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Shit crypto. Dump it. Rune is a newb in running a business.

Made some decent profit on ico, but holding this will get you to zeroooo

Coin of 2018 . screen that nigger.

Lol in your dreams. Cobinhood beta is 100 times better

Can other people comment on this? Is this a dead coin, or will it explode to $100k market cap when ICOs are added + more coins added + COSS gets listed on other exchanges?

This coin is good

>COSS gets listed on other exchanges
Why would anyone do this except to maybe set up a punchline about how COSS has more volume on their exchange than it does on COSS?

chink shit

Yea that would be weird, but it's on HitBTC, so obviously it will be on more.

It will explode.

Developing good product just takes time. I was a big supporter at first, then got sceptical but now went back to being supportive as the team deliver things and COSS communication responsiveness is amazing.

They had an option to just do ICO and start doing things in the closet for next half year or go with MVP and show people that they already have something that can be improved over time. And they went with the latter which is good.

I believe they will deliver. Even if they fail, this will go up nevertheless when new ICOs get launched on

coss-rune [3:04 AM]
Todays updates:

Targeting H2O and WTC listing for this week.
We will also be working on a new list of tokens to be added based on the many requests that are pouring in on a daily basis. However we have our legal procedures to follow and we will not risk listing any security tokens.

Other than that, we are fully focused on many of the small fixes. High/low, rank and minor upgrades on the UI.
There will be made more and more changes to the exsiting UI while we wait for the new one to arrive.

For the new UI, we aim to have design templates ready to share within 2 weeks which should include (but not limited to):

- Charts - Price & depth charts
- Buy/Sell - Market / Limit / Stop
- Margin Trading
- Order & Trade History
- Dropdown Menus
- Wallets
- Notifications
Create Account
Deposit Models

Not guarenteed that all features will be in place from day one, but the UI will be made for it.

ICO's to be presented through
With more to come.

Make sure you activate 2fa for added security. Stay safe.

>It will explode.


I appreciate you setting proper filename of that webm tho. ;)

>EEM and all similar cryptos (ALIS, YOYO
any hentai of this cute pet ?


Lol srsly. What idiot this rune. Last time he said this week we should get mockup and in 2 weeks whole new UI. What a incompetent fag

Just buy and wait

I was gonna buy it but then I read how they are kikes like bittrex with the whole verifying accounts and they let you deposit but not withdraw, so ill pass for now. Im well aware of the KYC laws so keep your omega cuck excuses to yourselves

yup, UI upgrades + fiat pairs + 4 ICO launches coming in 2017 Q4 / 2018 Q1 might lift COSS off the ground. Still hodling but bags are getting heavy. Hoping the team wont fuck this oppurtunity up

Tell them to stop making me do multiple capchas every time I log in. Shit's retarded and I won't trade anything on there other than Coss tokens until they fix it.

never said that. he said facelift for current ui end of november, new ui with beginner/pro mode later

He said last week of October. End of month Nov new UI and during the weeks he said this week they would show mockup. Thsee guys have nothing to delivering and are just waiting to dissappear

>Im well aware of the KYC laws so keep your omega cuck excuses to yourselves

If you define it as a "cuck excuse" you are clearly not aware of the need to follow KYC laws. If they don't follow these laws they will potentially face legal issues and risk the exchange being shut down. Anyone who isn't an idiot understands this.

You can buy it on ED. Don't let your hatred of KYC get in the way of making some nice profits. Once COSS has fiat to crypto gateways their volume will moon.

You may be right, but even if they started out as a scam they have to be thinking about how much money they could make by going legit and making just a few improvements. I don't think it's a scam though.

>Thsee guys have nothing to delivering and are just waiting to dissappear

Do you actually believe this?
You genuinely believe this team is just biding their time until they outright leave with what little money they have made
Instead of actually delivering on their promise, which would bring them infinitely more profits long term
You are either a fucking retard, or dangerously cynical. I know there are plenty of shit scams out there, but this one has a functioning product, a legal team, and is headquartered in a legal paradise...

Ive moved 20k usd in and out of the site when i was trading COSS for etp and zen with no issue

They need to get the exchange added to blockfolio, hitbtc spergs out when viewing the price of coss.

I'm telling you guys to SELL. I lost $10k in one month on this shit ROFL.

The exchange will never recover. This is the sad truth.

Even if it does recover, we all can rebuy easily at $10-$15 million market cap.

Stop holding bags and make some moves.

I let this faggot Rune convince me for a month that COSS will explode.

It very well good, but god damn it's gonnna take so long, and we can buy the rise anyways.

>we all can rebuy easily at $10-$15 million market cap.
>sell low buy high
classic biz, please go ahead and sell into whale's buy orders

Hello Ranjeet, how was your shitting today?

Bruh I've paid off $20k in debt with crypto and I have $10k on the market still. Started with $500.

If that is Pajeet then DAMN I WANT TO BE INDIAN.

I'm a big proponent of COSS, but he's kinda right. This is going to 30-100x in the coming months, but it'll probably burn down another 75% before doing so. It won't pop up until something real I'd released, or a pnd group goes to town on it.

nah, it didnt dip and will not anymore because some guys and me bought everything up and accumulated

Lol. You really think project will be ever good?

Look what they have delivered in one year. A shitty exchange, with terrible front and backend development.

Also their mobile app is made by a 5 year old.

If you can't see that idiot rune keeps lying to its users than you are the moron.

He said this week mockups. Today he announces in two weeks.

And ofcourse in two weeks he will announce in the next two week.

And this wil go on and on and on

fudders gonna fud

I will offer you at a second opportunity to turn or portfolio around
>Be a whale and live like the top 1%
>Be a poor fag with autism that no women will ever want.

The picture says it all. I made it just for you. I will lead you and spoonfeed you until you kno how to find the 10x's. I think u kno which paths is good for you.

i already swingtraded BNB like 3 times, made me the most of my gains. it already has high market cap.
but COSS could be MOON

I know bnb is good for reducing trading fee, but do you really think it'll 10x ? why

Guys, COSS is a fail. Not much else to say. Maybe it will be good in 1 year, but holding bags instead of investing in daily pumps is stupid.

I let my 70k COSS go last night, and I'm already up 50% on Aeron with no end in sight.

Took a lot of guts to take a $10k loss (bought around 20 cents), but glad I did.

The odds that BNB will reach $1.6 billion before COSS reaches $57 million is pretty much zero. And given the profit sharing model of COSS, it's only a matter of time before it dwarfs BNB.

That said, COSS isn't on a real support yet. There's been no liquidity for too long and it has a high chance to hit the previous low (~0.00005 eth) before it has a chance to rebound, unless SOMETHING big gets released soon.

I will leave this here.


its the 16th but yea otherwise true


Blockfolio is adding COSS


Do we have a date for it to be added?

Link please....

>looks like IOTA logo

Illuminati Confirmed! LOL

bnb has a better exchange than coss and it shows in price.

I started a spreadsheet to track 24 hour volume on coinmarketcap everyday, pic related.

How do they plan to reverse this trend? IT"S ALMOST LINEAR IT CAN"T GO ANY LOWER RIGHT?????

Seriously though, how can they compete with Cobinhood and why haven't they started a better referral program? I'm holding 25k and my payout today was a joke.

>How do they plan to reverse this trend
The simple answer is, and I know it might suck, but time.

It's just going to take time. Advanced UI, exclusive ICOs, and fiat options - all are great and will attract volume, but all will take time to implement.

In the meantime, what you can do is accumulate COSS while it's dirt cheap and use it for dividends.