/fph/ Fat """people""" hate

requesting the gigabyte terabyte niggabite meme (pic sorta related)

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Fat Knowledge - an untapped resource forever hidden from modern science.



Why does he look so happy eating that when I feel like shit while eating stale oats and protein shakes that taste like wall



Fat fuck got what he deserved. No way that horse could have held him. Should have kicked him in the face as well

Fucking disgusting


>the gut as momentum

I wonder if fatties are really so unaware of them being such a fucking burden. Why would you put another living being through such an ordeal?



Normally when I visit these threads, I don't have a really adverse reaction to the photographs of these hive-minded scourges upon this planet. I have always found them as they are; lazy, self-centered, delusional birdens. But today, today I have seen something that has made me wrench within my very soul. And my soul has wept before, but not like this. Not like this.

Fat people in general have very little consideration to those around them. That lardo isn't wasting a second thought on the horse unless he's been promised he can eat it.


That inhale at the end is fucking foul. The fact that she thinks she's achieved something is rank

im gonna barf

Been wondering the same thing myself.
Since obesity frequently correlates with low IQ, it may be hard to understand how they think but...
>"I can carry my weight with my 2 legs, anything with twice as many legs can carry x2 of me."
>"I'm not heavy, my 500 kcal/day diet just makes me look bloated... muh genetics!"

> obesity frequently correlates with low IQ

is this true? if so, source

google it , it's the truth.

nah man, you made the claim

well kys you brainlet

here's a girl i know irl.

more of her.

eww what the fuck why do you even have that picture? that looks like a fat man with gyno

Pro job covering that nipple.

At least my fat ex had big tits.

anyone have the sauce for this. I want to see if she gets another rep in.

she posts nudes in her blog to tell people how confident she is in her fat body, or something.
she did that, i haven't changed anything.

You know she doesn't.

fat chicks without fat tits is literally the worst combination

Her thighs remind me of this

lmao never gets old

This guy is a Nazi right?


I mean, to a small, tiny, insubstantial degree this makes sense. Maybe like a squirrel she gorges herself on food and stores food in her pouches for the bleak times.

Don't forget those fat bitches with no ass or thighs

Take him to a hospital.

A horse hospital.

I would literally have bet a thousand dollars she wouldn't have made it but that belly momentum lol

Look at that horse visibly sag. Disgusting.

Deep down I'm sure they know and that's why they attack thin people so much to try and make us like them. They want to run from the truth and live a comfortable lie.

They don't want to hear about how every pound of fat increases the distance their blood travels by 3/4 of a mile per minute thus straining their heart. They don't want to hear about how their fat is literally crushing their bones and organs. They just want people to tell them it's okay to be a horrible waste of DNA.


One study: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24339055
Summarized: Low IQ creates fatties. Especially for gurls. (Stupid guys can still lift weights and exercise I guess.)

Maybe I summarize a bunch of these research links for a nice PNG some day.

The average mindset of an American: Don't tell us the truth, tell us stuff that makes us feel good

It's a pretty common mindset for most people, fatties and SJWs just try to force everyone else to believe what they believe so they can protect those comfy thoughts.

Dwight no!

So does she cut herself, or did she manage to get stretch marks on her thighs? I can imagine it happening, but even she doesn't look big enough for that.

>When you misunderstand bulking and cutting

I miss old Veeky Forums. You know, when fph was fat people stories. Back when we hated the laughable justification and behaviour exhibited by fatties. Now it's literally 'I know a fat person, haha.' makes me sad desu.

that "old" Veeky Forums was literally a week ago you dumbass


she cuts herself. i think stretch marks on the thighs would go the other way, but i'm not sure.


The way she eats infuriates the shit out of me and I can't explain why. Just the rate/way she chews that makes me sick

It's a logical assumption, as it would indicate the inability to perform simple math (i.e. CICO).

I'm getting very annoyed with all the fat shaming threads as of lately, every day there is a new one with over 300 replies. What bothers me isn't you laughing at fat people, I suppose it's just human nature to look down on others to make yourself feel better. What bothers me is the sheer ignorance you display.

Genetics do factor in when it comes to obesity, A LOT.
You morons are either:
1) too dense to comprehend this or
2) simply will not accept scientific truth when it goes against your beliefs.
But you will straight out of the bat accept statements such as "ARNOLD HAD GREAT GENES FOR BUILDING MUSCLE", yet with obesity obviously it's 100% the fatties fault.

For example: Bell, C. G., Walley, A. J., & Froguel, P. (2005). The genetics of human obesity. Nature reviews. Genetics, 6(3), 221–34. doi:10.1038/nrg1556 demonstrated between 0.4 and 0.8 GENETIC heritability of obesity. How about that?

Oh what am I thinking, you will just hide your head in the sand and yell "fatty" or whatever, Yes I am a bit fat, but guess what, it's not a 100% my fault. Just like it's not a 100% fault that you are a DYEL hungry skeleton auschwitz.

Your genes matter and so do mine.

Post pics you whale.

None of this. The genetics play a factor when you look like shit, not when you're fat unless you have an extremely rare gentic defect like that girl with hippo bottom and skinnyish top.


You're right, it's not 100% your fault.

It's about 90% your fault. Fatty.

>"Obesity results from a chronic surplus of energy intake compared to energy expenditure, which leads to storage of excessive amounts of triglycerides in adipose tissue"
>chronic surplus of energy intake
>compared to energy expenditure

a commie from bongland

oink oink

>that pic related
You eat enough shit for the both of us, thanks.

>muh genetics
If we're lucky yours will be filtered out by evolution

>citing a study with no link so people have to search to find what you've misrepresented

Eh, whichever he is he'd still deserve the same thing.

r. the historical art chart debunking 'muh fatties were beloved' PLEASE

>has to take a bite of cookie before breathing oxygen
>cookie is more important than air to her

2017 and SAGE still works

>goes in all fields

Horey sheit i never noticed that before. Fucking hell man, that's fucked up.

this makes me angry. scumbag operators, fat filth animal abuser

horse knows whats up tho. based horsie

Guys please don't feed this obvious troll



>sir, your bone aches and fainting from pain while eating are symptoms that have been linked to stage 4 lung cancer. do you smoke? how long has it been since you've last drunk heavily?
>I don't get why you're not asking these questions to people who aren't falling on their faces and feeling like their blood is boiling

my soul WEEPS

problemo is that there are so many obese people in western nations compared to genetic deviation that it is far more likely (and upon investigation ends up being) that they live like shit and eat like pigs. this isn't specifically for you, just anyone who has doubts.

Nice bait have a (you).
Now go back to stiffing your face or trying to annoy people on the internet.

Amen, fuck nazis and commies

> Work late night deli shift at a gas station
> I am Dan, the sub maker
> I am not lucky enough to get the day shift, when the normal people are out and about
> No, I get the night shift which brings out all the deviates and dregs of society
> To keep our sanity the night workers come up with nicknames for our nightly customers
> Lobster Claw was a woman who always grabbed things in a lobster like grip
> Incest Twins were a couple that looked alike
> Radar claimed he had a radar that could communicate with Mars
> Mr. 3 O'clock was a guy that always came in at 3 AM
> Mr. 3 O'clock is a large man but not morbidly obese or anything
> Always gets these subs I called the Heart Attack, a 3 pound sub of ugh
> Shaved steak sub
> All the ingredients and triple it
> All the cheeses and double it
> Mayonnaise - the heart of the Heart Attack
> Squeezed out not by the serving bottle but by the industrial container of mayonnaise
> Back and forth a few times on both sides
> Finish it up with a few tablespoons of salt and enough oil and vinegar to turn the wax paper transparent
> Mr. 3 O'clock gets one of these subs 5 nights a week
> Slightly confused as Mr. 3 O'clock doesn't seem to gain weight, I ask him who it's for and he says his wife
> One day Mr. 3 O'clock and his wife come in together
> Dear lord she has more chins than a Chinese phone book
> Wore a muumuu that looked like it was ripped from a shower curtain
> So fat they had to open both of the double doors to let her in
> I am shocked that he's married to that blob
> He buys one of his signature subs
> Swear to god she licked her lips at the sight of the glopping mayo
> I make these types of subs of Mr. 3 O'clock for several months
> One night a co-worker is reading next mornings newspaper and calls me over
> Points out a name I don't recognize
> Turns out it's Mr. 3 O'clock's wife
> Died of a heart attack
> Mr. 3 O'clock never showed up after that
> Realize I helped a man kill his wife by overfeeding her


Doing the Lord's work.

>American Tank platoon performs a thunder run during operation Desert Storm.



Are you sure about that?

based Lidl advert from germany.
caption: protect yourself - eat healthy
green bubble: 7 million people have diabetes type 2

>Your genes matter and so do mine.
>all genes matter

What the hell am I looking at here?

7 mill in germany or the entire world?
because if its the former we're fucked


>as of lately

/fph/ has been a staple of fit for as long as I have been coming here. They were around before zyzz died. /fph/ is as much a part of Veeky Forums as the sticky is.

oh, that's a baseball bat somebody on /lbgt/ stuffed up their ass. been working on a screencap from that thread



Germany. US alone has 30 million with the beetus.


>baseball bat somebody on /lbgt/ stuffed up their ass