/SIG/ - Self Improvement General

Strive For Greatness Edition

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In 2018 I will:

>keep going to the gym MWF and getting stronger
>continue to cut to my goal weight of 175 (I'm 207 now)
>eat more natty, clean, and frugally, and cook more, also experiment in the kitchen.
>meditate and do yoga regularly, research for martial art
>more abs and running
>continue to be awesome to my loved ones, friends, and family, and strive to be even better!
>do drawing and art fundamentals, animation, rpg work, and music
>read, a lot
>focus at work and put in extra effort, learn to speak your mind better
>strive for greatness, radicalness, and excellence
>be a real human being

I have been cutting literally all year, from 236->187... I will be 180 by the time new year rolls around so with that in mind;
In 2018 I will:

>lose the last 20 pounds of my cut
>double down on my student loan payments
>keep up a 4-5 day gym schedule like I have been doing since June of this year
>continue to eat sensibly (not hard at all anymore)
>run a 10k
>slow down and take time to appreciate the results I've found.
>read 50 books

Seems super attainable to me!

Jesus Christ that image is so fucking gay. It would be acceptable without the homo ass filter but it's literally painful to look at.

>finish my cut till the end of october
>starting slow bulk, jacked and ripped till summer (still skinnyfat but getting there)
>finish getting my driving license
>save money
>enroll into college
>buy a car
>read a lot
>stay off booze, drugs and away from toxic people
>struggle to be a decent man

I'm 23 right now, been wasting my life for the last 3 years, now that I look back I might have been depressed. Anyway, never felt as motivated as I do now, I don't want this to end anons.

Fuck your goals. It is systems you need (hello dilbert).

Do something that scares you a little everyday.
Try everyday to get closer to a daily routine that works you.
Try everyday to plan things a little better
Dress a little better everyday until you see what you like in the mirror
Try to eat a little bit less shitty food everyday.
Try to do one more unpleasant task-errant everyday.

Run this script and the life gains will come slow and steady.

Go for it user, we will make it!

SIG general is a great thing but that fucking image is pol-tier retarded

>Its been over a year
>Still having dreams about her


IN 2018 I WILL
>Finish my book i barely started
>will be close to geralt's physique
>will go past 1/2/3/4

took me about 2 years

stay strong mate

>get shredded and see a full 6 pack for ONCE IN MY FUCKING LIFE
>hit 2/3/4/5
>Get a loyal girlfriend that doesn't have a slutty history that can envision marriage
>Finally go to school
>Be social
>Get out of depression mode

I just got out of a long relationship and all I've felt lately was dread for the next one. I tried killing myself a couple times and once went to my ex's house in a horribly drunken state which ended up with me getting dragged by the cops to the hospital. I have have a fear of being cheated on or getting stuck with someone who was a hoe. Also wanna go to school for Physical Therapy. Wish me luck to get over this.

Yeah I know.
I don't even understand the message the statue is trying to convey.
Snakes are obviously a phallic symbol in the west and the guy is obviously a cheap knock off of the so called roman ideal with a bit more of the modern type of fitness added in.

What is it trying to convey? What message?
Your own manhood is secondary to your outward use in society?

I dont' get it.
If it's about struggle then I think A naked statue of of Sisyphus pushing the boulder up a hill while reaching for a flower on a nearby ledge would be good.

That statue just screams wannabe, pretention, and a misunderstanding of and distrust of manhood.

Wishing you luck.
2/3/4/5 seems so high right now.

What about intellectual gains?

Gonna continue lifting, eating healthy, reading, meditating and getting over this bitch. Don't even care about my degree as much anymore, just want to get my head sorted.

>finish my cut to 160
>clean bulk with gear
>try to be 200lbs by year's end
>grow my business
>have another kid

Guide to meditation, a lot of you will benefit from this.

>hit 1.5/2.5/4/5 1RM
>hit 13%bf by summer
>get at least a part time job
>get a car
>setup a homegym
>read more
>get to uni
>socialise more
>get a hobby other than lifting

You’re looking too much into what symbology you THINK it represents. May I remind you that snakes were early man’s enemy, hiding in the bush, able to kill with a single poisonous bite or through constriction. Unless you have read the artist’s statement, it probably just represents man’s struggle against nature, which in any case includes any sexual or phallic/masculine troubles.

shut up faggot

So, I'm wrong becuase I'm 100% correct?

user, that entire fucking piece has fuck all to do with early mans fear and hatred of snakes.
Most of it was just basic christian hatred of snakes because of the garden of eden thing.

Modern art stopped being literal and even attempting to use any christian imagery that isn't desecration of that religion long ago.

It's symbolic of what the snake represents to the intellectual and artistic class of the west. It's phallic. It's neavou trash that seeks to mimic but fails to understand the simple message they need to convey

snake is the jew

you are the strong man that strangles the jew thanks to his discipline

this but you know, without the memes.

>down to 175 lb. from 215 lb. in April
>got my GPA high enough to get into Electrical Engineering at my uni after 2 years (on and off) of trying and failing
>currently a full-time student on the Dean's List talking engineering and calc classes
>suddenly interested in reading books and keeping up with current events again
>grils paying attention to me

Feels like after years of being a fuckup, everything is finally starting to go right.

I haven't seen it mentioned in these threads very often but I think it's a pretty important part of self-improvement. Financial self-improvement.

Setting a budget that includes your earnings vs your fixed expenses, measures your spending, and show's you where your money is going is very important for day to day life. Whether you're a neet or a wage cuck like me, you should have a good grasp on your finances. It's well known that money is a huge cause of stress for many people. Maintaining a budget and monitoring your spending will help lower your stress and allow you to save for things you need for your self-improvement journey.

pic related is what I use to keep my finances in check. It has been the single best improvement I've made so far.

Day 3 of noporn and nofap and I already have got heavy urges.
That shit is really addictive.

Good work. Keep it up. I knew a guy that got his ChemE degree after returning to college at 23. This kind of story is the most inspiring one out there.

You can't guarantee that you have the correct interpretation unless you know from the artist's statement though, I don't know why you are so adamant about this?

I need to learn to say "No". All my time is eaten up by friends, gf, or work, and I hardly see the gym anymore. I hardly have time for my hobbies anymore. I hardly have time to study Russian. I hardly even have time to keep my apartment clean.


solid advice

Assblasted communist detected
>how dare men be strong!!

instead of researching martial arts just join a gym. BJJ/Boxing/MMA gyms will teach you the most effective forms of martial arts and you can't beat the cardio which will help you lost the weight.

Any former longtime NEETs here who were able to become succesful?
How did you do it bros?

>I've always wanted to have high endurance, to be able to go through hell and still have energy to spare.
>Be able to lift 120 lbs single handed by the end of next year
>Be able to run full mile without stopping for rest
>Get into college, start heading toward my bachelors.
>Find qt maybe, not a huge goal personally
>Finish digging and set up the pond I want to make in my backyard.
>Finish the 6ft terrarium i'm making with my bro
>Try to go nofap for longer than a month.
>Improve my spirituality, stop swearing as much as I do currently.

Let's make this year a good one!

>make 2k/month with my online business
>finnish my internship (in feburary)
>1000ng/dL Testosterone naturally
>read 52 books
>create 52 paintings
>get my fishing licence to go /out/ more

what do you think, could it be to much?

He covers his insecurity through reddit snark and text waffling because he knows that deep down he's nothing more than that, and instead of trying to improve himself he tries to tear down anything that he perceives to be above him through nitpicking and red herrings.

Never gonna make it.

I want to be able to do one handed pull ups by the end of next year.

> going gym 4 times a week
> eating healthy
> no vidya
> no porn
> no reddit
> reading more

> still no gf
> still depressed af

Dating apps never going anywhere, too sperg to approach girls.

what I do /sig/?

You just won a free helicopter ride my friend

you cruisin?

Dating apps are shit keep approaching irl until you get good at it

>>Be able to run full mile without stopping for rest
nigga you a fatass

what do yu mean by that?

Learn to not sperg, the way I got good at talking to girls was talking to them as friends. You start to learn the little signs and nuances of talking to women and you'll be better off when you want to talk to the real deal.

Currently i'm talking to a girl who has a 8/10 body 3/10 face, and 6/10 personality, not because I want to bang but because she's great practice for talking to girls and saying the right thing.

There's a lot of little things to get control of but the number one thing is: listen more than talk, women love talking about themselves.

>what do you think, could it be to much?

>make 2k/month with my online business
>finnish my internship (in feburary)
>1000ng/dL Testosterone naturally
no idea
>read 52 books
>create 52 paintings
>get my fishing licence to go /out/ more

Thank you I had no idea

Wtf, you're the one who thinks a man fighting a snake automatically has to be about struggling with your own phallic desires. Never get lost in the woods mate.

is this mia? who's the other girl?

are you injecting test?

I just joined this thread user, but I do know reddit snark when I see it.

nice, what kinda business do you have?

Gain 40lbs in a month and a half?

speaking of experience?


I consult companies for online marketing on skype

Snake represents the devil, and thereby it represents sins like sloth, gluttony, envy and so on. More broadly, temptation to sin, as with Eve in Eden. The statue presented as a Roman or Greek nude represents man's virtue, locked in eternal struggle with his own inner temptation. It's overall a very Western representation of the idea that a virtuous man is one who fights off his worst impulses in favor of better ones, knowing that nature made him imperfect but by effort he can be better than he was made.

>diet on check
>3x per week gym, 2x rugby practise
>uni going reasonably good, looking for some more internships
>working on additional languages

on the other hand
>sexual and social life practically non existent if I want to be good and consistent in things written above

I am ok with this.

Which languages my dude? I want to learn russian at some point.

good breakdown but, again, snake is the jew. Image is a representation of fight between good and evil - you must be strong and be disciplined to succeed user

My mother tongue is Czech, I am fluent in English and I am studying at uni in France so my French is also pretty much on a fluent level. I am working hard on learning German now and I have some basic knowledge of Russian, but I decided that I don't want to pursue it.


My parents taught German for years, they say once you know English it's not that hard, good luck with it!

Thanks! Why do you want to learn Russian?

Thanks, but I don't plan on actually starting for another couple years or so, I have to decide on which one to pursue, but boxing has been looking like the one so far, at least at first. I mostly want to get my agility, stamina, and self defense up.


Finish uni FINALLY
finish cut down to 88kg by cutting alcohol in half
keep reading everyday
keep writing everyday
teach my now 2yo to do pushups and squats

It's a country I've been interested in for awhile, I used to dance a lot and loved the crazy ass dances they're able to do. After that I realized that if worse comes to worse knowing another language like Russian isn't a bad idea (ideally something like Chinese would be better but I can't be bothered with that shit.)

Also we have a European market nearby with very friendly russians so i've had good memories with russians. (Also a russian qt would be nice)

Not him but for learning Russian, get the New Penguin Russian Course by Nicholas Brown, watch the show "Kuxnya" ("Kitchen," can't type in Russian on mobile) and listen to any of the million or so Russian vloggers. Listening comprehension is the hardest part and it pays to start learning to identify the sounds early, especially "v" which is a word by itself.

Thanks I'll check it out!

Please point out what you mean by "reddit snark", because your words are lost on me.


Reasonable arguments for doing it, go for it my dude.

So I actually just looked and I already bought it at a book store a couple months ago, glad to see it was money well spent!

Ok then.

I want to read more. What books will have the greatest tangible affect on my life? Maybe something about finance or starting your own businesses. I want to have some sort of income while going through school that isn’t just bagging groceries at the store.


Check on the recommended

How To Talk To Anyone

Not business obviously, but for me it laid out the subtleties of conversations perfectly and allowed me to insanely improve my way of speech from the simple techniques shown. PDF is easily findable online to boot

Planning to finally bench my own bodyweight for 3x5 before the end of the year, and then I'm going to begin a cut down from skinnyfat until I'm happy I'm not holding fat in my chest and belly

>go on an international trip alone
>learn Russian
>get to 1/2/3/4
>start uni
>improve my social skills

>learn Russian

t. Russian

Good luck user
Regarding the gf ...
There are still many good ones around
Just don't rush things
Look in christian Community or church for wife material
Don't worry you'll make it for sure

He's currently over 200 and wants to cut to 160 in 2018

There sure are some great asses out there in the world, but please stop posting them here, some of us are trying to abstain from porn.

Exactly my plan...
Minus the sex life problems though

Stick to it and you'll make it

Yeah me too
Family of my wife is Russian so it would be a bit easier
Heard good things about duolingo
Is it really that good?

I tried duolingo, it was.....alright, about as good as what I saw of rosetta stone (which admittedly was small) pretty good for training on the side, but you won't learn everything from it desu

Self Improvement is a meme.

Don't worry about German
It's pretty easy if you get into it
I'm German so I can't tell exactly how hard it will be for you, but I helped many foreign friends to learn the language
And it is just like learning any other language
Except you have to learn much more grammar and you'll have to get used to the hard pronunciation

You're right
But chinese is probably one of the easiest languages one can learn
The only hard thing to get are the Chinese ideographs

Close, but he's some unmentioned weight, wants to get to 160, then clean bulk to 200 by the end of next year.

Four years and she still pops up in mine every couple of months. When someone is a big part of your life, it leaves an impact. I can tell you, though, it will stop hurting eventually. You'll be okay, man.

Yeah maybe you're right
Sorry foreign user here

This, I gave advice to a oneitis victim a couple threads back and it triggered my oneitis for a day. but it went faster than before so it wasn't as bad.

Yeah sure
I'll try to mix it together with russian course

> helped many foreign friends


Let's see

>29 year old Army vet
>19 hours left to graduate school
>GI bill only covered three years, paying out of pocket
>picked up second job, ready to bank
>got a claim in with the VA for vocational rehab to pay for the rest of my school, but the government is huge and slow so I'm just paying my own way for now
>car died, need another. Taking the bus for now.
>lifts are stabilizing after the drop they experienced during summer cut
>got gf of 4.5 years, she's hitnbutnstill desperately want to pound all the thirty colege girls that approach me
>still haven't cheated with any
>looking at grad schools, found some promising candidates
>drinking a bit less, at least not daily
>want to go shooting more and keep my skills up
>need to fix pc, only need power supply I think

How shitty am I doing bros? I feel great at times and like a fucking piece of shit at others, I don't have crushing debt but I still hate feeling like I'm below all these 22 year olds whose parents pay for their cars and tuition...

I'm not really friend with those kinda "people"
But yeah one or two...

As long as you're laying the groundwork for a solid future your debt won't be a problem! That being said the stress is still very real.

As for the gf don't cheat (i know you know but just saying) it's a lot more drama than the pussy is worth.

Abstract thinking isn't your strongest side, brainlet.

you seem like a weird guy

what did tyler mean in fight club when he said "self improvement is masturbation"?


>move out from my parents place
>go back to college
>get to a healthy weight
>20% or lower body fat (currently at 34%)
>get a GF or at least lose my virginity
>pass JLPT
>break my nofap record of 4 weeks

2017 was a major fuckup for me, I want to get back to living my life properly in 2018.

How did one girl get her face and butt in the picture like that?