I...is this true?
I...is this true?
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How do people believe this BS? I mean *technically* it’s true, but the end result is the same.
Workout on empty stomach———> body uses fats stores (stored calories) ——-> eat food later and body uses food calories to perform bodily functions
Workout after eating——-> body uses calories from recently eaten food——-> body has to use fat stores later to perform bodily functions because food calories were used to workout
That simple
How can people train without eating anything, I feel sick if I've had nothing to eat or eaten too soon before exercising
I feel the exact same way.
It's bullshit. To what said, I would add that when you workout on empty stomach you are far more weak and could potentially get injured. Workout after eating also gives you far more energy and can actually burn more calories with your workout.
Nah metabolism isn't that fast. You're nowhere near depleted after a night of not eating.
I used to feel like that too. Then I took IF up after a week fasted training feels completely normal.
you should always exercise on a empty stomach anyway.
I work out in the mornings before breakfast. It's not too bad. When I went for runs I used to drink a bit of milk or eat a banana right before going but it felt heavy so now I just drink water.
Other people have said it but this isn't that "one weird trick" that will make dieticians hate you. Work out whenever in the day that it's most likely you'll stick to doing it at that time regularly. Then count your calories and maintain a deficit and you'll lose weight and not lose too much muscle mass with sufficient exercise and protein.
probably doesn't change much, I work out around noon-early afternoon and fast about 20 hours in total
an hour of fasted cardio is pretty sure to use up remaining glycogen unless you eat like a pig
Anaerobic respiration is something like 7 times less efficient than aerobic
the only time you should work out on an empty stomach, is if you're trying to eat a lot. either because you're a turbo skelly, or because you're a wannabe bloatlord.
sumo wrestlers bust their asses for six hours in the morning, then have a huge ass lunch qith all the appetite they built up
nice sources there
I always work out on an empty stomach. I go hard so if I eat before I might puke it up. Then I rush home and get them 5 scoops in me.
i did a workout today and i have not eaten in 6 days. felt fine. but then again i took my fucking salt and potassium so my cells dont go haywire.
there are huge parts of the day i dont even feel hungry. and the only downside is that i sometimes do feel hungry.
i dont get dizzy, light headed or nauseous. all that shit people attribute to not eating is just from not getting enough salt.
op please dont listen to anyone here. all uneducated answers. to answer your questiom, yes this is true. the process is called lipolysis. it works best without eating carbs, so you cant eat anything but carbs so your almost aiming for ketosis but you can eat afterwards. you can normally activate the lipoltsis process by doing 30+ mins of cardio keeping your heart rate around 60% but the process is hindered by using carbs as a fuel source at least 8 hours before or up to 13 hours. theoretically you can burn a gram of fat a mimute but most people cannot, rhis is very rare
i meant you can* eat anything but carbs
No. Absolutely false. The body slows down metabolism if you workout without food. You get way more benefits eating a banana than eating nothing.
This is absolutely bro science.
You need food to produce energy. When your body has energy to work efficiently it pulls reserve fat into ATP via breathing. Which leads to more gains. No food on a stomach slows down your metabolism. It doesn't "pull from the reserves". Unless you being starving.
I ALWAYS work out in the morning while fasting and lost 22 kilos in just 5 months.
It's the best thing you can do if you want to burn fat, m8.
Don't listen to these jewish soyboys.
Yes bit it will also cut down on muscle, increase fat stores and downregulate thyroid to prepare for the stressor the next time.
This is kind of like pointing out you are weaker after going to the gym. True but with sufficient rest and food youbwill end up stronger.
I'm on hour 64 right now. Got a little fuzzy going on in my head but it's not normal light headedness if that makes any sense. I'm gonna try to put to a full week but I may break it tomorrow if I can come up with something delicious enough.
take more salt
le 3 meals a day meme
>in the morning your carbs will have been converted into fat
>meaning a quick run, cycle, or row will force your body to raid its fat stores for energy
You're wrong. If you have no glycogen or what ever your body uses stores energy in muscles prior to fat. Having stored carbs is great for heavy lifting but you need energy to convert it plus respiration.
Stop the bro science
you stop using bro science. do you even know what the body uses when you dont have anymore glycogen?
have you ever read a fucking study or are you just reiterating stuff you heard and claim it to be fact because else you would have nothing to bring to the table in this thread.
Well, that's kinda true.
All of the food that your body needs for repair and refuel are used up leaving you with stuffed fat cells.
You think your body eats muscle before fat? PLEASE stop touching the keyboard man.