The American Heart Association recommends limiting saturated fats – which are found in butter, cheese, red meat and other animal-based foods. Decades of sound science has proven it can raise your “bad” cholesterol and put you at higher risk for heart disease.

When you hear about the latest “diet of the day” or a new or odd-sounding theory about food, consider the source. The American Heart Association makes dietary recommendations only after carefully considering the latest scientific evidence.

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Come on. Would you really trust the American Heart Association's dietary advice?

I wonder who's behind that scientific evidence.

Heart attack can be caused by a lot of shit, including freak occurrence. That's what happened to my boss, fit guy in great shape, just dropped fucking dead because a 1 out of a million blockage in his heart.

I saved his life though, so he's still alive.

Good job, user, proud of you.

Thanks user. It's been pretty cool, I got an award from the Mayor for it.

I highly recommend a CPR course to all anons, you truly never know when you'll need it and you might be in the same position I was- the only thing standing between someone you may love and death.

The jew made this shit up goy. You can eat as much fried chicken and butter as you want, for every meal, with no consequences

general first aid, rather than only CPR.
in a few countries it's mandatory in order to get your driving license, which is bloody genius. even if 4/5 of your population are mouthbreathing retards and forget everything after getting their certification, you still have 1/5 of your population capable of assessing the situation and responding to the best of their ability. one person out of five is a fucking lot, when the other option is "some guy that saw CPR being done in a movie"

That would never work in America, considering you can get sued for trying to help someone. Even as a Nurse, I'd never fucking help someone I see choking to death in public because there's a chance I could crack their ribs performing life saving CPR/Heimlich, and get sued for everything I have.

Sounds like a counter shill recommendation

i recommend cutting sugar and carbs and bodyweight to lower the risk of heart attacks.

fat is healthy as fuck in comparison

>The American Heart Association makes dietary recommendations only after carefully considering the latest scientific evidence.
Who is the largest private financier of the American Heart Association?

it couldn't possibly be the American Agricultural Association could it?

That almost seem like it might be a little bit of a conflict of interest.

My girl is Mexican and when I explained this to her she got visibly angry. If it's not someone I know personally they're shit out of luck.

Don't some states have good Samaritan laws to protect people from that shit?


I'm CPR certified because it's a requirement of my job.

I've gotten in trouble with my boyfriend because I refused to intervene in an apparent cardiac event that happened in the mall.

There were bystanders already helping and he read me the riot act for days on end. Refused to talk to me, slept in the other room. It was all over the news. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.

Two weeks later the news is covering the fact that the family was litigious, suing the hospital, and naming the EMT's and bystanders who rendered aid as defendants.

From my understanding it was dismissed. but everyone had to lawyer up and we all know that isn't cheap.

All states have some version of it, but Colorodo, for example, only covers medical professionals that are on site at the time of an accident. Basically, if you're not a licensed doctor, don't help anyone ever.

My state has a Good Samaritan law, and most CPR certification orgs include a year of insurance to protect you in states that don't, so if you keep your cert current, the Red Cross or whomever will defend you against suit and pay the settlement if you lose.

They do, but that doesn't stop them from suing you in the first place. You have to defend yourself against the accusations regardless. Which means lawyering up, appearing before the court and arguing that the case fits under the scope of the good samaritan law. Furthermore, many of those laws have incredibly narrow scopes and qualifications to the language saying things like "rendering aid within one's expertise"

Where "within one's expertise" is undefined and open to interpretation by the judge.

Are you not CPR certified? And did you perform CPR? and did they end up dying or suffering trauma because of your rescue attempt? Well you might not be protected because you rendered aid outside of your expertise even though it was rendered in good faith.

No you fucking can't. That's what good Samaritan laws are for.

And yet, why is people still get sued for rendering aid literally ALL THE FUCKING TIME, and LOSING those lawsuits?

>Extensive family history of heart problems
>Goes into the field to prevent them
>Likely doesn't even follow his own recommendations
user, how much did the inventor of the Atkins Diet weigh when he died?

Wasn't he that black vegan guy

They don't?
You just hear about the rare times this happens and remember due to cognitive bias, the news doesn't report the all the times EMTs help and don't get sued.

But bystanders DO get sued and DO get their lives utterly destroyed with lawsuits for rendering aid. It has happened and will continue to happen. And as long as that risk is out there I myself will never render aid to anyone I don't personally know.

I would much rather stand by and watch a person choke to death gasping and begging for help than put my livelihood and personal safety and prosperity on the line.

Don't like this? then demand that good samaritan laws be strengthened

Must suck to live in big cities and in china.

>That would never work in America, considering you can get sued for trying to help someone.
That's insane. In Germany you risk charges if you don't help.

never listen to doctors or nutritionists when it comes to diet.

Unless they are the kind who is into research and fitness training.

No that would be Dr. Kim Williams, the former president of the AHA. This was Dr. John Warner, the current president and a non-vegan white guy.

That's absolute bullshit top to bottom. Entirely untrue. You must be fucking high as tits, thinking you live in fucking China or something.

I hope someone gives you the same consideration when you're dying. I hope they just stand there and watch you die because "lol muh lawsuits xD". You'd deserve it.

High cholesterol cloggs up your arteries no matter if you are fit or not.

>fit guy in great shape, just dropped fucking dead because a 1 out of a million blockage in his heart.
>I saved his life though
Okay, Jesus.

>tfw hearing about heart attacks makes my heart feel heavy
I-It's just psychological right?

i thought it was if you have medical expertise and fuck up you can get sued - ie a doctor giving improper treatment.

while if you're an avg joe and say fuck it i'll try the heimlich you can't be held liable.

When you eat saturated fat it literally goes directly into your veins and solidifies like a jar full of bacon grease. This is science.

In the states mind you...

The general consensus regarding samaritan laws is that medical professionals who have a patient duty to the individual can be sued in their professional capacity. This is why doctor's should never accept ANYTHING or demand payment for aid rendered in these cases because that establishes doctor-patient relationship.

A doctor rendering aid voluntarily as an act of good faith generally (with maybe some state-level caveats) would fall under samaritan laws.

Many Colorado's Samaritan law for example only apply to medical professionals. And average Joe who renders aid is not covered and can be sued.

And as stated prior, many states do not offer protection to samaritans acting outside of their capacity. i.e. average Joe Blow who doesn't have CPR training breaks someone's ribs can be sued because he was acting outside of his capacity. There's even one case I'm familliar with where a person who's CPR training had lapsed was determined to be accountable by the court because of injuriess sustained while he performed CPR. Something he was doing within his capacity, but he was not current with his certificate.

The memes are real

This is correct. If you have training and cause damage through fucking up, that's negligence and you may be liable because you're obligated to operate at a certain level of care once you're trained.

If you're just random joe trying to help someone, you're protected even if you fuck up because your intentions were good and you didn't know better.

That's the problem with America. It's laws are designed to dissolve the natural social bonds between humans. Everyone is an atomized, self-interested consumer with active DISincentives to help anyone else. The concept of community has gone right out the window. No one is a citizen. I pity Americans.

That whole post is a load of fucking bullshit, you stupid asshole.

Grow up. You talk like you haven't lived a day.

>If you're just random joe trying to help someone, you're protected even if you fuck up because your intentions were good and you didn't know better.
What about Colorado which the samaritan law expressly indicates untrained medical professionals are NOT protected by the act?

Don't speak about generalities when there are very clear cases to the contrary

>America is a nation of assholes

Thank you for making my point.

I've done more in my short span than you will in your whole entire depressing empty "life", you virgin loser fuck.

What the fuck is an untrained medical professional

>using heavily processed meat as an example
*rubs hands*

Seems very much like you have no fucking idea what you're talking about so I'll just refute you with this- negligence =/= ignorance.

Consult a dictionary if you need help with those big boy words.

The people that will sue for this shit are usually magnets for these types of occurences.
Work in a call center for a week, you will hate humanity.
Work as an assistant or waiter for a month, you'll see the same thing. The chance of them dying while being assisted is fair, but the chance of survivors actually suing, at least in the US, is pretty big.
It really isn't worth the risk unless there's no one else around. Also you have to not give them any kind of proof you were there, or contact details, not even your license plate.
Some people are foul.
You seem like an ass, but trust me, you're a snowflake compared to some people. They are utter, insufferable cunts that deserve public execution for being so mean and heinous to their fellow people.

>Can't fall asleep some nights thinking about suddenly dropping dead or going to sleep and never waking up and how much it would hurt my family
I need to surround myself with positive stories

catch is in america you still risk being sued if you don't help too. You're just less likely to get caught not helping.

Holy fuck

That’s interesting to know

How much worse for you are stimulants like caffeine and adderall than say fat or sugar?

Anyone well-educated in health know the mechanics behind this?

Someone who studied the theory behind medicine but never practiced?

Kek. Nice false post.