Mfw 6'3.5" tall

>mfw 6'3.5" tall
>Gym buddy is 5'7" manlet
>he lifts at most 5kg heavier than me, started lifting around the same time
>He looks twice as buff, got good arms, chest shoulders and back
>I look like some swimmer fag with barely an muscle despite being as strong

Why did I fall for the height = genetic superiority meme?

>tfw barely an muscle

but you have potential to lift more if you try harder and will look more aesthetic
a 5'4 buffed manlet will never look as good as a 6'3 buffed chad


Eat more, lift more. He'll look different from you because of stature, but at the same time, i've seen some really fucking bulky 6'3" guys who are way more intimidating than 5'7" guys

eat more, outlift him. you should be stronger than a fucking manlet cmon son.

fucking type 6'3 or 6'4 you insecure fuck

You should be able to pack in at least 200lb of lean body mass, whilst your body will top out at 170.

If in was insecure I'd type 6'4".

The height in wrote is my fucking height, I'm Not adding or subtracting from it.

Buddy will top out at 170*

Learn motherfucking metric system already. Imperial system is retarded and you all know it.

You don't he conversion yourself, or fuck off from the thread.

I don't want to have to walk around mopping up your period spillage.

You're 6'3 hair adds an inch

He's still a manlet

Nah, I measured With one of those apparatuses that presses onto the top of your head!

Do manlets actually count their hair?

>that insecure faggot that measures his height in half inches

Poor lanklet. My friend was 6'7 and used to gripe about wanting to look thick and powerful like me even thought he was shredded. The grass is always greener.

Youre probably not eating enough mnan, manlets have it easy they hardly have to eat if they wanna get big

>That late manlet that doesn't read the thread

girls like the tall swimmer look

>Tfw ive been rejected for being too "skinny and awkward looking" at 6'4 200lbs
I just want to look strong and not have to tell people I'm strong.

you need to weight 225+

>mfw 5'7" tall
>gym buddy is 6'3.5" lanklet
>lift about 5 kg heavier than him, started lifting around the same time
>probably lift more than him because he has a wider rom
>plus his muscles look smaller in proportion because of his overall body size
>look twice as buff as him but girls still rather go for him

Why did I larp as my tall friend on a Cambodian abortion clinic guest book and why do girls like tall men more than me?

Hit the juice

Sure, but the way someone who is 6'3" looks when they're buff is something else, you are literally a titan for 99% of the population once you weigh above 225 LBS while not being a fatso.

More strength potential as well as absolutely aesthetic and imposing physique further in your journey.

t. Manlet pit rim dweller at 5'11,5 . If you don't look hard you'll think I'm just walking by.

'i started around the same time my buddy did. we're both 5'9" but he's 20lbs heavier. i've progressed faster because i'm on my shit when it comes to eating and i don't have poor posture like him.
but maybe it's genetics.

Right now you might not look so good but if you do get to the same level of muscle as him you will look waaaaay better

we don't know what he did before he started lifting. i mean in terms of athletics as well as daily lifestyle. maybe you have much worse posture. maybe you ate/eat worse than he did/does. maybe you slouch more when you sit. maybe you are more prone to being lazy and slow and he's more anxious.

i'd def say you need to focus on how you lift what you are lifting. really focus on the squeeze and pump. on the descending movement go slower, pause at the bottom of the rep for a second, and explode back up, pause at the top, repeat. this is one method that has helped me immensely.

also what you eat. you gotta eat more. add more meals in the day. also, remember your body needs different amounts of nutrients than your friend's body does in order to get to your goals. maybe the time to do different weight and exercises is now.

It's because he trains better than you. That difference in size means there is no way the same weight is the same % of 1RM for both of you. SO while you do the same shit all the time, to his body it's actually doing significant damage to his muscles, thus the hypertrophy. You on the other hand probably arent really getting into that real hypertrophy inducing damage area during your workouts. Personal build differences also come into play here 'd suggest upping both your calories and your lifts, even if you need significant help from a spotter at first. For example for me and my training partner standing 178cm and 186cm respectively, and at bout the same level of muscular development. When e train chest, which is one of my strong points and one of his weak ones, we usually train with the same weights give or take 5-10 pounds when we do strength work. I use significantly lower weights when we do hypertrophy work, while he always loses considerable size whenever he tries the same approach. Our Diets are also similar but the quantities of food are completely different. In short, the shorter you are the bigger you can get with less food and less taxing workout approaches, for the joints at least.

>we don't know what he did before he started lifting

so much this, there was this kid that mind boggled us at our gym, he shows up looking like your average kid, skinny with the awkward haircut, all the good shit. took him about 3 months to get to 195 pounds at 5'10, his chest and tris were incredible, we all though he roided till he told us he had been a gold medalist freestyle swimmer at a number of international meets in highschool. Freestyle is baically using dips to propel you in water. He had also done dips and pushups since middle school. He ate like shit, but he was strong, even when he first showed up. Everybody is different man.