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where can i find this magic body that creates energy out of thin air? where are the fatties hiding their fitness secrets?

gotta fast to get big?

But thats literally true.
not eating puts you in starvation mode, so you actually gain weight.

i literally eat once a day while cutting and do a very good job. people are retarded

Only a Sith deals in absolutes


>Hurr durrr i'm retarded



HOLY SHIT THIS GOD DAMN BOARD IS SO FUCKING STUPID. MAYBE if you weren't so FUCKING NEW you'd know that it was a sarcastic post! fucking end your dumbass life and stop shitposting on my FUCKING board kiddo

maybe he was being sarcastic too

Shut the fuck up you dumb nigger, dont ever fucking post here ruining not only my thread but my board. FUCK. OFF. NOW.

Holocaust victims must have eaten so many times a day to get to such a low BF%

Holocaust didn't happen, kike.

>being this mad
>will probably say he was joking again



It happened, it was just GREATLY exaggerated and basically the jews fault for causing so many problems in Germoney prior to it.

It literally didn't happen.

>these are mutually exclusive

Did you mama tell you that while she dished you up a 2nd serve of spagettie


This but unironically

I should bulk like this then.
Sounds much cheaper

>not eating
>you actually gain weight
hahaha literally wtf are you retarded?

>baiting this many people
epic win i tip my hat to you good sir

>gain weight
One more stack on the mountain of evidence that the holohoax was complete fabrication. If those kikes were being starved to death, why weren't they waddling out of the "concentration camps" like the fat fucks they should have been?

Proof that to be on Veeky Forums you have to also be on roids

false i fasted for 5 days lost 12lbs only put on 4 the following week

>muh thread
>muh board

Somebody didn’t eat their 6 meals today...

t. dumbass Obi-wan who reasoned with an absolute

man and to think i just finished a 3500 cal/day bulk.
i could have saved so fucking much if i JUST STOPPED EATING

It's not about eating less food, it is about eating less calories.

>accidentally a whole 1l can of spaghetti
>eat 4 more cans so you dont go over tdee


Ok really guys? This picture is 100% accurate. If you fill your car up less it won't run out if gas, but if you drive it 5 to 6 times a day it will.

I wasn't being ironic.

> In this stunning report on tonight's 60 Minutes: are Ethiopian children starving, or are they actually GAINING weight? The answer...may surprise you.

body weight is slow and steady gains for flexibility and cardio. One could argue by increasing reps you could achieve the same strength as a free weight lifter the cost is time, time I don't have on this god given earth. Do free weights and a bit of body weight. pic unrelated just stole from a fat hate.

ignore I'm a retard who doesn't know how to post in the right tab

You didn't say no homo.


Its true. My body is proof. I never ate and lost as much as now.

>Defeating Thermodynamic Law


>Defeating Thermodynamic Law
>In a nutrition discussion
American education.

>Protein deficiency not caloric restriction.

protein is a form of calorie

In the case of kwashiorkor it really doesn’t matter, the caloric restriction will lead to higher protein katabolidm which is the same as protein deficient diet.

>Lack of protein != lack of atp

A Calorie is a unit of energy. Protiens, along with all other macros and basically everything in existance has free energy stored in molecular bonds that can be assessed under different circumstances.

Ah yes all those starving ethiopian children should simply stop eating!

>mfw my cousin's wife who's got a master's degree in nutrition unironically said this to me a couple of weeks ago

Right, just like the gulags didn’t happen.


>thinks board is stupid
>surprised when he thinks someone else thinks he's stupid

dude are you fucking retarded?

>master's degree in nutrition
Don't know how it's over in Burgerstan, but here only people who failed 1-2 other degrees even try a degree in nutrition and that basically tells you what a fucking meme it is

What an underrated anime. It's no wonder either since most anime fans are overweight manchildren who prefer to look at moeblob shit instead of a good series.

Who's trolling who here?

those starving Africans need to just eat less food!


I eat pasta / Rice / Bread daily

Drink water or light milk

Good portions too and my BMI is 22

How much do fatties actually eat holy shit

>at least one person that isn't completly retarded

Yeah. Each of those plates/bowls are what we eat at one of those meals. A piece of chicken with vegetables. A soup. A thing of veggies. A single apple. We don't eat all of that at each meal. You fat piece of shit. It amazes me how hard it is for fat people to grasp this.

I never understood this. If this was the case, all of Africa would be ones

>Inb4 your body tries to store it

That literally makes absolutely god damn no sense and something only a normie soccer moms would say


If I tend to eat more fats can I replace some carbs with fats? Is it as easy as taking off 100g of carbs so I can add 45g of fat?

Right now I'm doing 300g of carbs and 91g of fat

>less calories

What anime man.


"Nutrition" degree is a meme.

A "nutritionist" literally means nothing. Anyone can call themselves a "nutritionist".

"Dietitian" is the legally-protected term that you have to actually study for.

I burn 1500 doing 1hr of biking ever day and i only eat 2 imes a day and iv already lost 10lbs

When you exaggerate 100 000 Jews dead from typhys into 6 million gassed by non existent gas chambers, it's not an exaggeration, it's completely made up bullshit.


Plenty of people doing well not eating 6 times a day. Look at the IF folks. Sure, you probably know folks that didn't do well on it but it's workable. I do it from time to time.

One of the reasons eating more than 3 meals a day works for some is because there's only so much tasteless food you can shove down your mouth in one sitting. If you're going to eat chicken breast, rice, and spinach all day, sure, divide that shit up into 10 meals if you want.



That's a lot of jewelry, sign me in.

Nice try shitheads these were all me.

fucking samefag

Wow, look at all that jewellery the allies confiscated.

Mostly true, but in some countries it's the other way around.

Huh, I guess Germany must have been literally Nigeria for it to make it worth killing millions of people then.

>people believing this

Ive lost 45lbs because Cocaine has made me not hungry for days

>i was only pretending to be retarded


bruh... never go full

fucking idiots. if you literally starve yourself, ie eat nothing for days at a time, you will initially not lose weight because your body has processes that kick in to prevent you from normally burning as much fat when you are in starvation mode. after enough time without food, you obviously start burning fat to prevent death, but it isnt an immediate effect.

tldr you dont lose weight when youre LITERALLY experiencing starvation, but it is an ineffective way to lose weight because you lose fat at a slower rate

Post body. Now.

I've literally gone from slight 6 pack to shredded 6 pack after a weekend of not eating anything besides nose candy. You're a retard.

you are that same nigger from the FPH thread

>starvation mode
>4 hours

>starvation mode.
Starvation mode only kicks in when you are in fact starving to death. Being hungry but having a shit tone of body mass with the vast majority of it being fat or excess muscle is not starving.
It's your body that's used to using food energy and has no idea how to use stored energy screaming for food.
You'll fucking know when you're really hungry and need to eat something.

That’s roundworm.


> Nazis try to starve Jews
> Jew stomachs enter "starvation mode"( Veeky Forums, 2017) and Jews put on solid gains and dont die

Holocaust btfo

A-are you okay user

that's a high BMI breh