are replying to but, ALL the faggots ive met had short hair

>Implying any straight women weat this haircut

I've only seemed to get it right by showing the hairstylist this picture

or you're an emo boy over a haircut and your fragile ego is vulnerable to some hater

This is a bizarre and oxi moronic trend among marxist city folk, along with Doc Martins, and the return of the bomber jacket.

I haven't seen a bomber jacket around. Do show a good stylish leather shoe you can polish well.

.cont Skinheads, I'm talking about punks dressed like skinheads. I'm fully aware that skinheads actually started as the 'rudeboy' culture from the UK, and were actually portrayed accurately in the movie "warriors" as having black members because they were originally a far-leftist punk group. I the US, neo-nazi's appropriated skinhead culture. I'm guessing the meaning has flipped again, as Doc Martins, the MA-1 jacket and Levi's are very popular in city's like Seattle.

Hey uhh... Sauce on that last one?

I've decided to grow Jesus hair because there's one guy in my gym who has that and I love his style. Plus I haven't had long hair in fucking forever. It'll probably make me stand out among all the undercuts too.

I will drink from your skull.

>dress like either a skinhead or a tibetan monk
>shaved my head recently
>people call me a nazi
>actually a trad
fucking normies, leave me alone

>op is against white people
What I would expect from someone who lives in Brazil.

I've got a redpil for you, you're gay

>he thinks Veeky Forums keeps up with trends

Do what?

I wonder what the next fad haircut will be

he's not wrong. Hitler youth cuts were big on Veeky Forums in 2009 and look at normies now

What's the next cool haircut breh? Help me out.

> Go to the gym
> Long hair
> OG 107 pants
> Chucks
Good thing I'm not fat, a manlet, or a jawlet

I also go for this hair cut but I can't show this pic to my hairdresser. He's a syrian refugee. Anyone else have more sample pics with this style? preferable from more angles

Find a white hairdresser you goddamn commie. Guy that does my hitler youth cut knows exactly what it means and he sports one as well

It's why I went back to the fauxhawk

>be in gym
>only white guy not wearing a hat

Do you know how I know you two are really salty about going bald?

is his name really hugh?

wouldn't get too boastful there, 6head

looks like Sargon put through one of those faceapp things to make you a grill

You’re literally worse than hitler, Mussolini and hideki Tojo all combined
Unless you cut off your penis and balls and start off every sentence you make with some sort of apology for your privilege your an anti Semite racist transphobe

>rich as fuck trendy asian international students wearing Thrasher and metal band shirts and sweaters

Spics do it too
Also 120% chance he has these glasses