Tfw poorfag who has 100% of his money in crypto right now

>tfw poorfag who has 100% of his money in crypto right now
>chance to go out on a movie and dinner date with a girl
>justice league and chill
>mental health declining because i cant pull out date money because my alts are in a 70% loss right now
Should i even sell some of my alts and go out anons? I really dont want to sell my alts, but i havent talked to a person face to face for around two weeks now. tis pathetic

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Shit in a very similar situation. Got really confident because I made gains in creypto and started talking to women as if I was arleady rich. Now that I got justed over the past few months, I am not sure if can justify my confidence anymore. Need to make money so I can get my dick hard again desu.

Pull out enough for the date, then cum in her and impregnate that slut

Short term happiness is cool, but long term gainz will all be worth it.

Bitcoin forks cock blocked me so hard this month user. Its so depressing.

Pussy or money, hard choice bud.
Jerk off over coin or take a loss on a chance to smell that roasties sweet bits.

Yes sell some. I was like you just a few weeks ago. Moved together with some friends and hanging out with them truly made me happier. Almost completely forgot about crypto now.

DO NOT PULL YOUR MONEY OUT, i know you’d like to go out but the rush will only last for a very short time and as soon as you get back home again and everything is back to before the date you’ll feel even worse

>my alts are in a 70% loss right now
You mean you only have 30% of what you put in. That 70% does not exist, it is gone.

But its at a 70% loss right now anons. If i pull out its going to be so painful. The date will only last like 12 hours at most and i dont even want to do it for the pussy. I only want to take a girl out and have some social interaction. You know? the feeling when you're in the mall with a girl and having dinner and watching a movie. It makes me happier than sex probably because i always eat alone, watch movies alone, etc.

Thats what im worried about user, the feel good feeling of the date will only last like hours. But i havent had any face to face social interaction with a girl for quite a while now. Its taking a toll on me.

fiat goes up and down too, you just don't notice it. trust in the crypt.

jesus user, fuck your crypto gains. You need to maintain your emotional health, gains will be no use to you if you are fucking depressed and because of it makes shitty trades and decisions. You are a human being with real needs. Do the date, you know it makes sense user. You are not a robot.

How the fuck did you get a date

how much do you need for the date?

Its just so hard to decide. I know I'll feel the same way a week after the date and end up pulling more money out again.

I guess $150 to $300 to be sure. Dinner, movie, several hours of hotel, and gas money for my car.

Okay i'll help you
post your eth address.I'll send in the next 24 hours

ffs, if you just want to get your dick wet, go to a hooker. if you actually like the girl and you hit it off with her (i'm assuming, if she agreed to go to a date), just do something free/ cheap.

No you dont have to user. I'm embarrassed to ask for help. But thank you for trying to help anyway.

But hookers cost as much as a date. I actually only want the experience of a date, you know what im saying? I always eat alone, watch movies alone, drive alone. I want that experience more than sex.

>I guess $150 to $300 to be sure.
lmao u srs? an escort would be cheaper and at least you wouldn't ruin your chance to get laid with your autism

No, I didnt mean I will spend all of the $300, I will probably only end up spending $150. But i always get extra money just in case. Its pretty embarrassing if I run out of fiat during a date bro. Running out of money during a date is even more embarrassing for someone who isnt rich like me.

>Putting all your money in high risk

that's dumb. Always have plenty of money available at all times. Put any money you don't need and is just sitting there into investments. And then, don't put it all into high risk investments.

Yeah I know crypto isn't exactly high risk, but you should treat it as such and it won't bite you in the ass

Why even spend $150 if you're a poorfag?
>going on a dinner
Are you in your 30s by any chance or are you just trying to impress her?

Yes its to impress her. It feels ego shattering not to take her some place nice. No Im not yet in my 30s user.

Keep in mind that if you are in good alts then $150 now is $1500 in half a year.

>if you are in good alts then $150 now is $1500 in half a year
NOOOOOOOOO fuck user you're making this decision making process worse.

Then again, I'm not sure which shitcoin you held to incur 70% loss.


I currently hold LINK, SALT, and REQ.

user, seriously, stop thinking with your limp dick. if you want to experience dating, actual dating not that fucking romcom bullshit, you dont actually need to spend any money. get yourself 20 bucks by blowing some random dude on the street for gas money and youre golden.
especially if its your first date with her. why the fuck would you want to brake a bank on a bitch you dont even know? take a walk in a park, take her out for coffee in some miradouro, whatever. if you spend more than $10 on a first date youre just a braindead manlet desperate to get your dick wet, and nothing makes girls pussy drier than that.

Dude, just take her for a walk then eat some Asian, I never spend more than 50usd on a date, but mostly it's below 30.

>take nice romantic walk
>grab something cheap to eat like Chinese
>tell her I got some nice vine at home
>ALWAYS have a bottle of vine at home
>drink vine while listening to music(her music preferably)
>start talking about how everything is better with good music
>get tipsy
>show her which music u like to have sex too

>OP sells alts to pay for the date
>date doesn't put out
>OP goes into autistic rage mode
>I-i sold my LINK at a 70 percent loss to take your roastie ass out and you didn't even touch my penor!

Make her pay, don't be a cuck.

pic fucking related

she fucking works as an escort during the night ok anons? thats how i met her. its basically my only chance of getting a date. i dont want a relationship, i just want a date.

dear god youre a fucking retard. you want to spend $300 on a "date" with an escort where you dont even get to fuck her? worst of both worlds.
if you want a date, get hooked with any girl (hell, who knows, maybe youll find someone you actually like), if you want to get your dick wet go to tinder (if youre a chad) or hooker (if youre fugly).

>get one date now
>hold your coins and get drowned in pussy when you make it
Make your choice.


Sorry op, you're not gonna make it. You'll only ruin your dignity.

I'll fuck her too of course, but its the date part that i want.

Will i even make it with LINK, SALT, and REQ. Im optimistic but this fork mess is quite the downer, im so depressed that im even considering selling some and going on a date to cheer me up. Also, nice quads.

what do you think dates are for you moron

condolences on the loss though

reading this cucks posts, i can bet you he will sell his crypto, spend a fuckload on an escort who pretends to like him, get a sisterly kiss on a cheek at best and neck himself after seeing his shitcoins moon.

wtf ?
Are you too naive to understand that hookers never fall in love?
I dont know what is her reason to date you but truth is that hookers are so dead inside that it's very difficult to get them to love you

It would be cheaper for you to gey Veeky Forums and become a Chad. Then hit up tinder for whores.

Also holy fuck user how broke are you? You are not supposed to live off crypto until you made it and do the big cash out. That "fuck you" money. Dont believe me? Ask the poor souls who mined and dumped BTC because they didnt have a real day job and had to pay bills back in the day when BTC was $12.

lmao nice bait idiot
no one can be this pathetic

i am NOT a cuck. i just want the gf experience, im not going to be in a serious relationship with her so its not cucking.

2k SALT, 51k LINK, and 50k REQ are my only holdings.

when youre this pathetic, not even an escort will touch your useless limp dick.
go to Veeky Forums, retard.

you dont know how it feels to see other people in malls going on a date user and you're just there with your family or alone. i get sex from hookers, but i want to experience that too user.

Better keep your money in crypto than waste it on a fucking roastie

I do. And I think you're fucking retarded. Why not just take a little more money out and go on a cruise for a week.

> go on a cruise for a week
what are you talking about user? go on a cruise alone? why would i do that when i can spend time alone in my room. also, you dont have a gf too right? how do you cope?

ignore all these bait posts

whatever. im serious, thats why i said my cost to date is $150 to $350 you dumbass. because it includes the hooker fee.

thats why i cant use the advice that anons give me to just spend $20 or $50 because there is a hooker fee.

>how do you cope?
I don't have one either. I cope by being constantly busy. The little free time I have I trade shitcoins, shitpost on Veeky Forums or watch anime.

why dont you just leave this thread and filter it if you think im baiting dumbass.

Ok, OP is an asshole if he puts ALL his money in crypto. Crypto is fine and the future and all that crap (tho it's a bubble and only a few will survive), but you freaking wackjob, you should diversify. Buy stocks. Buy bonds. Hell, maybe even gold or silver.

Also, you don't invest ALL your money. By the way you talk I figure you're a NEET whose income is only NEETBUX, and that partially alright, but you should also live instead of investing it all. You could get ran over or die of diabetes or have a heart attack or something, and where will all that money go? A portion of your money should be reserved for your lifestyle, while a minor to medium portion for investment. [Mental] health is just as important as financial.

Last, but not least, and I think I'm falling for the bait, if she's an escort (aka feelings hooker), don't go out with her. I'd prefer crypto any day over falsehood.

If you can't get pussy, go improve yourself to a point where you won't even want it anymore. Find a job, nourish a profitable skill, nourish a hobby, work out, read novels, meditate. People like this could benefit from listening from the lectures by Jordan B. Peterson.

"I'm not afraid to die. I'm afraid I haven't been alive enough." - Mr. Nobody.

im so confused
you want a 'date' but dont want to actually proceed with a relationship with that girl
you're paying a hooker for both the DATE AND the sex
why not just pay a hooker for the sex (at less cost than 150-300), and just go on a cheap

>Last, but not least, and I think I'm falling for the bait, if she's an escort (aka feelings hooker), don't go out with her. I'd prefer crypto any day over falsehood.
Im not baiting damnit. Im not trying to make her my GF. I just want the GF experience along with the sex. Its part of the service. Its technically a date too.

Its like paying for sex and the date.

GFE is whats its called. Girlfriend experience. You pay the hooker to act like a girlfriend so that you can feel what its like. Sometimes sex isnt enough you know? Thats why i said my mental health is declining and i need some social interaction.

The date experience is what im after, but of course the sex comes with the package. I dont want sex without the date. Get it?

It's still false. The difference from that to a real girlfriend is that the girl friend doesn't do it to any man who pays her (well at least she shouldn't).

I'm serious dude. Don't do it. Use your feeling of lack and discomfort as a motivation to improve yourself. If you indulge in being escorted you will receive instant gratification, which will numb your will for improvement.

And stop watching porn and masturbating.

Also pick ONE THING AT A TIME. don't try to do it all at once. Master each tiny aspect isolated and then harness what you learned, and move on to the next.

you know self-improvement is great and all, but how can someone even self-improve when he's depressed because his alts dipped 70% and has no gf interaction at all. Thats why im thinking that hiring a hooker for the sex and the GFE is a good idea.

>just go on a cheap

Alright. Then do it. Just don't overindulge.

you're kind of contradicting yourself
you're depressed, you dont have any gf interaction, so you want instant gratification - hence prostitute & GFE

i guess if you're alright with how it actually is. aka a fun night however you want it - since you've paid for it, then sure go ahead
but isn't there a part in the back of your mind that says its not real?

also it seems like you're getting depressed because you don't have a good social network to assist you. reconnect with old friends, get some new friends, make friends online etc etc - it'll be so much more useful than what you're doing - which seems to just be spiralling downwards

but hey you do you
i've always thought if i can ever get fuck you money to have a phase of partying with hot chicks and bottle service all day erryday for a lil while