Is soy sauce ok or does that have estrogen too

is soy sauce ok or does that have estrogen too

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It's fermented, but idk desu

If in doubt, just avoid it

>soy sauce ok or does that have estrogen too
The use of that word implies that other soy products "have estrogen"
1) they don't have estrogen, they have PHYTOestrogen
2) phytoestrogen DOES NOT raise estrogen.

>2) phytoestrogen DOES NOT raise estrogen.

Just salt your rice decently.

Actually fermentation increases the anti-androgenic compounds of soy (Genistein & Daidzein). Like Tempeh has 3 times the amount of Soy Beans.

>Soy DOES NOT raise estrogen.

I don’t get this meme, haven’t Asian’s used soy for centuries?

yes. And Europeans drank estrogen laced beer for centuries.

Somehow it's all catching up to us though. Trust me user.

Of course it isn't ok. Why do you think so many gooks become ladyboys?

I’m pretty sure if anything it’s all the readily available deep fried and fatty foods crossed with lack of exercise that raise estrogen

They don’t use soy in Thailand

god you uneducated fuck

Are you too retarded to notice how little masculinity asians have? Chinese eat much less soy too, that's why they have some decent athletes. Japanese has been all nu-males for a while though.

So only Thai people are gooks? Racist much?

Nice try, beef and pork shills.

Right, since the introduction of fast food chains
Like I said they’ve been using soy for centuries

No, but ladyboys are

Pretty sure the term isn't a catchall for Thai my dude

False. Fast foods have been popular in NA for 50+ years yet the test decline is generational and happens to coincide with the mass addition of soy products in processed food (soy lechitin, soybean oil) since the 90's. Meanwhile Japan has been full of androgynous numales for much longer. They also didn't consume as much soy before WW2.

Pretty sure it is M8, I come from Australia, gooks are Thai

Look soyboys is a catchy name to call these cunts, but if you’re buying into the meme as hard fact for high estrogen, you’re a brainlet

Nice counter-argument my man. Too bad there are plenty of studies on the testosterone-inhibiting effects of Genistein, which is massively found in Soy. Do your research (lol as if you were not a shill and don't already know ;) )

Better stop drinking coffee then user, you don’t want to be a flaming faggot right? ;)

Soy is one of the few protein dense food sources that won't give you bitch tits
